1999-04-21PLANNING AND CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 21,1999 AMENDED A Meeting of the Planning & Construction Committee was held on Wednesday, April 21, 1999 at 7 pm at the Briscoe Middle School, Colon Street, Beverly, MA. Present were: Chairman, Raymond Bouchard, Maureen Hobin, Cheryl Sydorko, Timothy Brennan and Debbie Comeau. Also present were Judith Mulligan, William Lupini, Peter Searoans, Ron Bouchard, Tina Cassidy, Earl Flansburgh, Jeanne Kuespert, Sam Bird, John Lindberg of Gale Associates and Mayor William Seanlon. The Meeting was called to order at 7:07 PM by the Chairman. The Commission is in receipt of a copy of a DraR RFP for Architectural Services for a new public safety facility. Because 3 members of the Commission were absent, the Commission asked Tina Cassidy's indulgence and wait for a decision to be made at a time when all members are present. At this time, the Commission recessed to take a tour of Briscoe Middle School in order to view the proposed rennovations. The Meeting reconvened at 7:45 PM. The Commission is in receipt of Revision No. 2 to the Proposed Amendment for Design of work to ha done at Briscoe. The Commission asks for Revision No. 3 - reassessment ofredesign of bathrooms. This revision will save approximately $80,000.00. The paint job will include one coat of paint of basically one color. Two coats of paint will be used where necessary. Estimate of final bid from Gale Associates is $383,000.00 plus 10% Conuactor Fee for a total cost of $422,000.00. The cost of services from evaluation to the construction stage is approximately $96,000.00. It will cost approximately $200,000.00 to fix the stack and demolish the bus garage. Revision No. 3 will also include sprucing up one bathroom on the first floor, fixing the halcony in the auditorium and fixing the enUyway to the school. Gale Associates will revise and resubmit the proposal. The exterior work is out to bid and due by April 30th. The Commission is agreement that Gale Associates should move forward with the project. The bulk of the work is to be done over the summer. The Mayor has put in a bend order for $800,000.00 for this project. Mr. Seamam reported on McKeown. He stated that there has not been much progress on the punchlist. The Mayor stated that they are working on it at City Hall. Sites on floor levels are being done tomorrow to make sure that there is no more settling of the floor. Mr. Flansburg stated that the cabinet doors were do today. Ms. Kuespert updated on the Ayers School. The windows are in and the curtin walls are going in. The farish grade of landscape is completed and the perimeter fence will be installed tomorrow with planrings to follow. The Contractor is working diligently to accommodate the time flame set forth by the School Department. If the School is not completed by June 30th, they will have certain areas finished to accommodate. Classroom in existing building will be completed for us. This will be put in writing by the Contractor. Ms. Kuaspert stated that there are some outstanding items to be decided. 1. The lighting cost for the classrooms is too high. They have decided to install new tubes in the fixtures and change the glass with eggcrated grates to see if this adds more light. Flausburgh feels this will be an adequate enough change. The issue is put on hold until then. 2. The fence is being installed as requested by the Commission. The Landscape Architect will indicate where the fence is to be installed. The plantings have been modified to add thorny bushes at the base of the fence to keep the kids away from the rocks. 3. There have been many meetings with Frank Killilea regarding the flow/pressure. Sam is in possession of a cost estimate. A decision was reached to loop the system within the corridor Minutes 4/21/99 Page Two of the new building. This seems to be the least expensive solution. The cost will be approximately $7,679.00. With the internal redesign, this should bring adequate water to the site. The Commission is in receipt ofletters regarding this issue. 4. Computer lab outlets - There is only enough capacity for 23 students, I teacher and 2 printers. The School needs a capacity for 25 students, I teacher and 2 printers. A three-prong data drop needs to be added to the northeast end of the lab. A proposal has gone out to add this item but no cost estimate has been received to date. 5. The Conunission is in receipt of a sketch of the kindergarten playground revision. There is no extra fee for this item. 6. There is a $50,000.00 Technology Budget. According to CCR/Pymmid, this will only buy you 24 computers and a file server. It is suggested that the School Department buy off the State Bid List and to order by May. This would be most cost effective. Mr. Breunan suggested that the School Department buy computers as they order other items. Ms. Sydurko made a Motion to allow the School Depamnent to use the Technology Budget to order computers. This Motion was seconded by Ms. Hobin and carried unanimously. Ms. Kuespert updated the Commission on the Hannah/Cove School Projects. There are 67 bidders as of today. Four of the Bidders are General Contractors and include Granger, Costello and Costagna. $12.2 Million was the total estimate put into the register for the two schools. Tomorrow is the pre-bid conference, 3 PM at Cove School. At 3:30 PM they move to Hannah School. The First Addendum is at the printers and will be going out Friday ovemite for the Conlractor's to have Monday. Second Addendure will be going out next week. The Bid Date is set for the 19th. The following are outstanding issues discussed on the projects: 1. Independent S~'uctural Review Proposals were awarded to the low bidders for each school. Their estimates are due in a couple of days. 2. Emergency Generators - After several with meetings with Mr. Killilea and Mr. Brennan, it was decided to leave the drawings as is. At Hannah, the generator will be used as standby only for lights. All actual emergency lights will be on battery packs. The situation is similar at Cove. The drawings reflect this decision. 3. Alternates - Hannah does not have through-wall flashing or weepholes. If the bid comes in low, may choose to remove bad bricks and replace them. 4. Furnishings & Equipment - Ms. Kuespert proposes to the Commission to hire OSI to design and order for both schools. They are f'mishing up work on McKeown and Ayers. Ms. Mulligan and Mr. Lupini are satisfied with their work. The Commission asked Ms. Koespert to submit a proposal to extend their services in advance of the May meeting. 5. Clerk of Works - Rod at Ayers has opted to make this school his last project. He wants to be out no later than labor day. Flansburgh has advertised the position to see who is interested. The Commission has asked Flansburgh to continue searching for a new Clerk. 6. Consmiction Quality Control Test - This is an item that Flansburgh needs to advertise. In the past, UTS has been used. They hope to have some information to as by the May meeting. Mr. Seamans stated that UTS services have improved at Ayers over McKeown. 7. Roof at Cove - After a conference call, it was decided to keep the roof as is in the drawings. It is at the minimum as required by Code. 8. Cove Gym Exterior Wall - Flansburgh was asked for an alternative. They have decided to brick up the wall and take out the window. The other schools do not have windows in the Gym. This change is reflected in the drawings that have gone out to bidders. Minutes 4/21/99 Page Three Mr. Flansburgh announced that this would be Ms. Kuespert's last meeting. She has taken a job with another architectural fn'm. Mr. Sam Bird will be taking her place. Mr. Bouchard informed the Commission that bids have gone out for the interior window project at Briscoe. There is only one bidder. Painting and plastering will be included in this project. Ms. Sydorko made a Motion to table approval of previous meeting minutes until other members of the Commission could be present. This Motion was seconded by Ms. Hobin and carried unanimously. The following items were presented for approval: 1. After much negotiating, the City agreed to pay Flansburgh $18,888.51 for invoices which dealt with the "Sunken Slab Issues" at McKeown. 2. The City has agreed to pay Flansburgh $42,451.91, a portion of Inv. 18946 owed on McKeown School. 3. Startupc~stst~F~ansburghf~rbringingthespecs~nHannah/C~veSch~~~Pr~jectsup~t~-datet~ta~~ing $142,000 ($g4,000/Cove, $S8,000/Hannah). Ms. Hobin made a MotiOn ratifying these three items as presented which was seconded by Mr. Brerman. The Motion was carried unanimously. The following invoices were presented for approval: 1. Baker & Taylor 2. Baker & Taylor 3. USN Comm 4. Gale Associates 5. Tappe Associates 6. Gale Associates 7. Gale Associates 8. Gale Associates 9. Flansburgh & Associates 10. Flansburgh & Associates 11. Flansburgh & Associates 12. Flansburgh & Associates 13. Flansburgh & Associates 14. Flansburgh & Associates 15. Flansburgh & Associates 16. Flansburgh & Associates 17. Flansburgh & Associates 18. Flansburgh & Associates 19. Yee Consulting Group Inv.5001753415 $ 660_86 Inv. 5001769440 242.58 Inv. June, 199g 110.44 Inv.2/l 5/99 27,850.50 Inv.3026 79.35 Inv.0902263 11,900.00 Inv.0903212 8,950.00 Inv.0903214 4,860.00 Inv.09602.00-0019656 720.00 Inv.09604.00o0019657 1,350.60 Inv.09604.0g-001965g 297.50 Inv.09605.00-0019659 540.00 Inv.09605.03-0019665 2,831.88 lnv.09605.04-0019666 780.00 Inv.09602.00-0019715 14,476.46 Inv.09604.00-0019716 6,750.53 Inv.09604.02-0019717 6,250.05 Inv.09605.00-0019718 8,394.00 Inv.8305H 4,500.00 Minutes 4/21/99 Page Four 20. Gale Associates * * * Contmct Amendment No. 13 21. Gale Associates 22. Baker & Taylor Inv.0904265 7,160.00 Inv.0904267 1,215.00 Inv.5001656963 164.92 Ms. Hobinmacle a Motion to approvetheinvoicesaspresentedwhichwasseconded by Ms. Sydorko. The Motion wasapprovedunanhnously. Ms. Hobinmade a Motion to adjourn themeeting at 9:05 PM. The Motionwasseconded by Ms. Sydorko and carriedunanimously. Respectfully submi~ed, Secretary