1887-07-28July 28, 1887 In board of school committee. Present Messr. Baker, Loring, Griffin, Giddings, Cole, Galloupe, Danforth, Hinkley. Voted to allow the use of a room in the Hardie school building to the juvenile temperance association during the pleasure of the community. Voted that the committee think it expedient to have lectures on physiology and hygiene at the high school rooms if the several physicians in town can be prev[illegible] to give them. Voted that Messr. Loring, Baker, [illegible] Giddings, be a committee to [illegible] arrangements for such lectures [illegible] think expedient. Voted that the committee on school supplies be authorized to buy paper coverings for such of the school books as they think necessary. Voted that Nellie E. Crossman be teacher of Dodge’s Row School. Voted that teachers be allowed one weeks pay for substitutes when necessary in cases of personal sickness. Voted that the Fall term of the public school begin on Monday August 29. Reconsidered Voted to adjourn till Tuesday evening Aug. 9. Wm. H. Lovett, Secretary