03.30.2021 BPD Minutes Beverly Planning Board
March 30, 2021
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BOARD OR COMMISSION: Beverly Planning Board
DATE: March 30, 2021
LOCATION: Remotely held meeting through Google Hangouts Meet
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Ellen Hutchinson, Vice-Chair Alexander
Craft, Sarah Bartley, Derek Beckwith, Ellen Flannery,
Wayne Miller, Brendan Sweeney, Andrea Toulouse
MEMBERS ABSENT: Rodney Sinclair
OTHERS PRESENT: Assistant Planning Director Emily Hutchings
RECORDER: Sarah Scott-Nelson
Call to Order
Hutchinson calls the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and reads a prepared statement introducing the
meeting, the authority to hold a remote meeting,public access and public participation, and
meeting ground rules. Hutchinson takes roll call attendance.
Supporting materials that have been provided to members of this body are available from the
Planning Department. The public is encouraged to follow along using the posted agenda.
1. Subdivision Approval Not Required Plans
a. 38 Standlev Street—Waring School Inc. (to be heard with Item 2)
2. OSRD Waiver Request—38 Standlev Street—Warin2 School Inc. (cont.)
Bob Griffin, representing the applicant, briefly reviews the application and summarizes the deed
restriction that has been newly submitted. Beckwith asks if the City Solicitor or the Planning
Department have reviewed this deed restriction. Hutchings notes that the deed restriction has
been reviewed by the Planning Department but not the City Solicitor's office,being fairly
standard language and noting that the edits proposed in the staff report are the same as the edits
proposed for another previously approved OSRD waiver.
Hutchinson asks about the proposed access easements and why the access easement for Lot 3 is
so large. Griffin clarifies that the City measures frontage on two lines, including setbacks,which
necessitate this size.
Hutchinson asks for more details about the land on the southwest side of the site. Griffin clarifies
that it is a wetland with a stream close to the property line, so people will not be walking on this
part of the property. Hutchinson asks why the land, if it will remain open space with no
expectation of further subdivision or ability to build on the site, would not be deeded to the City
for perpetual protection and public enjoyment. Griffin notes that the wetlands area will never be
built upon, and there is no need to deed the area to the City. Miller recommends that the Planning
Board hold a site visit and request the Open Space and Recreation Committee also review the
property and provide feedback on an appropriate course of action.
Beverly Planning Board
March 30, 2021
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The Board asks if the Conservation Commission has provided feedback on the site. Griffin notes
that the Board had previously discussed that the housing construction will need to appear before
the Conservation Commission for approval, but the plans hold to the wetland regulations, and
Griffin expects that they will receive approval. Hutchinson asks if the plan for Lot 1 is to tear
down the current house and build a new one. Griffin replies that the Waring School has not yet
made any long-term decisions for this lot.
Hutchinson asks that the Open Space and Recreation Committee be requested to review the
project as well and plans to schedule a site visit for the board.
Flannery: Moves that the Planning Board continue this item to the April 21, 2021 meeting.
Seconded by Beckwith. Hutchinson takes a roll call vote. The motion carries 8-0.
3. Public Hearing: Solar Installations on Municipal Property
a. Special Permit#176-21 & Site Plan Review# 147-21 —4 McPherson Drive, proposed solar
canopy over existing parking lot-Kearsarge Beverly,LLC c/o Dan Voss
b. Special Permit#177-21 & Site Plan Review# 148-21 — 10 & 11 Pond Street,proposed
solar canopy over existing parking lot—Kearsarge Beverly,LLC c/o Dan Voss
c. Site Plan Review #149-21 — 502 Cabot Street, proposed solar canopy over existing
parking lot—Kearsarge Beverly, LLC c/o Dan Voss
d. Special Permit#178-21 & Site Plan Review #150-21 — 100 Sohier Road,proposed solar
canopy over existing parking lot—Kearsarge Beverly,LLC c/o Dan Voss
Flannery: Moves to recess and move into public hearing. Seconded by Miller. Hutchinson
takes a roll call vote. The motion carries 8-0.
Hutchings reads the public notice. Hutchinson notes that the applicant has requested to continue
the hearing.
Miller: Moves that the Planning Board continue this item to the April 21, 2021 meeting.
Seconded by Beckwith. Hutchinson takes a roll call vote. The motion carries 8-0.
Flannery: Moves to return to the regular meeting. Seconded by Craft. Hutchinson takes a
roll call vote. The motion carries 8-0.
4. Public Hearing: Waiver of Frontage and Definitive Plan— 9 Gary Avenue—Ann L.
Trask & Nancy Saliewicz
Flannery: Moves to return to public hearing. Seconded by Miller. Hutchinson takes a roll
call vote. The motion carries 8-0.
Beverly Planning Board
March 30, 2021
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Hutchings reads the public notice. Atty. Tom Alexander, representing the applicant, explains the
proposal for a transfer of land away from this property, to allow the neighbors' home entrance to
be located on their own property. Alexander clarifies that the decrease of four feet in frontage
does not affect property access (and improves access to 11 Gary Avenue) and slightly increase
the nonconformity of the lot, further reducing frontage.
Hutchinson asks if any members of the public are present to speak for or against the project.
Hearing none:
Beckwith: Moves to close the public hearing. Seconded by Craft. Hutchinson takes a roll call
vote. The motion carries 8-0.
Craft: Moves that the Board approve the Waiver of the Frontage noting the finding made
by the Zoning Board of Appeals, that the reduction in frontage is not substantially
more detrimental to the neighborhood, for the proposed plan presented here on
this date for 9 Gary Avenue—Ann L. Trask&Nancy Saliewicz. Seconded by
Flannery. Hutchinson takes a roll call vote. The motion carries 8-0.
Flannery: Moves to endorse the plan at 9 Gary Avenue as a definitive subdivision plan as
presented by Atty. Alexander with the finding that approval of the plan is in the
public interest and is consistent with the intent and purpose of the subdivision
control law. Seconded by Miller. Hutchinson takes a roll call vote. The motion
carries 8-0.
5.Approval of Minutes: March 9,2021
Flannery: Moves to accept the Beverly Planning Board meeting for the March 9, 2021
minutes as amended. Seconded by Craft. Hutchinson takes a roll call vote. The
motion carries 8-0.
6. Other /New business
a. Amend 2021 meeting schedule: April and November meeting dates
Hutchings notes that the April meeting is being moved from April 20 to April 21, 2021 due to a
City Council meeting and the November 2 meeting is being moved to November 9, 2021, due to
Election Day.
Beckwith: Moves to approve the proposed meeting schedule. Seconded by Craft.
Hutchinson takes a roll call vote. The motion carries 8-0.
Flannery: Moves to adjourn the meeting at 8:13 p.m. Seconded by Miller. Hutchinson takes
a roll call vote. The motion carries 8-0.
Beverly Planning Board
March 30, 2021
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The next regular meeting of the Beverly Planning Board is Wednesday, April 21, 2021 held
virtually on the Google Meet platform.