2000-10-10BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS October 10, 2000 A regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Tuesday, October 10, 2000, in the Briscoe Auditorium, Briscoe Middle School, Beverly, MA. Members Present: Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Coburn, Mr. McHugh, Mrs. Norris, Mayor Scanlon and Mr. Cahill. Members Absent: Mrs. Brusil Also in Attendance: Dr. William Lupini, Superintendent of Schools, Dr. James Hayes, Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Judy DeLucia, Assistant Superintendent, and Mrs. Judy Mulligan, School Business Manager. President Cahill called the meeting to order at 7:18 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. McHugh. RECOGNITIONS Superintendent Lupini and President Cahill recognized and thanked committee chairpersons for their important role in the Beverly High School accreditation process: Joe Clement, Betty Taylor, Pat Femino, Bob Dunn, Suzi Nicolo, Jean McCafferty, Bonnie Polan, Claire Marie Hart, Bob Bisceglia, Scott Underwood, and Principal Bill Foye. Lois Bethune, Danvers Savings Bank, (Beverly branch) was thanked and recognized for a $10,000 Technology in Education Award presented to the Beverly Public Schools to purchase new computers for middle schools. Mr. Cahill and Dr. Lupini applauded the following Commended Students in the National Merit Scholarship Program: James DeLuca, Kevin James, Joshua Lewey, Bridget Palardy and Bonnie Wilson. Sara Mailander was honored for her achievement as a Semi-Finalist in the National Merit Scholarship competition. Other recognition included appreciation to Beverly National Bank for donating funds to print the Fall 2000 athletic schedules and for providing the promotional footballs for home football games. President Cahill recognized and praised Superintendent Lupini for completion of his doctoral requirements at Lehigh University. A brief recess was declared at 7:31 PM. The Committee reconvened at 7:38 PM. Regular Meeting October 10, 2000 Page 2 Field Trip Requests Kevin McGrath, Beverly High School teacher, presented a request for approval of a field trip to the “Close-Up” Conference in Washington, DC, March 4-10, 2001. · Upon the recommendation of the Administration, it was moved by Mrs. Norris and seconded to approve the request for BHS students to attend the Close-Up” Conference in Washington DC, March 4-10, 2001, as presented. Unanimously voted. Al DiPaolo and Mary Murray, Briscoe Middle School teachers, presented requests for approval of field trips to “Nature’s Classroom”. · Upon the recommendation of the Administration, it was moved by Mrs. Norris and seconded to approve the request for Briscoe Middle School Grade Six students to attend “Nature’s Classroom” in Groton, MA, October 30-November 3, 2000, as presented. Unanimously voted. · Upon the recommendation of the Administration, it was moved by Mrs. Norris and seconded to approve the request for Briscoe Middle School Grade Six students to attend “Nature’s Classroom” in Freedom, NH, November 27-December 1, 2000, as presented. Unanimously voted. Records of Meeting · It was moved by Mrs. Norris and seconded to approve the records of the regular meeting held September 10, 2000, with a name correction on page 2, as presented. Unanimously voted. COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Cahill received a communication from Elsie Waters, School Department volunteer for many years, which will be copied and forwarded to members. The Moms’ Softball Tournament, sponsored by the Beverly Recreation Department, will be held Sunday, October 22, and proceeds will go to the Beverly Education Foundation. At a meeting of the Joint Secondary Facilities Committee held recently, it was requested that more information be obtained relative to the order of renovations at the secondary schools, and include recommendations of the Beverly High School Accreditation Visiting Team into the planning discussions. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT Beverly High School Mission Statement · Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life, it was moved by Mrs. Bell and seconded to accept the change in the Beverly High School Mission Statement, as presented. Regular Meeting October 10, 2000 Page 3 (Change from “appreciate aesthetics, culture and diversity” to “acquire skills which enable them to appreciate aesthetics, culture and diversity.” Unanimously voted. Personnel · Upon the recommendation of the Administration and the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, it was moved by Mrs. Norris and seconded to approve the creation of one .5 kindergarten teacher at Edwards Elementary School, at a cost of $15, 495 for 2000-01, and one ESP kindergarten position at Ayers Ryal Side Elementary School, at a cost of $8,672 for 2000-01. Unanimously voted. Discrimination/Harassment Policy – First Reading Superintendent Lupini presented a revised policy on Discrimination/Harassment for a First Reading. A Second Reading and action on the revision will be held at the next meeting. Fiscal Administrator for Title I Dissemination Project · It was moved by Mrs. Norris and seconded to authorize Superintendent Bill Lupini the Fiscal Administrator for the Title I Dissemination Project, for which the Beverly Public Schools serves as the Fiscal Agent. Unanimously voted. NEASC Accreditation Report Dr. Lupini presented a brief summary of the the Accreditation Report, noting specific recommendations that must be addressed relative to the condition of the building. He praised Beverly High School staff and administrators on an excellent report from the Visiting Committee. School Site Council Goals Superintendent Lupini presented a Response to School Council Goals, and announced a meeting will be held for all principals and a representative from each school council on Tuesday, October 17 at 7:30 PM in the School Committee Room, Briscoe Middle, to explain the role of the Site Council and to offer assistance in development of plans. Superintendent’s Goals Dr. Lupini presented draft of performance goals and implementation timelines for goals 3, 5, and 6. Remaining goals will be completed in November. Mrs. Coburn, Negotiations Chair, and Dr. Lupini have had ongoing meetings regarding the Superintendent’s Goals. Substitute Teachers Superintendent Lupini stated he will make recommendations at the next Finance and Facilities meeting relative to the Substitute Teacher Policy, to change the daily rate and the qualifications for acting as a substitute teacher in the district. Elementary Report Card Dr. Lupini and Dr. DeLucia distributed drafts of the new elementary report card, and noted changes to the report card and the implementation process. The report card (grades 1-3 and 4-5) will be implemented via a pilot process at Ayers Ryal Side, Cove, Edwards, McKeown, Regular Meeting October 10, 2000 Page 4 and Hannah Schools, per choice of the building principal. The kindergarten report card will be piloted in all schools. Information sessions for parents will be held on October 16 and 17. Members of the Report Card Committee will meet with teachers in all pilot buildings to discuss the implementation. A survey will be used to make proposed changes to the pilot report card and process, utilizing parent and staff focus groups. Utilities Budget School Business Manager, Judy Mulligan, presented a projected status of utility costs for FY2001, to make members of aware of possible cost increases. Resolutions - Annual Meeting of the Massachusetts Association of School Committees and Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents President Cahill lead members in a discussion surrounding resolutions that will be considered at the Annual MASC/MASS Meeting November 1-3, in Worcester, MA. Committee members discussed each resolution and took action on their position, giving direction to Mr. McHugh, who will be the voting delegate to the convention. · It was moved by Mrs. Norris and seconded that the Beverly School Committee vote “No” on Resolutions 1 and 2. Unanimously voted. · It was moved by Mayor Scanlon and seconded that the Beverly School Committee vote “Yes” on Resolution 3. Unanimously voted. · It was moved by Mayor Scanlon and seconded that the Beverly School Committee vote “No” on Resolution 4. Unanimously voted. · It was moved by Mayor Scanlon and seconded that the Beverly School Committee “No” on Resolution 5. So voted, with Mrs. Coburn abstaining from voting. · It was moved by Mrs. Norris and seconded that the Beverly School Committee vote “Yes” on Resolution 6. Unanimously voted. Update on School Committee Goals Mr. Cahill briefly summarized progress on committee goals. Committee Reports The Hurd Advisory Committee will meet October 11, 2000 at 7:00 PM in the School Committee Room, Briscoe Middle School. The Joint Secondary Facilities Committee will meet on November 16, 2000, and December 7, 2000, at 7:00 PM in the School Committee Room, Briscoe Middle School. The Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life meeting time will be changed to 7:30 PM on Monday, October 16. Regular Meeting October 10, 2000 Page 5 The Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities will meet at 7:00 PM on Monday, October 23. The Subcommittee on Negotiations has scheduled several meetings with representatives of the four AFSCME groups and Unit B in October and November. The next regular School Committee meeting will be held Monday, November 13, 2000, at 7:00 PM at the Hannah Elementary School. · It was moved by Mrs. Norris and seconded to adjourn. Unanimously voted. The meeting adjourned at 9:21 PM. Janet Norris Secretary