1996-02-05ELEMENTARY FACILITIES BUILDING COMMISSION MINUTES A meeting of the Elementary Facilities Building Commission was held on Monday, February 5, 1996 at 12:00 noon at the Briscoe Middle School. Present were Mike Lauranzano, Nancy Levin and John Drislane of the Building Commission; Judy Mulligan, Rod Maxner and Larry Chase of the School Dept.; Tom Scully, Chief Procurement Officer; Jeanne Kuespert, David Soleau and Earl Flansburgh of ERF & Assoc., and Kevin Jensen of Shooshanian Engineering. Earl Flansburgh handed out an agenda and spreadsheets regarding review of the budget for the project (see attached). If no additional changes are made in the scope of the project the budget will increase significantly due to the change to all day kindergarten, increase in size of the new school, expanded renovations, staff requests, and recommendation of the architect to increase the amount of non-educational space. There was much discussion about the prospective increase and options to reduce it. The Building Commission decided it would be advisable to hold a joint meeting of the City Council, School Committee and Building Commission to advise them of the potential increase in cost and to receive their input. It was tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, February 13, 1996. ERF &A plans to bring in preliminary schematic drawings at the next meeting which will be held on Monday, February 12, 1996 at 12:00 noon at the Briscoe Middle School. Mike Lauranzano nade a motion that the architect go forward with developing preliminary designs based on the 1992 study with the increased program costs as outlined in the handouts. John Drislane seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously. ERF & A distributed proposals for landscape services from Geller Associates and cost estimator services from Costpro. Mike Lauranzano made a motion to approve. It was seconded by John Drislane and voted unanimously. Proposals for additional services were distributed to Judy. She will see that they are reviewed by the appropriate city agency before the February 12 meeting. She was also asked to get proposals for asbestos and lead containment ASAP. Judy will send letters to the City Council requesting their attendance at a meeting on February 13 and will have the City Clerk post the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Judith A. Mulligan Secretary/Clerk