1996-04-22ELEMENTARY FACILITY BUILDING COMMISSION MINUTES A meeting of the Elementary Facilities Building Commission-was held on Monday, April 22 1996 at 12:00 noon at the Briscoe Middle School. Present were Mike Lauranzano, Nancy Levin, Judy Mulligan, Rod Maxner, Tom Scully, Jeanne Kuespert of ERF+A and Mike Radner of Geller Assoc. Jeanne Kuespert handed out an agenda and other materials (see attached). The first item was review of the latest design revisions to Ayers, Cove, Centerville, North Beverly and Hannah. There was a discussion about the necessity of emergency generators at each school. Judy asked if dual-fired burners should be considered as an option at all schools except Centerville in case of a future gas shortage and if there would be an additional cost. Underground storage tanks are not planned. They would have to be added later. Rod will talk to Doug Murray about this. ERF+A brought to the attention of the commisssion that the subdivision plan filed by Cummings is only 2 acres. Seven acres is necessary for the building lot. This needs to be addressed. The Mayor will be talking to Cummings today and this will be discussed. Geller and Assoc. has requested the building commission to sign a "Request for Determination of Applicability of the Wetlands Act" for Ayers and Cove. Mike Lauranzano moved and Nancy Levin seconded to approve doing so. Voted 2-0. On April 30 there will be a hearing before the Conservation Commission for all 6 schools. This is not on the agenda yet. On May 21 there will be a public hearing before the Conservation Commission regarding Hannah, Centerville, North Beverly and the New School. Hydrant flow tests need to be done by DPW at each site. Mechanical design of the plumbing cannot be done until the results are known. Rod, Judy and Jeanne have all called George Zambouras to request the testing. Mike Lauranzano wuill call George Z. himself. Sewer lines also need to be tested. Copies of the front end of the specs were given to Tom Scully, Judy Mulligan, Rod Maxner, Mike Lauranzano, George Zambouras and Marshall Handly for their review. Any comments or changes should be given to Mike Lauranzano. There will be a meeting of the City Council subcommittee for Finance and Property on Monday, April 29 regarding bonding for the school project. There will be a meeting of the School Committee on May 1, 1996 to discuss the order of the projects. Nancy Levin would like the order to be New School, Hannah, Ayers, Cove, Centerville and North Beverly. Regarding food service issues - Crabtree & McGrath needs to work with Michele Gordon to accomodate her desires. The next meeting of the building commission will be on Monday, April 29, 1996 at 12:00 noon at the Briscoe Middle School. Respectfully submitted, Judith A. Mulligan Secretary/Clerk