2000-03-13BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS March 13, 2000 A regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Monday, March 13, 2000, at Memorial Middle School, Beverly, MA. Members Present:, Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Brusil, Mr. Cahill, Mrs. Coburn, Mr. McHugh, Mrs. Norris and Mayor Scanlon. Members Absent: None Also in Attendance: William Lupini, Superintendent of Schools, Dr. James Hayes, Assistant Superintendent, and Mrs. Judy Mulligan, School Business Manager. President Cahill called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. In place of reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, the National Anthem was sung by Beverly High School students Lauren DuBois and Brigid Burke. RECOGNITIONS Superintendent Lupini and President Cahill recognized several Beverly High School students and presented each of them with ball point pens as a token of appreciation. Mr. Lupini congratulated Cheston Gasik, Beverly High School senior, as a Finalist in the Merit Scholarship Awards competition. Leroy "Red" Hutt, Athletic Director, was recognized and praised by the Superintendent for outstanding leadership of the athletic programs and offered best wishes on his retirement, effective at the end of the 1999-2000 school year. Mr. Hutt, in turn, made individual introductions and presented brief accomplishments of the following outstanding student athletes: Brigid Burke, Jenn Coffey, Lauren DuBois, Kristin MacDonald, Emily Rinaldo, Alison Schiamanna, and Laura Sullivan. Mr. Hutt also applauded the accomplishments of Mark Scialdone, although he could not be present at the meeting. Mr. Hutt acknowledged recent honors accorded to Mrs. Margaret 0 'Leary, for twenty years of dedicated service to the Athletic Department and the Northeast Conference. Superintendent Lupini recognized and thanked Beverly High School parent volunteers and community members who participated in the painting project at Beverly High School, specifically Cheryl Kusiak, June Davidson, Kevin Hobin and Mary Ann Doane. In appreciation, Mr. Cahill presented each of them with a ball point pen. Regular Meeting March 13, 2000 Page 2 President Cahill declared a brief recess at 7:25 PM. The Committee reconvened at 7:34 PM. OTltER RECOGNITION Superintendent Lupini announced that the Beverly Public Schools accepted an invitation to join the Coalition for Higher Standards, a group of twenty school districts and regional collaboratives working to put standards-based reform into practice in an effective, student-focused manner. Beverly High School students, Ryan McKenna, Nick Wright, and Katie Letien received awards for excellence in acting at the Massachusetts High School Drama Festival in Marblehead, MA on March 4. CITIZEN CONCERNS Nancy Levin presented a written statement requesting equity between the middle schools in terms of programs and curriculum offerings. APPROVAL OF A PRIVATE SCHOOL · It was moved by Mrs. Coburn and seconded to approve the request from Charles Terranova, Head of School, Children's Montessori School, 376 Hale Street, for approval to operate a private school in the City of Beverly. Unanimously voted. REPORT OF STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE Sharon Ditchek, Student Representative, reported on recent discussions regarding smoking issues at Beverly High School. An anti-smoking campaign will commence, which will include incentives for smoke-free bathrooms, cooperative efforts with the Beverly Health Department, and enforcement of a fine for those breaking the law. APPROVAL OF RECORDS · It was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to approve the records of the regular meeting held February 14, 2000, as presented. Unanimously voted. · It was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to approve the records of the special meeting held March 1, 2000, as presemed. Unanimously voted. COM1VIUNICATIONS Members noted miscellaneous communications, including: · Thanks for participation in the reading celebration at Cove and McKeown Schools · Redistricting · Potential space problems at Beverly High School · Block scheduling at Beverly High School · Proposed budget, including personnel March 13, 2000 Page 3 Mayor Scanlon presented a cheek for $828.00 to Judy Miller, Technology Director, for the Technology Fund, proceeds from the Mayor's Inaugural Bail. POLICY READING · It was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to approve the Section B: School Board Governance Policies dated February 17, 2000, as presented for a Second Reading. Unanimously voted. SUPER1NTENDENT'S REPORT Graduation Requirements · It was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to accept the administrative recommendation for graduation requirements, effective for the Class of 2003, as proposed, contingent on administration change to decrease the grade 10 sociai studies portion. So voted, with Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Brusil voting in opposition to the motion. School Redistricting · Upon the recommendation of the Administration and the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life, it was moved by Mrs. Bell and seconded to accept the technical corrections to the Report of the Advisory Committee on School Redistricting, as follows: the following streets (previously designated for redistrieting to Cove School) be instead redistricted to Ayers Ryal Side School: Edwards Street Fayette Street School Street Rantoul Street (1-173 odd) South Hadley Street So voted, with Mrs. Norris voting in opposition to the motion. Personnel · Upon the recommendation of the Administration and the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, it was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to approve the creation of the position of "Director of Pupil Personnel Services", an administrative level position designed to address special education, 504 plans and counseling services, as well as to participate in collective bargaining discussions. · The motion was amended by Mrs. Brusil and seconded that approval be contingent on a job description being presented and approved by the School Committee at a later date. The amended motion was unanimously approved. Upon the recommendation of the Administration and the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, it was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to approve the creation of the following six stipend positions (grades 9-12), which would remain as part of Unit A, at a stipend of $4000 for a three (3) period teaching day, conditional on a job description being presented for School Committee approval Regular Meeting March 13, 2000 Page 4 in April: English/Language Arts Supervisor, Mathematics Supervisor, Science and Technology Supervisor, Social Sciences Supervisor, Guidance and Vocational Supervisor, and World Languages Supervisor. Unanimously voted. It was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to forward a request to the Beverly City Council to declare the following equipment as surplus: one (1) Macintosh Centris 610, one (1) Apple Monitor (M1212), and one (1) Apple keyboard and mouse (M3501 and M2706). Unanimously voted. Additional Classrooms · Upon the recommendation of the Administration, it was moved by Mr. McHugh and seconded to forward a request to the Building Commission to take the necessary steps to add two (2) classrooms each to both the North Beverly and Centerville Elementary School projects. Unanimously voted. Census 2000 Business Manager, Judy Mulligan, received a request from officials of Census 2000, for permission to use the facilities at Beverly High School in April for training of staff, and a further request to waive the custodial fees for duties during that period of time. · It was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to waive the custodial fees for Census 2000 to use the Beverly High School facilities in April. Unanimously voted. Superintendent's Goals Mr. Lupini presented a written update on the Superintendent Performance Goals. School Committee Goals Mr. Cahill noted progress on the advocacy goal, by members attending Superintendent Forums at schools, and by holding regular meetings in a different school each month. Mrs. Brusil presented a chart outlining priorities indicated on School Improvement Plus. Discussion on this goal will be held at the May meeting of the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life. COMMITTEE REPORTS School Redistricting Committee Superintendent Lupini stated a meeting will be held March 14. Career and College Advisory Committee Mr. Cahill reported a meeting was held March 9, 2000. Grade Configuration Committee Mr. Lupini stated another meeting will be held, date to be determined.