1999-05-10BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS May10,1999 A regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Monday, May 10, 1999 in the Beverly High School Library, Beverly, MA. Members Present: Mr. Bjork, Mrs. Brusil, Mrs. Frutiger, Mrs. Goodenough, Mr. McHugh, Mayor Scanlon and Mr. Cahill. Members Absent: None Also in Attendance: William Lupini, Superintendent of Schools, Judy DeLucia, Assistant Superintendent Keith Manville, Assistant Superintendent, and Judy Mulligan, School Business Manager. President Bill Cahill called the meeting to order at 8:00 PM. following the Memorial Service in the High School Auditorium. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. McHugh. OPEN FORUM FOR CITIZEN CONCERNS Vance Garry, parent of a Beverly High School junior, presented a statement of concerns regarding eligibility requirements for student athletes. He outlined a sequence of events as it related to his son, Ben, and requested that the School Committee consider drafting a revised policy. Copies of Mr. Garry's statement will be forwarded to members. This matter will be referred to the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life for review. RECOGNITION AND PRESENTATIONS · Superintendent Lupini and President Bill Cahill recognized Bill Hamor, Beverly High School teacher, who was recently inducted into the Massachusetts High School Football Coaches Association Hall of Fame on April 25, 1999. Mr. Hamor was introduced and applauded for his outstanding achievements and contributions. · Karla Pressman, Principal, Abraham Edwards Elementary School, Linda Putur, and Roberta Tobin, Teachers at Abraham Edwards Elementary School, requested to honor Leo Lemieux, retiree and volunteer at many schools in the Beverly community. Mrs. Tobin read a touching account of Mr. Lemieux's contributions and activities. Mr. Lemieux spoke briefly about his love of volunteerism and his donation of proceeds from the sale of sugar creations and handmade chocolates to the Jimmy Fund and St. Jude's Children's Research. Regular Meeting May 10, 1999 Page 2 · Peter F. Alleruzzo was acknowledged for the donation of two saxophones and one clarinet to Beverly High School students, a designation in his Will and Testament. Member recognitions included: · Fine Arts Festival - wonderful concerts, presentations, activities · Reading at Cove Elementary School · Briscoe Middle School presentation of Oklahoma · Ayers Ryal Side Elementary School PTO auction fund-raiser · LWV State of City Address - School Committee President on panel · BTA Reception for Refwing and New Teachers COMMUNICATIONS Briscoe Middle School Memorial Day Program will be Friday, May 21 at 11:00 AM in the Briscoe Auditorium. Dedication of the Fortunato Memorial Plaque will be held at the McKeown Elementary School on Friday, May 28 at 1:00 PM. APPROVAL OF RECORDS · It was moved by Mrs. Goodenough and seconded to approve the records of the regular meeting held April 12, 1999, as presented. The motion was amended and seconded to correct the date of the public heating on the budget to read April 26, 1999 (page 4). So voted. The records, as amended, were unanimously approved. · It was moved by Mrs. Goodenough and seconded to approve the records of the public heating on the budget held April 26, 1999, as presented. Unanimously approved. APPROVAL OF PRIVATE SCHOOL · It was moved by Mrs. Goodenough and seconded to approve the request from Landmark School to operate a private school in Beverly, through the end of the 1999- 2000 school year. Unanimously voted. FY00 SCHOOL DEPARTMENT BUDGET · Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, it was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded that the Beverly School Committee request the Mayor and City Council to appropriate $34,223,337 for the support of education in the Beverly Public Schools in FY00, as requested in the proposed budget. Citizens requested to be heard regarding this agenda item included Phil Dunklebarger, Peter Gilmore, and Toni Musante. All committee members made brief statements. Following discussion on the proposed budget, a roll call vote was requested, which resulted in the following: Regular Meeting May 10, 1999 Page 3 Mr. Bjork, Mrs. Brusil, Mrs. Frutiger, Mrs. Goodenough, Mr. McHugh and Mr. Cahill. NO: Mayor ScanIon The vote was 6 for and 1 against the motion. So voted. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT · School Start Times Beverly High School student, Brian Osborne, read a prepared statement opposing the Administration's recommended school starting and ending times at Beverly High School. Mr. Osborne and two other BHS students offered comments and reasons for opposing the proposal. President Cahill recognized citizens in the audience for input regarding the proposed changes in school start times. · It was moved by Mrs. Goodenough and seconded to adopt the proposed school starting and ending times, as proposed by the Superintendent. Unanimously approved. Principal Interviews Five finalist interviews will be conducted on May 12 at 6:00 PM in the Briscoe Cafeteria for the principal positions at Hannah and Patten Elementary Schools. Superintendent Evaluation Process The Committee will designate a date to conduct the Superintendent Evaluation conference with Mr. Lupini in the next few weeks. Evaluation materials have been received by members and compilation of the 360 evaluation document responses is being processed. NEASC Letter Regarding Beverly High School Superintendent Lupini received a letter from the New England Association of Schools and Colleges informing him that Beverly High School has bean removed from warning status, following a contract award for installation of garaventa lifts at Beverly High School. Coalition for Higher Standards Superintendent Lupini recently attended a meeting of the Business Leadership Group at the Federal Reserve Building in Boston, part of a continuing effort to become a member of the Coalition. Graduation Requirements · Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life, it was moved by Mrs. Frutiger and seconded to adopt the following Grade 9 program (grade 9 requirements to enter grade 10) as part of graduation requirements, beginning with the Class of 2003. Unanimously voted. Regular Meeting May 10, 1999 Page 4 Pass English 9 5 credits Pass World History 9 5 credits Pass Integrated Science 5 credits Pass PreAlgebra, Algebra, 5 credits Geometry, or Integrated Math Pass Technology/Computer 9 5 credits Earn at least 30 credits (consider Arts, P.E., and Life requirements) Building Issues Mr. Lupini presented a written update on current building projects. School Choice Program · It was moved by Mrs. Goodenough and seconded not to participate in the School Choice Program at the elementary level for the 1999-2000 school year. Unanimously voted. A letter of notification will be forwarded to the Massachusetts Department of Education. Integrated Preschool Program · Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life, it was moved by Mrs. Frutiger and seconded to approve the recommendation of the Administration to continue the Integrated Preschool Program in the format implemented on a pilot basis, subject to collective bargaining issues with the Beverly Teachers Association. Unanimously voted. COMMITTEE REPORTS Minutes of the Student Advisory Committee meeting held March 8, 1999 were included in meeting materials. Grade Configuration Committee Committee work is being conducted and a meeting date will be established in the near future. Hurd Stadium Advisory Committee The next meeting of the committee will be held Wednesday, May 12, 1999. Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities The next meeting of the committee will be held Monday, May 24, 1999. Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life Minutes of the May 3, 1999 meeting are included in meeting materials. The next meeting of the committee will be held Tuesday, June 8 at 7:00 PM. Subcommittee on Negotiations The Administration is waiting for notification of AFSCME ratification before a vote of the School Committee is held, possibly at the June 14 regular meeting. Regular Meeting May 10, 1999 Page 5 PARENT CONCERNS A representation of Patten parents were in attendance at the meeting and voiced concerns about safety of students being housed at Patten, in light of recent attempts of violence in schools across the country, and in particular, at nigh schools. Mr. Lupini offered to meet with parents to consider other options and alternatives to housing small children at Patten. · It was moved by Mrs. Goodenough and seconded to adjourn. Unanimously voted. The meeting adjourned at 9:37 Elizabeth Frutiger Secretary