1997-09-29ECONOMIC & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Members present: Minutes September 29, 1997 Chairman Joyce Golin, Vice-Chairman Bill Rodenbaugh, Sandra Reinecke, Richard Mooney. Also present: City Planner Tina Cassidy, John and Joseph Terra. Chairman Golin calls the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. She explains to members that it was not possible for the Mayor or Dan Cummings to attend tonight's meeting, but informs members that both have been invited to the next ECDC meeting on November 6th to discuss the future of Cummings Center. Instead, John and Joseph Terra have been invited to the meeting this evening. They own TEECO Industrial Controls, Inc. and are opening up a facility in Cummings Center. The Terms want to submit a Certified Project application to the State. Cassidy explains that the Mass. Office of Business Development, which will discuss the certified project application, has requested that all such application~ be filed with the Planning Department and a vote of assent from the ECDC submitted as part of each certified project application. Copies of the draft application are distributed to members for review. Rodenbaugh asks several questions relative to the company's long-range expansion plans, and suggests that the Terra make sure that the information provided on the creation of future jobs and total investment is not too conservative. The applications should reflect the expected increase in personnel and total investment. Rodenbaugh also suggests that the Terras check with the Mass. Office of Business Development to make sure they will not need to refile certified project applications every year in the absence of multi-year investment projections. Members discuss the boilerplate wording of question #14. and suggest several amendments to the language to more accurately reflect those initiatives of Cummings Properties that are directly connected to the EOA applications. Staff will incorporate these amendments into all future certified project applications from Cummings' tenants. Reinecke: motion to recommend that the Chairman sign the attached letter regarding the certified project application of TEECO Industrial Controls, Inc., seconded by Mooney. All members in favor, motion carries. Next, Golin asks members if they have reviewed the draft minutes of the ECDC's August 11, 1997 meeting and asks if any changes shotrid be made to them prior to acceptance. Mooney: motion to approve the minutes of the ECDC's August 11, 1997 meeting as drafted. seconded by Reinecke. All members in favor, motion carries. Minutes of the ECDC September 29, 1997 page two Reinecke distributes copies of a September 22nd article that appeared in the Salem Evening News relative to local efforts to encourage tourism. The articles outlines the creation of a corporation to manage the Essex National Heritage Area and the marketing of the county to tourists. Members discuss the subject and current efforts that the City of Beverly may be making in that area. Reinecke requests that Cassidy check with Community Development Manager Dawn Goodwin to see if any grant funding may be available for tourism initiatives; Golin suggests that staff contact the City of Peabody's planning department on the subject, since that City may have used grant money for this purpose in the past. Golin informs members that the next meeting of the ECDC will be on Thursday, November 6, 1997 at 6:30 p.m. in City Hall. Reinecke: motion to adjourn, seconded by Rodenbaugh. All members in favor, motion carries. Meeting is adjourned at 8:00 p.m~ EC'~NOMIC & COMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL September 29, 1997 Massachusetts Office of Business Development One Ashburton Place, Room 2101 Boston, MA 02108 liE: CERTIFIED PROJECT APPLICATION OF TEECO INDUSTRIAL CONTROLS, INC. Dear Sir/Madam: This letter serves as an acknowledgement of the City of Beverly's receipt of the above-captioned certified project application. The application discloses that this certified project will be located within the existing Beverly Commerce Park Inc. Economic Oppommity Area designated by your office on December 30, 1996. In connection with that designation, the City of Beverly entered into a ten year Tax Increment Financing Agreement with Beverly Commerce Park, Inc. Accordingly, TEECO Industrial Controls, Inc. will not be receiving any local property tax relief from the City. The application has been reviewed by the City's Planning Department and Economic and Community Development Council (ECDC), and the ECDC has recommended that this certified project application be submitted to your agency for consideration. If you have any questions with respect to the co,'m'nunity's review process, please feel free to Contact Planning Director Tina Cassidy at (978) 921-6000, ext. 173. Respectfully, ~eeA. Golin Chairman JAG/tc ECDC members Mayor William F. ScanIon, Jr. Mr. David Moynihan, Cummings Properties