December 8, 1997
A regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Monday,
December 8, 1997 in the Beverly High School Library, Beverly, MA.
Members Present:
Mr. Bjork, Mrs. Frutiger, Mrs. Gillespie, Mrs. Krueger,
Ms. Levin, Mr. McHugh, Mayor ScanIon, Mrs. Seamans
and Mrs. Goodenough.
Members Absent:
Also in Attendance:
William Lupini, Superintendent of Schools,
Keith Manville, Assistant Superintendent of Schools,
and Judy Mulligan, School Business Manager.
Mrs. Goodenough called the meeting to order at 7:55 PM following a reception
in honor of outgoing members.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mrs. Krueger.
An Excellence in Education Award was presented earlier at the reception to
Dr. Keith Manville in recognition and grateful appreciation for outstanding
service and commitment to the students, staff, school committee, and citizens
of Beverly, as Acting Superintendent of Schools, Beverly Public Schools,
August 1996 to July, 1997.
Mrs. Goodenough announced that, in the spirit of the city charier, she will step
down as President of the School Committee at the end of the year, but will stand
for re-election, should members so choose.
Mrs. Frutiger read a tribute to Dr. Thomas Durkin, Principal, McKay Elementary
School, who retired after 32 years of service to the Beverly Public Schools.
Additional comments and recognition from members included a fabulous
presentation of the BHS play, "Harvey", Solar Solutions/Solar Now at BHS,
renovations in the BHS library and media center, and a successful football
game on Thanksgiving Day.
Heather Scialdone was not present at the meeting. Mrs. Goodenough reported
a Student Advisory meeting was held Monday, December 1, 1997, minutes are
included in meeting materials. It was noted that some students are happy with
the Bike Patrol at the High School and feel it is very effective.
Regular Meeting
December 8, 1997
Page 2
· It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to approve the records of the regular
meeting held November '10, '1997, as presented.
The records were amended as follows: include the words "So voted" following
the motion on page 4, paragraph 8. Mrs. Gillespie requested, that names of
individuals submitted for consideration to name the new school be individually
noted: Thomas Manzi and Philip Dunklebarger requested consideration to
name the school after Tom Manzi's father, James Manzi; Neil Desmond
requested consideration to name the school after his grandfather Dr. Frederick
J. Desmond. (Citizen Input, page 1)
The amendments were included in the motion to approve the records. So voted.
Mayor ScanIon left the meeting at 8:10 PM.
· Cummings Properties Charitable Foundation expansion of the McKeown
Scholars Program in Beverly
· NSBA Annual Conference in New Orleans
· MASC policies - need to establish a policy on students activity accounts
· Concern surrounding security of computers at Beverly High School
· Communications regarding naming of new school
Suzanne Harlow was appointed principal, McKay Elementary School, as of
December 1, 1997.
Mary Ellen Gailey was appointed principal, Patten School, as of December 1,
· Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities,
it was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded to appropriate $20,000 of School Choice
monies to finish funding positions conditionally approved at the October School
Committee meeting, for the remainder of the current school year. (Specifically, the
positions of first grade classroom aide at Ayers Ryal Side, fourth grade classroom
aide at Centerville, and fourth grade classroom aide at North Beverly.)
Unanimously voted.
Superintendent Lupini presented a progress report on the Superintendent's
Performance Goals. He complimented the curriculum coordinators and Dr. Manville
on the completion of a curriculum review cycle, which will be implemented soon.
Mr. Lupini thanked Judy Mulligan and Rod Maxner for the time and work to produce
a draft of a five-year maintenance plan, which was presented to the Finance
Committee in November.
Regular Meeting
December 8, 1997
Page 3
· It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to approve the 1998-1999 School
Calendar, as presented, with a start day of September 8 (after Labor Day) and
including two vacations. The projected closing date, with five built-in snow days,
is June 30, 1999. So voted, with Mr. Bjork voting in opposition to the motion.
A tentative agenda for the School Committee Retreat to be held January 9 and
10, 1998, was including in meeting materials.
Dr. Manville reported an additional teacher will be hired for the Alternative
Program, a requirement by the Department of Education.
Superintendent Lupini presented a memo on possible future uses for the
McKay and Edwards Elementary Schools. This memo was written to Ray
Bouchard and members of the Buildings and Other Facilities Planning and
Construction Committee on November 18, 1997.
The Superintendent presented a First Reading on revisions to the policy on
"Subcommittee and Standing Committees of the School Committee."
Minor revisions included moving paragraph one (jurisdiction) to the end of the
section, eliminate the Standing Committee on Instruction, change the name of
the Standing Committee on Student Life to "Curriculum and Student Activities"
and add a new subsection to read "Other subcommittees may be created by a
majority vote of the entire School Committee." Suggested modifications in
wording will be done before consideration for a Second Reading at the January
· Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and
Facilities, it was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded that the School Committee
request the Mayor and City Council to appropriate funds to the School
Department as follows, funding to come from the Foundation Reserve Account:
Edwards Elementary School (window project)
Beverly High School (handicapped accessibility)
Memorial Middle School (locker replacement)
Briscoe Middle School (locker replacement)
Textbook purchase(curriculum renewal cycle)
Unanimously voted.
Ayers Ryal Side Elementary School, in partnership with Mulberry Child Care
Centers, is preparing to offer a pilot "Stay and Play" program for students.
The program will begin in January and operate from 7:00-8:15 AM and
2:30-6:00 PM each day, including snow days and school vacation weeks.
Mr. Lupini expressed gratitude to Rhonda Gauthier and Clay Stackpole for
initiating a unique approach to before and after school issues.
Superintendent Lupini presented a three-year study on High School
attendance, noting the percentages went up each of the last three years.
Regular Meeting
December 8, 1997
Page 4
· It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to increase the hourly rate for the
bus mechanic from $14.07 per hour to $15.00 per hour, effective January 2,
1998. Unanimously voted.
· It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to establish Patten School as a
separate elementary school, retroactive to the beginning of the 1997-1998
school year, through the 1998-1999 school year. Unanimously voted.
Discussion was held on policy adoption procedures. Salient points of the
discussion (relative to naming of schools, buildings, and rooms after
individuals) included:
· make the public aware; offer opportunity for input (public hearing)
· use a petition process, with signatures, prior to consideration
The Committee agreed to work through this policy in the next few months and
review the wording and process to reflect suggestions for procedures.
· It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to approve the Policy on Open
Enrollment, a Second Reading, with the exclusion of item #3.
· It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to amend the motion, to include
"evaluate on a yearly basis" in item #7. Unanimously voted.
· It was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded to amend the motion, under the
section on "Middle Schools", to clarify that no request will be approved if it
means any staff increase(first paragraph). Unanimously voted.
The vote on the amended motion was as follows:
Voting for the motion:
Mr. Bjork, Mrs. Krueger, Ms. Levin, Mr. McHugh
and Mrs. Goodenough.
Voting against the motion: Mrs. Frutiger, Mrs. Gillespie and Mrs. Seamans.
Motion approved.
Superintendent Lupini stated that, although item #3 relative to approval of
siblings was not approved, he will use item #7(Superintendent's discretion)
to make determinations on sibling requests for open enrollment.
Committee chairs submitted annual reports for inclusion in the President's
Annual Report of the School Committee.
The Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities met November 24, minutes
are included in meeting materials. The next meeting will be held December 22,
1997 at 7:00 PM in the School Committee Room.
Regular Meeting
December 8, 1997
Page 5
· Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and
Facilities, it was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded to approve budget transfers
requested by Cove and Memorial Schools and Central Administration in a
memo dated November 4, 1997, and the allocation of professional development
funds in a memo dated November 10, 1997, with the change in Beverly High
School amount to $10,000 and add Patten in the amount of $1,000. So voted.
The Standing Committee on Student Life and Activities met November 17,
1997, minutes of which are included in meeting materials. The next meeting
will be held December 15, 1997.
The Standing Committee on Instruction met December 1, 1997. Minutes will be
mailed out at a later date.
Mrs. Mulligan reported the Building Commission approved the Ayers building
Mrs. Goodenough presented the Annual Report of the School Committee.
She reported on highlights of the past year, notably the hiring of a new
A composite of responses on the School Committee self-evaluation will be
compiled and forwarded to members.
Mrs. Goodenough recognized outgoing members Judy Gillespie, Nancy Levin,
Connie Krueger, and Stella Mae Seamans for comments. Appreciation and
best wishes were voiced by their peers.
· It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to adjourn. Unanimously voted.
The meeting adjourned at 9:55 PM.
Stella Mae Seamans