2000-06-20BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS June 20, 2000 A regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Tuesday, June 20, 2000, at the McKeown Elementary School, Beverly, MA. Members Present: Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Brusil, Mrs. Coburn, Mr. McHugh, Mrs. Norris, and Mr. Cahill. Members Absent: Mayor ScanIon Also in Attendance: William Lupini, Superintendent of Schools, Dr. James Hayes, Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Judy DeLucia, Assistant Superintendent, and Mrs. Judy Mulligan, School Business Manager. President Cahill called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. McHugh. RECOGNITIONS · Superintendent Lupini and President Cahill recognized Chris Sarantopoulos' third grade class at Centerville Elementary School for winning the Paul G. Keough Earth Artists Award, sponsored by the New England Office of the Environmental Protection Agency. · The following BHS students were recognized for achieving eligibility to apply for the Stanley Z. Koplik Certificate of Mastery program, based on 1998 MCAS scores: Paul Armano, Elizabeth Baer, Joel Cohen, Kristen Dennesen, Lauren Dubois, Kathryn Folsom, Richard Garfield, Cheston Gasik, Jonathan Jood, Jessica Kochick, Jessica Kreusel, Ryal Malloy, Brian Price, Kimberly Ready, Harrison Richter, Erica Schneider, George Sloan, and Kyle Staller. · Steve Gelin was recognized and thanked for his continued support of athletic, academic, and other student recognition programs, through donations of trophies, plaques and other items. · Mrs. Brusil congratulated five middle school students on receipt of a Massachusetts SAT State Award given by the John Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth. (Grade 7 and 8 students scoring at the 97th percentile or higher on school standardized tests are invited to take the college SAT tests as part of the program.) Students from Briscoe Middle School were Christopher Brusil, Benjamin Foster and Amy Klesert; students from Memorial Middle School were Paul Elicker and Jeremy Wolfe. · Mrs. Bell noted First Place honors for the Briscoe Math Team and Connie Vanne, Math Teacher. · Mrs. Brusil commended the All-City Jazz Band on recent awards. Regular Meeting June 20, 2000 Page 2 COMMUNICATIONS · Mr. McHugh attended the Open House for Choices Alternative School. · Members noted that BHS Graduation was exceptional this year, completing the program in "record time", and commented Administration on the organized and enjoyable event. · Concerns were received relative to eligibility and athletic requirements for students, which will be referred to the new Athletic Director for review, as well as to the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life, for review and recommendation. · Communications were received by some members relative to redistricting. · Mr. McHugh will serve as delegate to the Annual MASC Conference on November 1, 2000. · The Hannah Elementary School Dedication and Open House will be held Sunday, September 17. Details will be forthcoming. · The School Committee meeting schedule for the remainder of the 2000 calendar year, including standing committee meeting dates, times, and locations, was presented to members in meeting materials. APPROVAL OF RECORDS · It was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to approve the records of the regular meeting held May 8, 2000, as presented. Unanimously voted. SUPERINTENDENT'SREPORT Collective Bargaining Agreement with BTA · Upon the recommendation of the Subcommittee on Negotiations, and the Administration, it was moved by Mrs. Coburn and seconded to approve the three-year Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Beverly Teachers Association, effective September 1, 2000 through August 31, 2003, as presented. A roll call vote resulted in the following: YES: Mrs. Brusil, Mrs. Coburn, Mr. McHugh, Mrs. Norris, Mrs. Bell, and Mr. Cahill. NO: None Unanimously voted. Mrs. Coburn, Chair of the Subcommittee on Negotiations, summarized the major points of the contract, noting this was the earliest that a BTA contract has been settled in years. President Bill Cahill complimented committee members, Superintendent Lupini, and Legal Counsel, Naomi Stonberg, as well as members of the Beverly Teachers Association and Legal Counsel, on the positive response and collaborative effort to reach a settlement. Superintendent Lupini stated the document will be updated and printed copies will be available at a later date. Regular Meeting June 20, 2000 Page 3 Elementary Redistricting Superintendent Lupini reported nineteen students have applied for "early redistricting", per the conditions specified in the adopted "Administrative Recommendation on Redistricting Transition", and most of these requests can be honored. Parents will receive a communication from the Superintendent' s Office by June 30th. Parents requesting "stay put" for their children will receive notification by September 30th. After studying the proposal to modify the Elementary Redisrricting Plan, the Administration did not recommend that the School Committee make any modifications to the plan. Several parents attending the meeting were recognized for comment regarding the recommendation. After considerable discussion, Committee members agreed to address the "early move" proposal, at a Special Meeting scheduled for Friday evening, June 23, 2000. Meeting Notices The Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities will be rescheduled for Friday, June 23, 2000, at 6:00 PM in the School Committee Room, Briscoe Middle School. A Special School Committee meeting will be held Friday, June 23, 2000, at 7:00 PM, or immediately following the Finance and Facilities meeting, to consider the FY2001 school budget. Executive Session · It was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to go into Executive Session to receive information relative to the Tom Durkin pending litigation, take whatever action necessary, and return to Open Session. A roll call vote resulted in the following: YES: Mrs. Coburn, Mrs. McHugh, Mrs. Norris Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Brusil and Mr. Cahill. NO: None Unanimously voted. The Committee recessed at 8:50 PM. The Committee went into Executive Session at 8:55 PM. The Committee returned to Open Session at 9:30 PM. School Calendar 2000-2001 · It was moved by Mrs. Coburn and seconded to approve the revised school calendar for 2000-2001, as presented by the Administration. Unanimously voted. Regular Meeting June 20,2000 Page 4 Pre-School Tuition Rates · Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities and the Administration, it was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to approve the following changes in pre-school tuition rates, and to give the Superintendent discretion to reduce the total charge for families where more than one child is enrolled in the pre- school program. AM Session (8:00-11:00 AM, four days/week) Currently $113.00 2000-2001 $150.00 2001-2002 $175.00 PM Session (11:45 AM-2:00 PM, four days/week) Currently $85.00 2000-2001 $110.00 2001-2002 $125.00 Unanimously approved. Budget Transfers · Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities and the Administration, it was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to approve the following budget transfers, as recommended by the School Business Manager: a) $140,000 from a surplus in Health Insurance to Special Education Tuition Out b) $110,000 from a surplus in Health Insurance to Special Education Transportation Contracted Services c) $2,900 from a surplus in Health Insurance to the Violence Prevention Hotline to supplement funds contributed by Mayor Scanlon for this program d) $2,500 from a surplus in Health Insurance to Instructional Computers to cover the cost of consulting services for secondary school technology e) $15,000 from a surplus in Health Insurance to Advertising to cover increases in the cost of advertising positions and bids. Unanimously voted. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities and the Administration, it was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to grant the School Business Manager authority to make year-end transfers needed to close out the fiscal year. Unanimously voted. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities and the Administration, it was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to request that the Beverly City Council declare the following equipment as surplus to the needs of the School Department: (2) Futura 2000 monitors (2) Packard Bell keyboards Regular Meeting June 20, 2000 Page 5 (2) Packard Bell 386 computers (1) Packard Bell mouse Unanimously voted. Grade Configuration Superintendent Lupini reported the committee will be prepared to discuss a recommendation at the September 5 meeting of the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life. Suburban Coalition · It was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to authorize payment of $100.00, due for continued membership in the Suburban Coalition. Unanimously voted. Approval of Job Description Mr. Lupini presented a draft job description for the position of "Academic Division Leader, 9-12, Math/Science & Technology", to be presented for review and consideration by the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities. Budget Documents Superintendent Lupini presented revised budget documents showing reconciled figures approved by the City Council. COMMITTEE REPORTS School Committee Goals - in progress Career and College Advisory Committee Mr. Cahill stated the committee will determine where 2000 BHS graduates are attending schools. Hurd Advisory Committee Mr. McHugh reported bids have gone out for work on the stands. A meeting will be held in July to consider guidelines for the concession stand. Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life Mrs. Bell reported a meeting was held June 14, 2000. Minutes will be mailed at a later date. Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities Mrs. Brusil stated the committee will meeting Friday, June 23, 2000, at 6:00 PM. Minutes of meetings will be sent at a later date. Subcommittee on Negotiations Superintendent Lupini and Naomi Stonberg will hold an initial meeting with the committee and members of Unit B (administrators) on June 27, 2000. Regular Meeting June 20, 2000 Page 6 · It was moved by Mr. McHugh and seconded to adjourn. Unanimously voted. The meeting adjourned at 10:12 PM. Janet Norris Secretary