1888-04-12April 12, 1888 In board of school committee. Present Messr. Baker, Cole, Galloupe, Choate, Boyden, Danforth, Hinkley, Griffin. Voted by ballot that John I. Baker be Chairman. Voted that William H. Lovett be Secretary. Voted that the several sub-committee be as follow viz.; High School, John I. Baker, ex officio, William C. Boyden, Dudley M. Griffin, William Choate Bass River”, Edw. F. Danforth, Aug. A. Galloupe. Briscoe” Wm. C. Boyden, Wm. Choate, Centerville’ Samuel Cole, Dudley N. Griffin Dodges Row’ Samuel Cole, Edw. F. Danforth Farms’ Wm. W. Hinkley, South’ Dudley N. Griffin, Wm. W. Hinkley Washington’ Aug. A. Galloupe, W. Choate. Finance and school supplies. Dudley N. Griffin, Samuel Cole, Aug. A. Galloupe Text books, Wm. W. Hinkley, Wm. Choate, Dudley N. Griffin Music. Wm. W. Hinkley. Examination of teachers. The chairman of each sub-committee for the schools with which he is connected. Voted that the Secretary of the school committee be authorized to approve certificates of age of school children employed in the manufactories The following notice was sent to the selectmen Beverly, April 12, 1888 The Selectmen of the town of Beverly are hereby notified that Augustus P. Loring who is elected member of the school committee of the third day of April AD 1888 has declined to accept said office. John Jay Baker, Edw. F. Danforth Aug. A. Gallopue, } W. C. Boyden, Sam. C. Cole, Wm. W. Hinkley, school committee of D. N. Griffin, William Choate, illegible Voted to recommend to the town to build a schoolhouse on the town’s land on bridge street the present year, the schoolhouse to contain two schoolrooms one of which to be completed and finished and the school established therein; the building to be so planned and framed and built as to admit as being raised at some future time, if necessary and another story added thereto; and that thirty five hundred (3500) dollars be appropriated to defray the cost of the present year. Voted to adjourn till Tuesday evening April 24. Wm. H. Lovett, Secretary