DECEMBER 4, 1996
A meeting of the Building and Other Facilities Planning and Construction
Committee was held on Wednesday, December 4, 1996 at the Briscoe Middle School,
School Committee room at 7:00 p.m. Present were Ray Bouchard, Thad Siemasko,
Rod Maxner, Tim Brennan, Maureen Hobin, Mike Nardella, School Business
Manager Judy Mulligan, Fire Chief Ken Pelonzi, learme Kuespert of ERF+A, Gary
Siden of Nlllson + Siden Associates, and Purchasing Director Christopher Bradley.
Ray noted that the date in the minutes for the previous meeting was incorrect and
should be changed to Wednesday, November 6, 1996. Rod made a motion to
approve the minutes of the November 6, 1996 meeting, as amended. The motion
was seconded and approved by a vote of 6-0.
Project Manager Peter Seamarts and member Cheryl Sydorko arrived immediately
after approval of the minutes.
Ray and Jearme each handed out an agenda. Jeanne spoke regarding the bid opening
for General Contractor on the new school. Mello Construction is the low bidder at
$5,683,000 in the rebid. In regard to the protest filed on the first bid, she handed out
an informational outline regarding issues leading to the rebid, i.e., construction cost,
MBE/WBE issue, geotechnical issues and clay removal/dump cap issue. The City
has been asked to~submit more information to the Attorney General's office.
Hopefully a determination will be made early next week. There was a discussion of
project costs related to information shown on the last two pages of Jeanne's
handout. Ray asked how square footage of the school building is determined. Jeanne
explained that the state uses a different method of calculation and referred him to
copies of the submittals to SGESSS in Judy's office. Ray also asked if the design
engineering fee needs to be included in the total project cost for bond authorization
purposes since borrowing for design fees has already been authorized.
Rod made a motion that the Building Committee recommends to the Mayor and
the City Council that the council authorize the maximum allowable cost of
$6,659,100 for bonding for the new elementary school project on Balch Street.
Maureen seconded the motion and it was so voted 7-0.
Jeanne brought up the issue of grading into Cummings property at the site of the
new school. That issue should be finalized when the bid is awarded.
Jeanne feels the Building Committee should move forward on hiring a Clerk of the
Works as a contract could be signed shortly. She feels this position should be tilled
two weeks prior to signing of the contract. Ray will take the issue up at next weeks
There was more discussion of the project cost. Ray asked if the Building Committee
still wanted to leave the soccer field in the project and if they wanted to look for
additional cost savings. The general consensus of the committee is to leave in the
soccer field and not look for additional cost savings at this time as the project is
already very tight.
Jeanne handed out information on different roofing systems as options for the
other five schools. The Building Committee took the information under
advisement. Jeanne also handed out a letter from ERF+A regarding scheduling of
the other five projects. ERF+A needs to know when the committee wants to go out
to bid on the next school project. Ray asked members to think about it and be
prepared to discuss it next week.
Jeanne left at 7:55 p.m.
Gary Siden of Niisson Siden Associates spoke regarding the design of roofs for the
Central and Beverly Farms fire stations. Money for the project was appropriated in
the FY 95 budget. The design phase was bid in the spring of 1995 and the architect
signed a contract in August of 1995. Specs are ready to go for both projects. Chief
Pelonzi would like the architect to be paid. The City has appropriated $80,000. The
cost estimate is $75,932 for construction plus a 14% architect's fee. Additional costs of
$1,057.50 have been incurred for measuring the buildings. Total billable to date is
$9,030.36. Ray recommends payment to the architect for services rendered and that
the City proceed with advertising for construction. Tim made a motion to pay the
architect's invoicezThe motion was seconded by Cheryl and voted 7-0.
The commitee reviewed the RFPs submitted for the secondary schools feasibility
study. Members were asked to choose 2 or 3 of the 6 submitted for the short list.
Members choices were as follows:
Mike Nardella - Mt. Vernon Group, Gale
Maureen Hobin - Mt. Vernon Group, Gale, Cecil & Rizvi
Thad Siemasko - Mt. Vernon Group, Archetype, Strekalovsky & Hoit
Cheryl Sydorko - Mt. Vernon Group, Gale, Strekalovsky & Hoit
Tim Brennan - Mt. Vernon Group, Strekalovsky & Hoit, Cecil & Rizvi
Rod Maxner - Mt. Vernon Group, Gale
Ray Bouchard - Mt. Vernon Group, Strekalovsky & Hoit
Everyone agreed that the short list would include Mt. Vernon Group, Gale and
Strekalovsky & Hoit. Ray asked Judy to post the next meeting for 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, December 12 and to set up interviews at 45 minute intervals for the three
Chris Bradley gave an update regarding the Washington Beadle School. Three RFPs
will be issued - one for demolition, one for lease, and one for sale of the building.
They should be ready next week. There will be a walk through for interested bidders
on Thurday, December 12 at 10:00 a.m.
There was a discussion about the need to add the contract with UTS for testing
during construction to the budget of the new school. Judy and Ray will work with
Peter to determine the borrowing amount necessary to cover all expenses through
Invoices were presented for payment. Rod made a motion, seconded by Maureen to
pay bills totalling $1,964.90 for the elementary schools project. So voted 7-0. Rod
made a motion, seconded by Cheryl to pay bills totalling $5,591.67 for the Briscoe
roof project. So voted 7-0.
Rod gave a report on the status of the Briscoe roof. Since the project is beyond the
scheduled completion date, Ray asked for a letter from the contractor requesting a
formal extension. Rod also discussed the leak in the roof over the high school boiler
room, particularly as it concerns a nearby electrical panel. Ray suggested calling in
City Electrician Fred Young to take a look at it.
Tim Brennan handed out the latest list of city owned buildings. Library issues will
be discussed at a later meeting.
Rod made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded and voted 7-0 to adjourn
at 9:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
~udith A. Mulli~an ~/~
Acting Secretary/Clerk