2003-04-24 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Board of Health Subcommittee: Date: April 24, 2003 Place: Beverly Council on Aging, Arts & Crafts Room Board members present: Frank Carbone Jr., MD, Joseph W. Walsh Jr., and William J. Alpine Jr., Esq. Board members absent: Others present: William Burke, Director of Public Health, Thomas Scully, Director of Community Services and Kitty Hunt, Coastal North Shore Tobacco Control Program Recorder: Judith Balboni. Chairman Carbone called the meeting to order at 7:35 a.m. The Board accepted the minutes of March 20, 2003 as mailed. The first order of new business was Tuck Point Condominium Trust who requested renewal of waiver of lifeguard requirement. Ms. Rhonda Ziner representative from EP Management informed the Board that Tuck Point is an adult complex, pool attendants will be hired and water testing will be done daily and logged by pool attendants. The Board asked if there were any problems last year. Mr. Burke had no complaints from the previous year. The Board will take under advisement. Next on the agenda, Attorney Seth Emmer representing Gateway Condominiums, Rantoul Street, requests waiver of lifeguard requirement. Several lapses in log entries were noted last season and resulted in a correspondence from the department in August. He assured Board members that testing will be done and daily log kept. As of May 1, 2003, EP Management will be representing Gateway. The Board will take under advisement. After further discussion, Chairman Carbone requests that copies of Certified Pool Operators licenses be provided to Health Department for file. A motion was made by Mr. Walsh that a conditional waiver be issued for Gateway Condominium for 6 weeks with a follow-up inspection after 4 weeks by Mr. Reale. Seconded by Mr. Alpine. Motion accepted. A motion was made by Mr. Walsh for a waiver to be granted to Tuck Point. Seconded by Mr. Alpine. Motion accepted. The Board reviewed and discussed the Youth Access Regulation that was drafted and worked on over the last two meetings. Mr. Alpine motioned to accept draft and become effective August 1, 2003. Motion seconded by Mr. Walsh, all in favor. Approved. Mr. Burke will ask the group of attorneys working for the Massachusetts Tobacco Control Program to review and comment. Regulation will be printed in newspaper and filed in Department of Environmental Protection. Mr. Burke updated the Board on several issues. First, the Community Wellness Day was a great success despite the weather. About 400 attended. About twenty door prizes were awarded. Mr. Burke thanked all staff for their cooperation and help. Also, many thanks to the Rotary Club, Kiwanis Club, Beverly National Bank, Heritage Bank, Beverly Cooperative Bank, Sovereign Bank, Danvers Savings Bank, Beverly Hospital and Jack Good from Beverly Hospital for all their support. Special thanks goes to our Public Health Nurse, Pat Zingariello who put many long hours and lots of hard work and enthusiasm into making this a success. Mr. Walsh, who had 20 years experience with Health Department Fairs of the past, showed great appreciation for Pat’s efforts and successful affair. Mr. Burke received correspondence from Pat Scanlon, Scanlon Associates. Mr. Scanlon works with Wheelabrator and Resco regarding the Mercury Exchange Program and he has asked to be put on next month’s meeting agenda to discuss a regulation that would ban disposal of thermostats containing mercury in the waste stream. Mr. Scully would like to see more public education/awareness of the dangers of mercury in our everyday life. Mr. Burke will speak to Mr. Scanlon for information to distribute. Ms. Kathleen Sturm, 110 Dodge Street has sent in a request to the Board for permit to keep twelve chickens on her property. The Health Department will notify all abutters and this will be put on next month’s agenda. Mr. Burke has asked Jim Lindley, Animal Control Inspector to be present. Other updates, Mr. Burke informed the Board that all licenses for 2003 have been renewed and paid in full. The Board reviewed and concurred with the 2003 Best Management Practice Plan & Vector Management Plan from Walter Montgomery, Director of New England Mass. Mosquito Control & Wetlands Management District. Mr. Burke and Pat Zingariello met with Mary Foley, DPH-Oral Health Division, regarding feasibility of licensing Dental Clinic. Ms. Foley was informative and pledged her assistance. Mr. Burke provided the Board with a copy of interim report to Delta Dental Foundation as required by the grant. Tentative dates for upcoming monthly meeting are May 15, June 26, and July 31, 2003. Mr. Burke will confirm next week. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Judith Balboni