Board of Assessors - Minutes April 1, 2021 CITY 'of BEVERLY
191 Cabot Street
Beverly, -Missachttsetts 01915
— Phone (.978) 921-6000
Fax (978) 921-6196
Peter M. Caron, A14A
Francis J. Golden, JWAA.
Robert N. Alarshall
MINUTES (This meeting held virtually)
DATE: April 1, 2021
Peter M. Caron, Chairman Present: Absent: X
Francis J. Golden, Assessor Present: X Absent:
Robert N. Marshall, Assessor Present: Absent: X
Teresa A. DeBlasie, Assessor Present: X Absent:
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING FOR: February 25, 2021—Accepted
CORRESPONDENCE: 30 day temporary appointment of Teresa DeBlasie to the Board of Assessors. Please see
appointment letter attached.
Voted to abate the following for Fiscal Year 2021:
$2,371.83 on property located at 8 Bow St—Map 11 Lot 188
$2,493.01 on property located at 28 Lothrop St - Map 5 Lot 388
$1,150.62 on property located at 41 Garfield Ave- Map 8 Lot 323
$1,155.70 on property located at 45 Garfield Ave- Map 8 Lot 325
$1,153.16 on property located at 43 Garfield Ave- Map 8 Lot 324
$1,149.35 on property located at 39 Garfield Ave— Map 8 Lot 322
$452.12 on property located at 0 Garfield Ave—Map 8 Lot 49B
$600.71 on property located at 46 Hayes Ave- Map 8 Lot 121A
$2,015.49 on property located at 37 Garfield Ave—Map 8 Lot 98
3 1 191 Cabot Street
Beverly, lblassachiisetts 01915
-- Phone (978) 921-6000
Fax (978) 921-6196
Voted to deny the following for Fiscal Year 2021:
Property located at 131— 135 Cabot St—Map 5 Lot 247, 240—242 Elliott St— Map 19 Lot 104, 265 Essex St—
Map 44 Lot 46, 40 Enon St—Map 92 Lot 5, 43—45 Enon St—Map 92 Lot 57, 0 Garfield Ave—Map 8 Lot 49A,
0 Kennedy Dr—Map 17 Lot 152, 3 Dodge St—Map 54 Lot 66, 9 Shortmeadow— Map 54 Lot 52,
6 Shortmeadow—Map 54 Lot 15 and Personal Property located at 42 Park St—PP 115626.
Settled Fiscal Year 2018 Appellate Tax Board case for property located at 199 Essex St—Map 32 Lot 12—
Abated $2,487.12
Respectfully Submitted and Approved:
tl 191 Cabot So
Bei, rly, Massachusetts 019.15
Phone (978) 92 f-6000 NZI MAR 31 A o: 31'
T(ix (978) 922-0285
Michael P. Cahill
Chief of Staff
&ephrmie Bilotti
Execut%ire Secre ary
Martha A. Lxwis
March 30, 2021
Ms. Lisa Kent
Beverly City Clerk
191 Cabot Street
Beverly,MA 01915
Dear Ms.Kent:
A temporary vacancy exists on the Board of Assessors due to unforeseen circumstances. Section
3-5 of the City Charter, provides:
Whenever a vacancy, either temporary or permanent, occurs in a City office
and the needs of the City require that such office be filled, the Mayor may
designate the head of another City agency or a City officer or City employee,
or some other person to perform.the duties of the office on a temporary basis
until such time as the position can be filled as otherwise provided by law,by
the Charter or by ordinance.
The Charter provides that such temporary appointment shall be made by the Mayor submitting a
certification to the City Clerk. As such, in accordance with Section 3-5 of the City Charter, I
hereby designate Theresa DeBlasie to perform the duties of a member of the Board of Assessors
on a temporary basis until. such time as Peter Caron.shall return. I certify that Ms. DeBlasie is
qualified to perform the duties which will be required and that I make this designation solely in
the interests of the City of Beverly.
In accordance with the Charter,Ms. DeBlasie shall have only those powers of the office
indispensably essential to the performance of the duties of the office during the period of such
temporary.appointment and no others. This temporary appointment shall be for 30 days, and any
extension must be made by a renewal of the temporary appointment.
Sincerely yours,
f ✓ 3 � .
Michael P. Cahill