05.04.2021 BPB Minutes Beverly Planning Board May 4, 2021 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 2 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: Beverly Planning Board DATE: May 4, 2021 LOCATION: Remotely held meeting through Google Hangouts Meet MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Ellen Hutchinson, Vice-Chair Alexander Craft, Sarah Bartley, Derek Beckwith, Ellen Flannery, Wayne Miller, Rodney Sinclair, Brendan Sweeney, Andrea Toulouse MEMBERS ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT: Assistant Planning Director Emily Hutchings RECORDER: Sarah Scott-Nelson Call to Order Hutchinson calls the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. and reads a prepared statement introducing the meeting, the authority to hold a remote meeting,public access and public participation, and meeting ground rules. Hutchinson takes roll call attendance. Supporting materials that have been provided to members of this body are available from the Planning Department. The public is encouraged to follow along using the posted agenda. Subdivision Approval Not Required Plans 15 & 17 Sylvan Street— Stanley & Robin Treantos Atty. George Atkins representing the applicant explains the request for a boundary line change. Hutchinson notes that the property starts out as a non-conforming lot and becomes less non- conforming, vital access is achieved on Sylvan Street, and that the plan ensures that both lots will meet minimum frontage requirements. Miller: In the matter brought by Stanley & Robin Treantos regarding 15 & 17 Sylvan Street, to endorse the Subdivision Approval Not Required Plan, finding that the application is in compliance with Massachusetts General Law chapter 41, 81L, each lot having frontage on a public way, each lot meeting minimum frontage requirements, and each lot having vital access via direct access from a public way. Seconded by Sinclair. Hutchinson takes a roll call vote. The motion carries 9-0. 17 Nelson Avenue & 17 Gary Avenue—Thomas M. Dacey Mr. Thomas Dacey explains the plan and states that 233 square feet of land is being reallocated. Hutchinson states that both properties meeting the required square footage, the site has vital access, and meets minimum frontage requirements. Beverly Planning Board May 4, 2021 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 Flannery: Seeing that all three standards for a Subdivision Approval Not Required Plan have been met, that the Board move to endorse the Subdivision Approval Not Required Plan for 17 Nelson Avenue & 17 Gary Avenue. Seconded by Miller. Hutchinson takes a roll call vote. The motion carries 9-0. Request to Nullify Decision: Endorsement of a Definitive Subdivision Plan 133 & 143 Brimbal Avenue—Alexander & Femino Hutchinson notes that the Board has requested input from the City Solicitor on how to proceed and recommends tabling the item until the May 25, 2021 meeting. Flannery: Moves to continue the subject until the May 25, 2021 meeting. Seconded by Beckwith. Hutchinson takes a roll call vote. The motion carries 9-0. Set Public Hearings: Special Permit 9180-21 and Site Plan Review 9151-21 — 143 Brimbal Avenue, construction of 3- sto1y addition, with related site improvements, with the change in use from social club/meeting hall to retail establishment and warehouse and fabrication headquarters for a rugs and carpeting business— 143 Brimbal Avenue LLC, c/o Glovsky & Glovsk Hutchinson notes that the applicant has requested that the item be tabled until the May 25, 2021 meeting. Beckwith: Moves to continue the subject of setting a public hearing until the May 25, 2021 meeting. Seconded by Flannery. Hutchinson takes a roll call vote. The motion carries 9-0. Adi ournment Miller: Moves to adjourn at 7:25 p.m. Seconded by Flannery. Hutchinson takes a roll call vote. The motion carries 9-0. The next regular meeting of the Planning Board will take place on Tuesday, May 25, 2021 held remotely via Google Meet.