1997-12-04 City of Beverly Economic and Community Development Council Minutes December 4, 1997 meeting Members present: Chairman Joyce McMahon, Sandra Reincoke, Dick Mooney, Bill Rodenbaugh, Peter Thomas. Also present: Frank Killilea, Tina Cassidy, Phil Hubbard, Ward 4 Councilor Virginia MeGlynn. Chnirman McMahon ash members ff they have reviewed the draft minutes of the November 6, 1997 meeting and whether there are any suggested changes. There are none. Rodenbaugh: motion to approve the minutes of the November 6, 1997 meeting as drafted, seconded by Moohey. All members in favor, motion carries. Next, McMahon updates members on the on-going discussions relative to the redesign of a portion of the Route IA project at the Gloucester Crossing intersectiota She explains that a group of citizens and business owners are concerned about the present design and arc working 'with the engineering firm hired by the City (Guertin. & Associates) to revise the madway improvements proposed for this part of the project. The engineers are in the process of preparing a fourth draft of the improvement plan which will incorporate the citizeus' input to the greatest degree it can. The consultants hope to have the "25% design" plans submitted to the Massachusetts Highway Depeu lment by Januai'y, and it is likely that Mass. Highway will suggest modifications to those plans. Ul~imately,~.Mass Highway must approve the design plans. McGlynn states that quite a few business owners from the area in question were present at the public meeting, and were able to offer suggestions for the consultants' consideration. Next, Ki!lilea updates members on the Route 1A project in North Beverly, from the Wenham line to Memorial Middle School. The conslruction contract is being advertised in January/February and will be under coustmction this spring. There are several outstanding issues to be resolved, particn!arly with respect to some of the landiskings needed for this project. New curbs and sidewalks and utilities will be installed as part of the project. Next, McMahon asks Hubbard for an update on availability of grants as requested at the November meeting relative to downtown improvements and investments. Hubbard distributes a handout to members with this information, and Thomas volunteers to discuss the subject with Chamber of Commerce leaders. ECDC-Beverly City Hal!* 191 Cabot Street-Beverly, Massachusetts 01915-508-921-6000 Minutes of the ECDC December 4, 1997 page two Members discuss the possibility of developing a marketing brochure for the City that would be used to attract new businesses to Beverly and provide information to residents/employees on the City's cultural assets, recreational facilities, etc. If the ECDC wants to pursue such an initiative, then some money will be needed to leverage other, private funds. Mooney: motion that the ECDC draft a letter to Mayor Bill Scanlon seeking a commitment of City funds (perhaps $2,000 - $3,000) to be used as "seed money" to leverage private funds from the business commuaity to develop a marketing brochure for Beverly. Motion seconded by Rodanbaugh, all members in favor. Motion carries unanimously. Next, McMahon asks for updates from other members. Reinecke states that she is an acquaintance of Anthony Silva, a business news reporter in the Boston area. She asks other members for feedback on the idea of arranging for Mr. Silva to tour the Cummings Center. Members are very supportive of the idea, so Reinecke will arrange for the tour and let both the Mayor and McMahon know of the details. Thomas, the newest member of the ECDC, offers several observations with respect to Cummings Center and its impact to date on the City. Personally, he believes there has been no significant increase in traffic on Elliott Street as a result of the redevelopment of this site. Next, Reinecke tenders her resignation from the ECDC effective at the end of the year. She explains the history 'behind her initiative to form the ECDC under a former mayoral adminislration well-known for its anti-business attitude. She encourages the council to continue its efforts, and offers the name of an individual who may be interested in sendng as her replacement. She will forward the name to the Mayor for consideration. McMahon asks if there is any other business for members to discuss. Reinecke: motion to adjourn, seconded by Moohey. All members in favor, motion carries. Meeting is adjourned at 7:45 p.m.