1997-09-08 BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS September 8, 1997 A regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Monday, September 8, 1997 in the Beverly High School Library, Beverly, MA. Members Present: Mr. Bjork, Mrs. Frutiger, Mrs. Gillespie, Mrs. Krueger, Ms. Levin, Mr. McHugh, Mayor ScanIon, Mrs. Seamans and Mrs. Goodenough. Members Absent: None Also in Attendance: William Lupini, Superintendent of Schools, Keith Manville, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, and Judy Mulligan, School Business Manager. Mrs. Goodenough called the meeting to order at 7:35 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mrs. Gillespie. Mrs. Goodenough request a moment of silence in memory of staff who died, and staff who lost loved ones over the summer months. · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to approve the records of the regular meeting held June 9, 1997, with noted corrections (spelling, name designation). Unanimously voted. · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to approve the records of the special meeting held June 16, 1997, as presented. Unanimously voted. · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to approve the records of the special meeting held June 30, 1997, as presented. Unanimously voted. Mrs. Gillespie requested a letter be forwarded to Mr. Cummings, informing him of the action taken by the Committee in June regarding naming of the new school, citing the wording in the motion. COMMUNICATIONS A delegate to the Annual Joint MASC/MASS Conference November 5-7 will be named. Members were requested to inform the president if they plan to attend. A Fast Track Conference on Issues will be held September 19 and 20. Those wishing to attend should notify the Executive Secretary. Members received miscellaneous communications over the past weeks, including positive feedback and accolades for the new superintendent, excitement and Regular Meeting September 8, 1997 Page 2 positive statements with regard to new teachers at Beverly High School, the Technology Fund, maintenance projects underway, and questions regarding the health of Dr. Tom Durkin, the status of Edwards School windows, and feedback involving naming of the new school. Superintendent Lupini presented a draft revision of the policy on Naming of Buildings, Fields, or Room After Individuals. The Committee referred the matter back to the Superintendent to rework the policy with notations and additions resulting from the discussion. The revised policy will be presented for consideration at the regular meeting on October 14, 1997. · It was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded that the Beverly School Committee declare their intent to take up the matter of naming the new school after James McKeown, pending approval of a policy, and after the requisite waiting period has passed. The motion passed 7-2, with Mrs. Frutiger and Mrs. Seamans voting in opposition to the motion. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLANS Mrs. Gauthier, Principal, presented the Ayers Ryal Side Elementary School Improvement Plan for 1997-98, along with members of the School Site Council, Janet Norris, Catherine Macy, and Jeanne Seamans. · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to accept the School Improvement Plan of Ayers Ryal Side Elementary School, as presented. Unanimously voted. Mr. Argyrople, Principal, presented the Hannah Elementary School Improvement Plan for 1997-98. ° It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to accept the School Improvement Plan of Hannah Elementary School, as presented. Unanimously voted. STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE Mrs. Goodenough introduced Heather Scialdone, Grade 11, Beverly High School, student representative to the School Committee. Heather recognized students in the audience who will serve with her at Beverly High School, and expressed a desire to have a positive effect in presenting student issues at future Committee meetings. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT Mr. Lupini thanked the Committee for their cooperation in not meeting over the summer to allow him time to get acclimated to the position, and thanked Keith Manville for his cooperation and assistance. Open Enrollment Superintendent Lupini presented a brief summary of the open enrollment guidelines presently being implemented in elementary schools. He emphasized Regular Meeting September 8, 1997 Page 3 the need for an interim policy and asked that the matter be referred to Student Life and Activities for a draft policy recommendation, including a "sunset clause", for consideration at the November regular meeting. Included in meeting materials was updated information on the third grade Iowa Test of Basic Skills results for 1997. · Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to approve the proposed meeting dates for the Beverly School Committee for September through December, 1997. Unanimously voted. Monday, September 8 Monday, September 22 Regular Meeting 7:30 PM Finance & Facilities 7:00 PM Monday, October 6 Monday, October 14 Monday, October 20 Monday, October 27 Monday, November 3 Monday, November 10 Monday, November 17 Monday, November 24 Curriculum & Instruction 7:00 PM Regular Meeting 7:30 PM Student Life & Activities7:30 PM Joint City Council & 7:30 PM School Committee Curriculum & Instruction 7:00 PM Regular Meeting 7:30 PM Student Life & Activities7:30 PM Finance & Facilities 7:00 PM Monday, December 1 Monday, December 8 Monday, December 15 Monday, December 22 Curriculum & Instruction 7:00 PM Regular Meeting 7:30 PM Student Life & Activities7:30 PM Finance & Facilities 7:00 PM · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to approve the early release dates, as recommended by the Administration. Unanimously voted. Elementary Schools Thursday, October 2, 1997 Thursday, November 6, 1997 Thursday, January 8, 1998 Thursday, February 5, 1998 Friday, March 6, 1998 Thursday, May 7, 1998 Thursday, November 6, 1997 Memorial Middle School Thursday, November 6, 1997 Briscoe Middle School Thursday, February 5, 1998 Beverly High School date to be determined ° It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to adopt the Superintendent's Performance Goals, as presented. Unanimously voted. Mr. Lupini will present a progress report on the goals at the October meeting. Regular Meeting September 8, 1997 Page 4 · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to designate the Beverly Superintendent of Schools as representative to the Northeast Education Consortium. Unanimously voted. Included in meeting materials was updated information on miscellaneous building issues. Superintendent Lupini presented information on the position of "secondary diagnostician", noting the School Committee did not authorize the position, but salary for the position was included in the 1997-98 "level programmed" portion of the school department budget. The Committee referred the matter back to the Superintendent for a recommendation; unless the Superintendent comes back with a request to authorize continuance, the position does not exist. A status report on the position of Assistant to the Special Services Director/Patten Wing will be discussed later in executive session. The Alternative Education Program is still being developed, awaiting site approval from the Department of Education. · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded that the Beverly School Committee approve the request of the Beverly School for the Deaf to operate a private school in the City of Beverly. Unanimously voted. The Administration noted a great opening of schools. September, 1997 school enrollments were presented in meeting materials. Citizen Input Michael McLarrin appeared before the Committee challenging the kindergarten entrance policy and requested that his child be admitted to public school kindergarten in Beverly, although he does not meet the eligibility requirements. Mr. McLarrin stated, that on two occasions, he/his wife were assured by office staff during the summer that their child could transfer into the Beverly schools, having begun public kindergarten out of state in August. · It was moved by Mrs. Gillespie and seconded to waive the kindergarten entrance policy and the child (MCLarrin) be allowed to attend school in Beverly, because of miscommunication, for a time not later than the last day in 1997. So voted, with Mrs. Krueger and Ms. Levin voting in opposition to the motion. COMMITTEE REPORTS Standing Committee on Student Life and Activities · Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Student Life and Activities, it was moved by Mrs. Frutiger and seconded to approve Second Readings, with approved amendments, on the following policies: JD, JIA, JIB, JICFA, JIH, JJE, JLCC, JLCCA. Unanimously voted. Regular Meeting September 8, 1997 Page 5 The following policies, with no recommended change from the Standing Committee, will be put in MASC format: JA, JB, JE, JI, JIC, JJID, JK, JLDA, JPA, JRA. Policies JC(School District Attendance Areas), JICL(Substances Subject to Abuse), and JJIC(Student Eligibility for Participation in Athletics and Extra- Curricular Activities) will be considered at a future committee meeting. There were no other standing or subcommittee reports. Mrs. Frutiger requested that minutes of Hurd Advisory Committee meetings be included in School Committee mailings. Mr. McHugh, Chair, will provide copies. Congratulations were given to Judy Mulligan on completion of the General Certification Seminar in the Massachusetts Certified Public Purchasing Official program. · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to go into Executive Session for the following purposes and not return to Open Session: a) to consider negotiations with non-union administrative personnel; b) to receive a report on pending litigation with J. Geller and C. Frey-Norton, c) to hear a grievance from a parent relative to a ruling by the Superintendent, d) to consider records of executive sessions, and take whatever action necessary. A roll call vote was requested, which resulted in the following: YES: Ms. Levin, Mr. McHugh, Mayor ScanIon, Mrs. Seamans, Mr. Bjork, Mrs. Frutiger, Mrs. Krueger and Mrs. Goodenough. NO: Mrs. Gillespie. So voted. The Committee recessed at 10:23 PM. The Committee went into Executive Session at 10:28 PM. Stella Mae Seamarts Secretary