2000-06-29CITY OF BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: LOCATION: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Economic and Community Development Council June 29, 2000 Beverly City Hall Chairnmn Joyce McMahon, Vice-chairman Bill Rodenbaugh, Dick Moohey, Wayne Mastin, Don Stacey, Deb Rosser Brenda Spence City Planner Tina Cassidy Tina Cassidy Rodenbaugh calls the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. Cassidy explains that a certified project application has been filed with the City and the State by Ives Development, a tenant at Cummings Center. She explains that the ECDC is charged with reviewing the application and formulating a recommendation as to whether the application should be considered for approval by the State. She introduces two representatives of Ives Development who are present this evening to explain the application and company; Mr. Nigel Cheshire, Chief Executive Officer, and Maribeth Forbes, the company's financial controller. Cheshire briefly explains the company' s founding, and explains that the Beverly office is the company's software development headquarters. The company now employs 32 people in the Beverly office, and expects to increase that number to 38-40 employees. The company has an office in the U.K. and also in Japan. Mooney asks how many people the company employs at its other locations. Cheshire responds that they have 21 employees in the United Kingdom and three in the new office in Japan. Stacey asks if their product is a "shrink wrap" product, and Cheshire states that it is. The company also provides training and technical support to the end users of their product. Typically, the end users are software developors working for corporations. Cheshire states that the average cost per piece runs between $500 and $3,000. Rodenbaugh states that one of the main principles of the Economic Opportunity Area/certified project program is to create more employment opportunities in the Commonwealth. He asks if the company has had any difficulty filling its open positions with people from this area. Cheshire states that in general, they have not had a problem finding qualified employees, but that it has been a little more difficult to fill some of the available positions during the last six months or so. Much of that is likely related to the good economic times. Stacey asks if the company has utilized venture capital financing. Cheshire states that when the company was originally created they used less than $500,000 in venture capital financing. ECDC minutes June 29, 2000 meeting Page two Mastin asks if the company stock is privately held. Cheshire answers that it is. Rosser asks Cheshire if he knows how many of his employees use public transportation to get to and from work. Cheshire says he knows of one employee who routinely takes public transportation. McMahon asks if there are any other questions from members of the council. There are none. Rodenbaugh: motion to recommend that the certified project application of Ives Development be submitted to the State for consideration, seconded by Stacey. All members in favor, motion carries. Next, McMahon distributes copies of a letter she received from the mayor regarding AMG, the firm that has purchased the former Loeb Estate. AMG is seeking a TIF agreement for their site, and the Mayor has asked the ECDC to review the request and comment on it. She suggests that the council schedule a meeting for July to discuss the issue with representatives of AMG. Members decide to schedule the next ECDC meeting for August 3rd at 6:00 p.m. In advance of the meeting, Cassidy will send copies of the ECDC handbook to several members who have not yet received the document. The handbook includes the criteria the ECDC developed to guide the review of TIF applications some years ago. McMahon asks if there is any other business for the group to discuss. There is none. Rodenbaugh: motion to adjourn, seconded by Stacey. All members in favor, motion carries. The meeting is adjourned at 6:30 p.m.