1998-09-23CITY OF BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD SUBCOMMITTEE DATE PLACE MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT RECORDER : Economic and Community Development Council : : September 23, 1998 : Beverly Public Library : Chairman Joyce McMahon, Vice-Chairman Bill Rodenbaugh, DonaldStacey, Deborah Rosser, Dick Moohey. : Brenda Spence : City Planner Tina Cassidy, Campbell Stewart, KORTEC, Inc., Community Development Manager Dawn Goodwin. : Tina Cassidy McMahon opens the meeting at 6:30 p.m. and explains to those present that the ECDC will be reviewing a certified project application for consideration by the State's Economic Assistance Coordinating Council. The application is being filed for KORTEC, inc., which has opened a facility in the Cummings Center. She introduces Mr. Campbell Stewart, treasurer for KORTEC, Inc., to the committee. Rodenbaugh asks Campbell for an explanation of the company's operation. Stewart explains the process of plastic coinjection, which is the pouring and molding of two plastics simultaneously. Following a brief discussion of the company, discussion turns to the specifics of the application. Rodenbaugh suggests that the employment projections on page 3A should show a grand total of the number of new positions that will be created. He also reminds members that the ECDC had drafted revised wording of background information on Cummings Center with a previous application, and that the text of this application should be revised to include that amended language. Stewart explains that the company is a spin-off from a firm based in Gloucester. Although there are currently five employees with the company, that number will increase. Rodenbaugh cautions Stewart that if his employment projections for next year are met, the number of employees will necessitate both an equal employment opportunity and sexual harassment policy. Stacey questions the nature and limits of the ECDC'S review of this application, and Cassidy explains that the ECDC will review ECDC Minutes September 23, Page two 1998 meeting the application on behalf of the City and will acknowledge the application for the information and benefit of the State's Economic Assistance Coordinating Council. Cassidy explains that the ECDC reviews the application and either informs the State that the City has no issue with the request, or could inform the state of the City's objection. The state had requested an acknowledgment of all certified project applications earlier last year; the state wants to insure that the local community is aware of the application and has an opportunity to review it. Mooney asks Stewart what the projected sales for KORTEC are this fiscal year. Stewart states $1,000,000. Roclenbaugh: motion that Chairman McMahon author a letter to the State's Economic Assistance Coordinating Council indicating the City has no concerns with the application being submitted by KORTEC. Motion seconded by Stacey, all members in favor. Motion carries. Next on the agenda is the subject of conducting an economic impact analysis of the Norwood Pond area at the request of the Norwood Pond Commission. McMahon briefly summarizes the Norwood Pond Commission's efforts to date. As part of that board's discussions, the question of how much industrial land in the vicinity of Norwood Pond is available for development in the future and what that development might mean to the City financially has been raised. The City will be retaining the engineering firms of HTSD and Greenman/Pedersen to design the roadway improvements, and these firms will be conducting a build out study of the industrial land as part of their efforts. The ECDC has been asked to conduct an economic impact analysis of this area and provide the Norwood Pond Commission with input. It will take several months for the consulting firm to compile its buildout figures, and McMahon states that one question for the ECDC to consider is whether it should wait for HTSD to complete its information and use that as a basis for collaborative effort, or whether the ECDC would prefer to generate its own information. Rosser states that her preference would be to wait for HTSD's information and work collaboratively with that firm. General discussion takes place on the reasons for the request from the Norwood Pond Commission, and on the criteria and information that will be used to complete the economic analysis. Following the discussion, McMahon confirms that there are two ECDC minutes September 23, Page three 1998 meeting questions that the Norwood Pond Commission must answer to provide the ECDC with enough information to begin the analysis. First, is there an objection to having the ECDC use the build out figures generated by HTSD, and second, what does the Norwood Pond Commission expect the analysis to accomplish? McMahon states that the next Norwood Pond Commission meeting will be on October 7th and that HTSD is expected to make a presenta- tion on the overpass/interchange project that evening. Staff will send copies of the agenda for that meeting to the ECDC members, in the hope they will be able to attend the meeting to hear the presentation. She will ask both questions outlined earlier at that meeting. Next, McMahon updates the members on the subject of appointments and resignations. Peter Thomas has resigned his position on the council, and must be replaced with a representative of the Chamber of Commerce. The appointment of Mr. Mastin has yet to be submitted to the City Council for confirmation. Rodenbaugh briefly updates members on his involvement with the public advisory committee working on a revision to the airport master plan, which met for the first time last month. McMahon suggests that the next meeting of the ECDC be held on October 14, 1998; members concur with that date. Rodenbaugh: motion to adjourn, seconded by Stacey. All members in favor, motion carries. The meeting is adjourned at 8:14 p.m.