2000-11-13BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS November 13, 2000 A regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Monday, November 13, 2000, at the Hannah Elementary School, Beverly, MA. Members Present: Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Brusil, Mrs. Coburn, Mr. McHugh, Mrs. Norris, Mayor Scanlon and Mr. Cahill. Members Absent: None Also in Attendance: Dr. William Lupini, Superintendent of Schools, Dr. James Hayes, Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Judy DeLucia, Assistant Superintendent, and Mrs. Judy Mulligan, School Business Manager. President Cahill called the meeting to order at 7:08 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. McHugh. RECOGNITIONS Mr. Cahill thanked Patrick Brusil, Beverly High School student, for his presentation of music preceding the meeting this evening. President Cahill and Superintendent Lupini recognized team captains and committee members/volunteers, and Joan Fairbanks, Recreation Department (sponsor), of the “Mom’s Softball Tournament” held October 22. The North Beverly Elementary School team won the tournament and the event raised $2500 for the Beverly Education Foundation. Mr. Cahill declared a recess at 7:14 PM. The Committee reconvened at 7:20 PM. Request for Approval of Field Trips · Upon the recommendation of the Administration, it was moved by Mrs. Coburn and seconded to approve the requests from Memorial Middle School for “Nature’s Classroom” overnight field trips April 2-6, 2001, and April 9-13, 2000, respectively, as presented. Mr. Cahill thanked Ms. Chambers and Mr. Hughes for attending the meeting to answer any questions about the trip, and applauded them for their role as sponsors of this successful program for many years. President Cahill recessed the regular meeting at 7:24 PM to begin the Public Hearing on Grade Configuration. The regular meeting reconvened at 8:00 PM. Regular Meeting November 13, 2000 Page 2 OPEN FORUM FOR CITIZEN CONCERNS Nancy Levin commended Briscoe Middle School for successful efforts at emailing information to parents. Dr. Lupini reported plans are underway to have the district calendar online in January or February. All schools are presently putting calendar information online to be incorporated in the district calendar. APPROVAL OF RECORDS It was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to approve the records of the regular meeting held October 10, 2000, as presented. Unanimously voted. COMMUNICATIONS · National Education week is November 13-17, 2000. · Congratulations go to the Beverly High School Marching Band who won a silver medal in recent competition. · Congratulations to Ray Novack and other community members who were recognized at the B’Nai Brith Breakfast November 5, 2000. · Members noted parent concerns surrounding MTA negative commercials on TV, opposing MCAS testing. · President Cahill announced that members of the City Council will consider a proposed increase in the compensation for School Committee members. Mr. Cahill made a statement, to go on record as being in opposition to the proposal, and asked that colleagues consider his desire to leave the compensation for School Committee members at the present level. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT Head Custodian Stipend · Upon the recommendation of the Administration, it was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to eliminate the stipend associated with the former Head Custodian ($100 per week), effective January 1, 2001. Unanimously voted. Discrimination/Harassment Policy · Upon the recommendation of the Administration, it was moved to adopt the revised policy on Discrimination/Harassment, as presented for a Second Reading. Unanimously voted. Personnel · Upon the recommendation of the Administration and the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, it was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to adopt the rate of $80.00 per day for substitute teachers, effective retroactive to November 1, 2000. Unanimously voted. · Upon the recommendation of the Administration and the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, it was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to approve the creation of a special education teaching position at Briscoe Middle School for the remainder of the 2000-2001 school year, at an anticipated cost of $27,000. Unanimously voted. Regular Meeting November 13, 2000 Page 3 · Upon the recommendation of the Administration and the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, it was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to approve the creation of a special education ESP position at Memorial Middle School for the remainder of the 2000-2001 school year, at an anticipated costs of $8,000. Unanimously voted. NEASC Accreditation Report Superintendent Lupini presented an update on the Commission’s request for a special progress report by July 2, 2001, related to the standard on Community Resources for Learning at Beverly High School. Dr. Lupini addressed the five areas outlined for improvement, and defined the process to be used. A draft response will be submitted in December. SAT I Five-Year Report Dr. Lupini presented written highlights on five-year district results of the College Board report on Beverly students who took the SAT. Mr. Cahill requested more information on test results, including testing information before block scheduling. Elementary Redistricting All requests for “stay put” in grades four and five were granted to students in redistricted areas. Requests for students in lower grades were not approved (at this time) and will be examined more fully as the redistricting date gets closer. MCAS Reporting Schedule MCAS statewide results are expected on November 14, with release of district/school results on November 21. UPDATE ON SCHOOL COMMITTEE GOALS All goals are progressing – in process. Mr. McHugh represented the School Committee, as voting delegate, at the Joint School Committee/School Superintendents Annual Conference in Worcester November 1-3. Mr. McHugh expressed pride in Superintendent Lupini’s participation as a leader in two of the workshop presentations. Dr. Lupini announced that the Beverly High School Jazz Band will present musical entertainment at the next Annual MASC/MASS Conference in November, 2001. COMMITTEE REPORTS School Committee meeting dates for January through June, 2001 were presented for consideration, to be adopted at the December meeting. Joint Secondary Facilities Committee will meet on Thursday, November 16 and Thursday, December 7, in the School Committee Room, Briscoe Middle School, at 7:00 PM. Regular Meeting November 13, 2000 Page 4 th Career and College Advisory Committee met October 30. The next meeting will be at th 6:00 PM on Monday, December 11 at the Patten Elementary School. Hurd Advisory Committee did not meet in November. A Fellowship Dinner will be held November 21, with Beverly hosting, in preparation for the annual Thanksgiving Day game. th Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life met November 6 and discussed block scheduling and grade configuration. The next meeting will be held at 7:00 PM on Monday, December 4, in the School Committee Room, Briscoe Middle School. rd Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities met October 23. The next meeting will th be held at 7:00 PM November 27 in the School Committee Room, Briscoe Middle School. There will be no meeting in December. Subcommittee on Negotiations – Mrs. Coburn has met with Dr. Lupini regarding the Superintendent Goals and timelines. Dr. Lupini presented a written draft of performance goals, and will present a report at the regular meeting on December 11th. · It was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to go into Executive Session to consider records of Executive Sessions, take whatever action necessary, and not return to Open Session. A roll call vote resulted in the following: YES: Mayor Scanlon, Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Brusil, Mrs. Coburn, Mr. McHugh, Mrs. Norris and Mr. Cahill. NO: None Unanimously voted. · It was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to go into Executive Session to discuss litigation regarding Thomas Durkin, take whatever action necessary, and not return to Open Session. A roll call vote resulted in the following: YES: Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Brusil, Mrs. Coburn, Mr. McHugh, Mrs. Norris, Mayor Scanlon and Mr. Cahill. NO: None Unanimously voted. Regular Meeting November 13, 2000 Page 5 · It was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to go into Executive Session to discuss litigation regarding James Geller, take whatever action necessary, and not return to Open Session. A roll call vote resulted in the following: YES: Mrs. Brusil, Mrs. Coburn, Mr. McHugh, Mrs. Norris, Mayor Scanlon, Mrs. Bell and Mr. Cahill. NO: None Unanimously voted. · It was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to go into Executive Session to discuss negotiations with BTA-Unit B, BTA-Unit C, and AFSCME bargaining units, take whatever action necessary, and not return to Open Session. A roll call vote resulted in the following: YES: Mrs. Coburn, Mr. McHugh, Mrs. Norris, Mayor Scanlon, Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Brusil and Mr. Cahill. NO: None Unanimously voted. · It was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to go into Executive Session to discuss litigation regarding Patricia Bargowski, take whatever action necessary, and not return to Open Session. A roll call vote resulted in the following: YES: Mr. McHugh, Mrs. Norris, Mayor Scanlon, Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Brusil, Mrs. Coburn, and Mr. Cahill. NO: None Unanimously voted. The Committee recessed at 8:52 PM. The Committee went into Executive Session at 8:59 PM. Janet Norris Secretary