BAC Minutes January 20 2021 Special Meeting BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING JANUARY 20,2021 LOCATION. Virtual Meeting PRESENT.- Commissioners Scott Dullea, Peter Gentile,Aaron Henry,Jeffry Schlichte,Paul Trefry, Matthew Mozur and Peter Gentile OTHERS PRESENT.- Gloria Bouillon, Robert Mallaird and Robert Shuster ABSENT Paul Brean PUBLIC: Hilary Fletcher and Jim Miklas RECORDER: Christine Martin Barraford A. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Dullea called the virtual meeting to order at 6:01PM and initiated roll call.Present were: Chair Dullea- Y,Trefry-Y,Henry-Y, Schlichte-Y,Gentile-Y and Mozur-Y. Chair Dullea noted that the meeting is being audio and video recorded and read the following disclaimer: Pursuant to Governor Baker's March 12, 2020 Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, §18,and the Governor's March 15, 2020 Order imposing strict limitation on the number of people that may gather in one place, this meeting of the Beverly Airport Commission will be conducted via remote participation to the greatest extent possible. Specific information and general guidelines for remote participation by members of the public and/or parties with a right and/or requirement to attend this meeting can be found on the City of Beverly's website, at http://www.beverlyma.gov/events/category/city-meetings/#. No in-person attendance of members of the public will be permitted,but every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings in real time, via technological means: For this meeting, members of the public who wish to watch and listen to the meeting may do so in the following manner; Google Meet Information:https://mect.google.com/bqs-ydfa-jcp or via phone at 1-601-869-6064,PIN 943 932 335#. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. D. AIRPORT MASTER PLAN Airport Master Plan -Introduction Bouillon noted that the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) had met earlier in the day, and she thanked all stakeholders for their feedback including the communities of Beverly,Danvers and Wenham. This is a special presentation to the Commission of the Airport Master Plan, a twenty-year plan that will meet the values of the airport for the long term. She introduced project planners Hilary Fletcher and Jim Miklas of Jviation Inc. Presentation—Airport Master Plan Ms.Fletcher presented the Airport Mater Plan(see attached PowerPoint presentation also available on the website.) She noted that this presentation covering the preferred alternatives and project schedule of the plan 1 will also be made separately(see schedule below)to the neighboring communities of Beverly,Danvers and Wenham. Postcards had been sent to residences and businesses with references to information links on the website.A press release was being issued tomorrow. She had also reached out to the Planning Directors of each community.Final approval of the plan will be determined by the FAA and MassDOT and funding allocated. Mr. Miklas noted that there has been significant activity at the airport over the last several years, especially in the area of change of fleet to business general aviation activities, reflective of its status as the North Shore's preeminent general aviation airport. The airport has become a valuable resource not only for the North Shore, but for the Commonwealth and overall New England. Operations are at 103%of their pre-COVID activity. Mr. Miklas reviewed the environmental concerns in and around the airport including land use concerns in wetlands, proximity of residences and businesses, existing roadway network, air quality, surface and groundwater,noise,light emissions etc.He allowed that public engagement will be determined by the perceived economic and environment impact of the airport.Ms.Bouillon noted that the City of Beverly is also undergoing its own master plan and a collaborative effort is being made to ensure town-wide sustainability,which is looked at favorably by agencies providing grants. Aviation Forecast The average annual growth rate was determined to be moderate at 1.12% with COVID implications minimal. Airports are designed to meet the needs and requirements of the aircraft that operate at them. The critical deign aircraft is defined as having 500 or more total operations(takeoffs and landings)that regularly operate at them. Even though there is a growing number of C-II aircraft using the airport,the FAA has held the B-II designation as the current airport reference code represented by the Cessna Citation Latitude. Design standards for this category maintain a runway width of 75 feet. Infrastructure changes,however,would allow for future growth. Airfield Facilities Requirements Mr. Miklas provided an overview of the airport's physical facilities including current airside and landside facilities, airfield hotspots and airspace structures. Mr. Miklas reviewed the condition of the runways and taxiways, including the pavement strength of runways 16-34 and 9-27. Opportunities to increase the runway departure length on Runway 16/34 need to be pursued as well as strengthening the taxiway layout efficiency to support Runway 16-34. He also reviewed the FAA's requirement to enhance aircraft safety factors to promote effectiveness and benefits of newer general aviation aircraft. Mr. Miklas noted that due to increased demand for FAA funding, the agency is becoming more pragmatic in focusing its efforts on applying more restrictions to primary runways. The preferred alternative action was to maintain Runway 16-34 as a B-II runway • Pave existing runway safety access(300 feet each end),enhancing operational safety margins; • Operational benefits only for departing aircraft; landing lengths remain the same. • Maintain existing runway width of 100 feet. The preferred alternative action was to maintain Runway 9-27 as a B-II runway • Maintain existing length of 4,755 feet. • Reduce runway width to 75 feet in conformance with FAA minimum width requirements. Discussion ensued amongst the Commissioners on the benefits of above plan in that aircraft will be able to operate more efficiently and effectively. The reconfiguration of runway 9-27 would greatly reduce noise impact. While business aircraft have been becoming progressively quieter, most of the noise concerns are related to flight training activities (touch-and-go's). For the airport to remain 2 sustainable and to assist in local economic development,it should encourage the development of larger hangars and a longer runway to support business aviation. It was noted that larger hangars have proven to be effective noise barriers for neighborhood that abut airports. Non-aeronautical development opportunities being pursued off-field including revenue generating hangar development. Bring taxiways into operational safety conformance. Next Steps The virtual community meetings are scheduled from 6:00-8:OOPM on January 21-Beverly;January 26-Danvers; and Wenham-January 27t1i. The Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) has been asked to submit comments by February 26, 2021. Once the FAA approves the Facility Requirements and Alternatives Plan (available on the website),the Implementation Plan and Airport Layout Plan including noise contours will be developed.Bouillon will work with the legal department to incorporate the master plan into the CIP. E. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion duly made by Trefry and seconded by Schlichte,it was unanimously voted to adjourn.Mozur-Y, Dullea-Y, Gentile-Y,Henry-Y, Schlichte-Y and Trefry-Y Motion passed 6-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15. 3