1997-06-09BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS June 9,1997 A regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Monday, June 9, 1997 in the School Committee Room, Briscoe Middle School, Beverly, MA. Members Present: Mr. Bjork, Mrs. Frutiger, Mrs. Gillespie, Mrs. Krueger, Ms. Levin, Mr. McHugh, Mrs. Seamans and Mrs. Goodenough. Members Absent: Mayor ScanIon Also in Attendance: Keith Manville, Acting Superintendent of Schools, and Judy Mulligan, School Business Manager. Mrs. Goodenough called the meeting to order at 7:32 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mrs. Krueger. Mrs. Seamans introduced Pauline LeClair, Briscoe Middle School teacher, and several Briscoe students who participated in the Solar Now Project. Students demonstrated the solar cars they designed, part of the MIT race competition this past week. Beverly is the only school in the area with 4 students participating in the finals next weekend at Beverly High School. Dr. John Coleman spoke about the history, funding, and progress of the Solar Now Project. He applauded the Committee's ongoing interest and efforts to promote the program at Beverly High School, noting that Beverly is world renowned for their interest in energy conservation and photovoltaic use. OPEN FORUM FOR CITIZEN CONCERNS Joanne Bolden requested information on where students will be reassigned as building projects come on line. She was advised the Administration will present a report in October; this being part of the report. Bill Coughlin was not in attendance at the meeting; the request to recognize him regarding athletic eligibility was not considered on the meeting agenda. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLANS · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to approve the Centerville Elementary School Improvement Plan, as presented on May 30, 1997. Unanimously voted. Regular Meeting June 9, 1997 Page 2 · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to approve the request of the Ayers Ryal Side, Hannah, and McKay Elementary School Site Councils to present School Improvement Plans for consideration in the Fall of 1997. Unanimously voted. STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE'S REPORT There was no student present and no report given. COMMUNICATIONS There will be a Special School Committee meeting at McKay Elementary School, Monday, June 16, 1997 at 7:30 PM, to present information on the school building project, and receive input and ideas for addressing concerns of the McKay School community regarding a request to move into the new building upon completion. · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to permit Keith Manville to carry over eleven (11) vacation days into the next school year. Unanimously voted. Appreciation and special thanks was voiced to Dr. Manville for serving as Acting Superintendent the past year, acknowledging his dedication and contributions during this transition period. Information on University of Beverly courses offered during the summer was included in meeting materials. Members were invited to the teacher training on the new offering, "Facing History and Ourselves", at 2:15 PM June 10 in the Briscoe Cafeteria. Discussion was held on the letter from the Ayers Ryal Side School Site Council regarding the technology plan contract and the urgency to move forward in the bidding process to secure computers for the start of the 1997-98 school year. It was stated that this program is designed as a pilot program, to be considered in other elementary schools in the future. Dr. Manville and Mrs. Mulligan responded to a communication from the Ward Two Civic Association represented by Joanne Bolden regarding repairs to windows and trim at Edwards School. She was assured that repairs will be done to ensure safety of students and staff during and through completion of the building project. Member communications included questions on grade levels at Patten Wing next September, concerns on student enrollment, budget, building issues, and a question relative to encouraging and considering input/ideas from staff. Dr. Manville, Mrs. Gillespie and Mr. McHugh attend the MASC "Day on the Hill" May 8, 1997. Regular Meeting June 9, 1997 Page 3 SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT · Patten Wing Kindergarten: At the request of the School Committee, Dr. Manville surveyed principals of schools sending students to the Patten Wing, following a tabled motion to make them half-day programs. The principals, as well as the Director of Special Education and Transportation Director, very much want the program left in the all-day format. A report will be presented at a future meeting on the number of openings at Patten, who makes the determination, and how students are selected to attend the all-day program. · Summer school programs and Reading Camp information are included in meeting materials. Dr. Manville commended Summer School Director, Bob Bisceglia, on a great job. · Dr. Thomas Durkin, Principal, McKay Elementary School, underwent successful cardiac surgery last week, and he s progressing well. · Fourth Prep: Dr. Manville and staff met last week and are looking at ways to implement the 4th prep in the 1997-98 school year. · Michael Zapantis, Director of Science, Math, & Technology, informed the Committee on the status of the Core Curriculum and the State Frameworks. Mr. Zapantis requested authorization to purchase.software that best meets the requirements of the Science frameworks. The Core Curriculum is being written and will be completed by the end of the school year. It is hoped to get funding from grants to purchase the software. The School Committee granted permission, in principle, for Mr. Zapantis to research, shop, and purchase the best software for the science curriculum. · Shared Teacher Position - Cove School Principal Betsy Frattaroli, requested approval for the continuation of the team teaching by Mrs. Cordani and Mrs. Robinson. This arrangement has been highly successful and consensus was given by the Committee to continue the shared teaching responsibilities, working through the Beverly Teachers Association. ° Dr. Manville stated all non-professional teaching staff will get notification this week, by law, that their positions may not be funded in the next school year, as there will not be a budget figure from the Mayor until later this month. There is much optimism that almost all non-professional staff will be hired back, once the budget figure is established. ° It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded that the Beverly Public Schools adopt the Family Medical Leave Act "rolling" 12-month period standard, in calculating the amount of leave an employee may be granted. Unanimously voted. Regular Meeting June 9, 1997 Page 4 · Transportation Department - A request was made for five (5) new bus driver positions to provide special needs in-house transportation during the 1997-98 school year, part of a cost-saving measure. · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to approve five new bus driver positions to provide special needs in-house transportation, as requested. Unanimously voted. COMMITTEE REPORTS Hurd Stadium Advisory Committee Mr. McHugh, Chair, reported meetings are being held. A report on stadium needs will be forwarded to the Building Commission, along with suggested ways to fund the improvements. A letter is being drafted to send to the Governor, outlining the needs of Hurd Stadium, and requesting assistance with funding. It was suggested to send a copy of the letter to Representative Michael Cahill. Standinfl Committee on Finance and Facilities Mr. Bjork, Chair, presented minutes of a meeting held May 27, 1997, as well as a memo, dated May 22, 1997, addressing long-range financial planning. · Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, it was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded to approve the proposed contract of the Beverly Music and Band Parents Association, to continue using the Hurd Stadium concession stand during 1997-1998, subject to a favorable opinion from the City Solicitor. Unanimously voted. ° Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, it was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded to approve budget transfers requested by the principal of the Hannah School in a memo dated 5/9/97, and by the principal of Beverly High School in a memo dated 5/12/97. Unanimously voted. · Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, it was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded to approve a $5 late fee for transportation applications received after August 1 of each year. Unanimously voted. · Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, it was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded to approve the recommendation of the Administration to change the Transportation Clerk from school-year, part-time, to year-round, part-time, with additional salary to be funded from the Transportation Revolving Fund. Unanimously voted. Regular Meeting June 9, 1997 Page 5 The Standing Committee discussed the Mayor's budget proposal, agreed that direct needs of Beverly High School should be fully funded, and requested that the Administration come to the School Committee, after the budget is passed by the City Council, with definite recommendations about the use of program improvement monies. The Administration will present a report in the Fall on long-range planning. · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to approve the budget transfers requested by principals of the Ayers Ryal Side, Hannah, McKay, and Beverly High School, in a memo dated 6/5/97, as presented. Unanimously voted. Student Life and Activities Mrs. Frutiger, Chair, reported a meeting was held May 12, 1997. Review and discussion was held on the Harassment Policy, along with input from Loel Green, consultant from Brown University. A First.Reading on the proposed policy was presented. A First Reading on the proposed policy on Parental Notification Relative to Sex Education was presented. Subcommittee on Negotiations Ms. Levin reported meetings were held to determine the definition of Time and Learning, in view of changes from the Department of Education. Supervisory duties were defined, which will begin in September, 1997. This is clarification only; no change in the contract. · It was moved by Mrs. Gillespie and seconded to place "Such Other Matters" on regular and subcommittee meeting agendas. · It was moved by Mrs. Gillespie and seconded to amend the motion to include the words "on a six-month trial basis". A roll call vote was requested, which resulted in the following: YES: Mrs. Seamans, Mrs. Frutiger, Mrs. Gillespie and Mr. McHugh NO: Mr. Bjork, Mrs. Krueger, Ms. Levin and Mrs. Goodenough. The vote was 4 for and 4 against. Motion defeated. · It was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded to place "Such Other Matters" on regular School Committee meeting agendas for kudos and congratulations only. So voted, with Mrs. Frutiger, Mrs. Gillespie and Ms. Levin voting in opposition to the motion. Regular Meeting June 9, 1997 Page 6 RECORDS OF MEETINGS · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to approve the records of the regular meeting held March 24, 1997, with noted changes. Unanimously voted. ° It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to approve the records of the regular meeting held April 14, 1997 and continued May 5, 1997, with noted changes and clarifications. Unanimously voted. ° It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to approve the records of the Committee of the Whole June 2, 1997. Unanimously voted. Mrs. Frutiger announced the Standing Committee on Student Life and Activities will meet at 7:30 PM on Tuesday, June 17, 1997, in Room 222, Briscoe Middle School. · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to adjourn. Unanimously voted. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 PM. Stella Mae Seamans Secretary