1996-02-26ELEMENTARY FACILITIES BUILDING COMMISSION The Elementary Facilities Building Commission m. et on Monday, February 26, 1996 at the Briscoe Middle School at 12:00 noon. Present were Michael Lauranzano, Nancy Levin, Judy Mulligan, Rod Maxner, Tom Scully, Mayor ScanIon, Superintendent Chase, School Commitee Chairperson Linda Goodenough, Fire Chief Ken Pelonzi, Capt. Bruce Palmer; Earl Flansburgh, Jack Campbell, David Soleau and Jeanne Kuespert of Earl Flansburgh & Associates, and the following citizen/parents: Amy Siemasko, Maureen Zweck, Marge Sullivan, Toni Musante and Maureen Hobin. The architects handed out an agenda and spreadsheets regarding the budget for the project. There was much discussion about the renovation items that had been cut to contain costs, such as replacement windows and new roofs. The Mayor expressed his dissatisfaction with the costs of site development at each school and asked that they be reduced. It was generally agreed to reduce the scope of the project to 115 classrooms due to the demographics and to allow more money for renovations. This would still allow for full day kindergarten and a total of 2,530 students at 22 per classroom with a maximum capacity of 2,760 at 24 per classroom. ERF & A was asked to come to the next meeting with various budget scenarios and classroom configurations using the 115 classroom model as well as figures showing the amount that would be saved if full day kind~ergarten was not implemented. Two meetings were scheduled, one on Thursday, February 29, 1996 at 2:30 p.m. and one Monday, March 4, 1996 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Secretary/Clerk