1886-07-13July 13, 1886 In board of school committee. All present . The proposals received for painting the Farms School House were opened and were as follows. Wm. R. Remmonds, $155.00 Benj. F. Dodge & co., 144.75 J. V. Porter & co., 130.00 Edward Choate, 124.00 Voted to refer the subject to the sub-committee of the Farms Schools with full authority. Voted that the question of shingling and other repairs needed on the Farms School House be referred to the sub-committee of that school. Voted that the South School sub-committee be authorized to have that building protected by lighting rods. Voted that the Bass River School sub-committee be authorized to buy a stove. Voted that the question of accommodations for the High School be referred to the High School committee for them to report upon at the next meeting. Voted to adjourn for one week. Wm. H. Lovett, Secretary