NOVEMBER 8, 1999
Cowmi~ioners Bamico, Duval, Eaton, Farmer, Gourdeau, Lydon,
Mahoney, Nelson, Rosen, and White
Commissioner Vitale
Ken Lewis, Gerry NeLson, Ken Robinson, Mel Briggle, Victor Capozzi:
Craig Schuster, Eileen Driscoll, Ellen CRabam; Sam Pool Mr. & !V, ars.
Mello, and Gregg & Melissa Smart
CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Farmer called the meeting to order at 7:30PM.
I. Presentations
· Ordinance Review, Tina Cassidy, Director of planning - Cancelled
Gumard Remediation Update, Tina Cassidy, Director of planning - Tina
Cassidy talked with Frank Killilea, Director of Engineering. He said he
was expecting to receive by Wednesday, November 10m a Ransom
Enviromnental letter saying the City was free to go forward with any of its
activities on the Ford property, that the property was tested and it tested
clean. Chairman Farmer requested Tina to until Wednesday ask Frank
what' s happenin~ with it, because ill the past the airport had been given
answers only to find out later that it was something different.
Commissioner Mahoney gave two examples of this, and expressed
frustration that the airport lost approximately $90,000.00 in anticipated
Chairman Farmer informed the Commission that per a letter he had
received from Ford's attorney, that due to City/environmental delays,
Tom's permit was extended with ConCorn until 11/24/00.
Project Update, Dave Graham, Edwards & Kelcey Inc. - Mr. Graham
informed the BAC that Edwards & Kelcey would like to be.on the BAC's
agenda every month to keep the Conmission informed. Mr. Graham
updated the Commission on help E&K engineer Nick Navarro gave to
help correct MALS problem and on a request to FAA to incorporate the
proposed TERPS changes into FAR Part 77. Mr. Graham introduced
G-regg and Melissa Smart of Smart Associates, who are E&K's
environmental consultants. Ms. Smart presented background information
NOVEMBER 8, 1999
on her firm and what projects they have and are involved in and how they
expect to, and be, of service to the Airport.
Reading of the Minutes for October 12, 1999 - Chairman Farmer called for a
reading of the minutes. Commissioner White made a motion to accept the
minutes, seconded by Commissioner Lydon. Motion passed unanimously.
Reading of the Financial Report for October 1999 - Chairman Farmer
reported there would be no financial report due to a soRware conversion
taking place at City Hall.
GTE - Chairman Farmer reported that an agreement had been reached
regarding the lease transfer and that $100,000.00 would be coming to the
airport budget. GTE would pay $62,500.00 and Noah Atlantic Air and Yanai
Sightseeing LLC would pay the remaining balance.
Gongas - Chairman Farmer reported that the appropriation for the purchase of
the Gongas property was to go before the City Council the following week on
McLellan Relocation - Chairman Farmer reported that since the house fire
McLellan has moved out and that because of the fire damage, FAA said the
house does not have to be advertised for sale (RFP) and the airport could go
directly to getting estimates for demolition.
Commissioner White commented that Ms. McLellan be responsible for tax
form 1099 regarding her receipt ofrelocation and moving expense allowance
· Curnard Area- Previously covered in Tina Cassidy's presentation
Taxiway "D" & Guidance Sign Project - Airport Manager reported that the
project has, to date, gone well and that the project completion date is
November 22, 1999.
· 0toni Site RFP Results - Chah:agm Farmer informed the Commission that the
RFP's were opened November 8, 1999 and that we received two proposals.
NOVEMBER 8, 1999
One was t~om General Aviation Services and the other was from Mcl Briggle
(0toni Aero Maintenance). Chairman Farmer said the RFP subcommittee
would meet the following week to discuss the RFPs and that the public could
attend if they so desired.
The Airport Manager's report for the meeting was included in the commission
packets. The Airport Manager updated the Commission on events that had taken
place since the packet mailings; updates included:
· Airport Traffic Count: Up 561 operations from same time last year
October 19, 1998
October 1999
8,611 operations
9, 172 operations
Tom Ford Lease - Tom has reviewed the latest lease revision (No. 5 dated
8/24/99) and will call soon to request a meeting with the T Ford lease
subcommittee (Bob Farmer, Bob Mezzetti, Brace Eaton, Paul Banrico, and
Bill Mahoney). His calling is predicated on his father' s failing health.
Omni Remediation - Received three estimates from Licensed Site
Professionals. Companies to do analysis and, if needed, recommend what
further remedial action is needed. Lowest quote for analysis was $4,200.00
from New England Environmental Technology (highest was from Enpro for
$6,360.00). N.E.E.T. will proceed with LSP analysis. All costs incurred by the
airport in LSP analysis/remedlation will be included in a lawsuit against former
tenant Omni Aviation Inc.
BAC Christmas Dinner - Airport Manager will send out letter to Commission
regarding selection of menu choices and for how many. The function will be at
the Beverly Depot Restaurant, cocktails at 6:30PM, dinner at 7:15PM.
Chairman Farmer received information on the proposed Mass AircraR Sales
Tax Bill. Airport Manager Mezzetti had already sent s'nnilar info to FBOs.
Chairman Farmer said if any Commissioner wanted to send a letter of support
to local politicians they should see Airport Manager.
NOVEMBER 8, 1999
Chairman Farmer informed the Commission that Karen Nelson, a Danvers
town employee, has replaced Jane Dean on the BAC.
Commissioner Lydon commented that it was a pleasure working with Jane,
that she would be missed and that she had done a good job. Chairman Farmer
Chairman Farmer gave Tina Cassidy some pictures of fencing that had been
poorly installed by Hayes Engineering at the end of Runway 27. Tina will
check with Frank Killilea to see if the fencing could be reinstailed properly
(reinstallation is requested to be down off the hill crest and down by the
Chairman Farmer discussed a meeting be artended regarding open meeting
Commissioner Duval asked about the Airport's Y2K compliance. Airport
Manager reported that, according to the tower chief, the tower system and
FAA Navaids were compliant. Also that the only computer application that we
had was in the office and pertained only to accounting functions and that it was
Y2K complian. t. Commissioner Duvnl asked about other equipment or systems
that might be affected. Airport Manager will check. Commissioner Duval said
be could send the Airport Manager a copy of a Y2K checklist that he received
from FAil,.
Commissioner Duval suggested contingency plans for any mission critical
Commissioner Gourdeau asked if the Airport was going to get a vacuum
sweeper. Chairman Farmer said we had received a price of $600.00 to vacuum
the east side ramp (however, contractor could not guarantee 100% pickup of
debris due to surface variation on ramp). Airport Manager will try to get
pricing on hand-operated vacuum systems (vacuum trucks are grant eligible
and will be included in future AlP planning).
Commissioner Barnico told commissioners about a Wall Street Journal article
he had available for commission review. Among information in article, it
showed how some of the airports in Massachusetts receive healthy subsidies to
help out their bottom lines, e.g. New Bedford receives a subsidy of
$200,000.00 per year.
NOVEMBER 8, 1999
Motion to adjourn by Commissioner Gourdeau, seconded by Commissioner
Lydon. Motion passed UnanimOUSly.