1997-05-05BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS May 5, 1997 The regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee, recessed from Monday, April 14, 1997, was reconvened on Monday, May 5, 1997 in the School Committee Room, Briscoe Middle School, Beverly, MA. Members Present: Mr. Bjork, Mrs. Frutiger, Mrs. Krueger, Ms. Levin, Mr. McHugh, Mrs. Seamans and Mrs. Goodenough. Members Absent: Mrs. Gillespie and Mayor ScanIon. Also in Attendance: William Lupini, Newly Elected Superintendent of Schools, Keith Manville, Acting Superintendent, and Judy Mulligan, School Business Administrator. Mrs. Goodenough called the meeting to order at 7:37 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mrs. Krueger. COMMUNICATIONS Dr. Manville acknowledged the following communications: · Resignation of William Hamor as Director of Athletics/Physical Education. An appropriate letter will be sent to Mr. Hamor expressing regret and appreciation for his service as AD. · A letter of thanks was sent to Garelick Farms for the contribution of $1,712.24 in the "Back To Schools" Program to generate money for athletic, fitness and nutrition programs in the schools. · Mrs. Goodenough sent letters of appreciation to Mr. Zapantis, Dr. Krueger and members of the Technology Committee for their work and excellent presentation of the Technology Plan at the Joint Meeting April 28, 1997. A sample copy was enclosed in meeting materials. Mrs. Frutiger requested that, when correspondence is sent on behalf of the School Committee, members receive a draft of the letter prior to mailing for their approval. · Copy of a letter of congratulations to Ann Harney from Dr. Manville on be chosen to participate in a NASA Educational Workshop · Copy of a letter from Mrs, Goodenough appointing Nancy Kirkland as a Citizen Advisor to the Standing Committee on Student Life and Activities. · Copy of a letter to Mr. Argyrople, Principal, Hannah School, on "Make A Difference Day" award presented by Essex County Newspapers. Mrs. Seamans acknowledged gifts donated to Beverly High School in the amount of $3000 for technology. She stated there is a desire on the part of the benefactors to continue the collaboration to assist students in the computer lab because they are concerned citizens and want to see technology efforts Regulm' Meeting May 5, 1997 continued ~'om April 14, 1997 Page 2 continued and expanded at Beverly High School. Committee members expressed appreciation for these anonymous gifts. Mrs. Seamans stated the Youth Group Collaborative at St. Johns' Church participated in a dinner honoring Tony Witwicki, Beverly High School teacher, for his work with the youth. Mrs. Seamans distributed brochures on Solar Now, an update from Mass Electric, who does all publicity and promotion for the program. STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE'S REPORT Melissa Iovanni was present at the meeting and voiced safety and security concerns of students regarding parking of automobiles at the High School. She requested information on use of copy machines at the High School and where students can access machines. These will be referred to the principal, as building concerns. Melissa praised the programs, activities, students, and in general Beverly High School, and challenged the local press to cease writing negative articles and publicize the good that is happening at the school. Ms. Iovanni left the meeting after presenting her report. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT Kindergarten Dr. Manville reiterated his recommendation on the policy for kindergarten eligibility, following completion of a survey of building principals, and current policies of surrounding districts. · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to maintain the current policy for eligibility and admission to kindergarten and first grade. Unanimously voted. Dr. Manville will contact principals to ascertain if there is any desire to change the cut-off date or criteria for admission to first grade. · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to make all kindergarten programs in all the elementary schools one-half (1/2) day programs, and offer transportation to students who qualify for out-of-district bus service. ° It was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded to table the motion until the June 9 regular meeting in order to receive information on the impact on special education and transportation. Unanimously voted. Washington-Beadle School Closing Report Dr. Manville thanked co-chairs Angel Crandall and Cheryl Sydorko for their hard work in compiling the final report. He responded, in writing, to questions Regular Meeting May 5, 1997 continued from April 14, 1997 Page 3 raised by members at the last meeting, including the location of the classroom computers that were to follow students. A concern was voiced that a decision be made prior to the close of this school year as to where the computer for the Briscoe 5th grade will go next year. The recently established policy regarding use of school-owned materials will be implemented. Student Representative Concerns Dr. Manville responded, in writing, to the questions and concerns raised by the Student Representative at the February meeting. Core Curriculum · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded that the Core Curriculum, with the approved frameworks from the Department of Education, be submitted to the School Committee for consideration and approval during the 1997-1998 school year. Unanimously voted. Organizational Charts Dr. Manville included in meeting materials information on staff articulation, and explained the organizational charts for instructional and non-instructional staff in the Beverly Public Schools. He invited members to review job descriptions, including ADA job requirements, on file in the Personnel Office. Minor changes will be made to lines on the charts to reflect personnel involved in and related to the evaluation of itinerant staff. Parent Notification Law Included in meeting materials is a sample of a Parent Notification Law, a State requirement that all school districts must have in place by next fall. Mrs. Krueger, Chair, Standing Committee on Instruction, offered to develop a policy statement to conform with this requirement, in cooperation with Mrs. Frutiger, Chair, Standing Committee on Student Life and Activities. Last Day of 1996-97 School Year · It was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded that Friday, June 20, 1997 be designated as the last day of school for the 1996-1997 school year, a full day of instruction for students, and Monday, June 23, 1997 be a full day of work for staff, activities to be at the discretion of the building principal. So voted with Mrs. Frutiger, Mrs. Kruger and Ms. Levin voting in opposition to the motion. Dr. Manville will consult with the Beverly Teacher's Association to ascertain there is no contract violation in the above action. Needs of Beverly Schools Dr. Manville presented a written report of responses relative to the needs of the Beverly Elementary Schools. Regular Meeting May 5, 1997 continued from April 14, 1997 Page 4 May School Committee Regular Meeting · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded that the May 12, 1997 regular meeting of the School Committee be canceled. So voted, with Mrs. Frutiger voting in opposition to the motion. The Committee will hold a regular meeting on Monday, June 9, 1997. Dr. Manville will contact building principals for consideration of a Committee of the Whole Meeting later in May to receive School Site Council Plans. COMMITTEE REPORTS Hurd Stadium Advisory Committee Mr. McHugh reported meetings are being held, minutes are included in meeting materials. Repair work to Hurd Stadium is estimated at $70,000.00. A fund- raising can drive will be held this weekend, manned by adults only. Other anticipated revenues will be through the sale of tee shirts. The Advisory Committee has requested an increase in the number of voting members. Mrs. Goodenough requested that Mr. McHugh solicit only a small number from various organizations involved in the project. An account at the High School Branch Bank has been opened. A request was made to submit a statement of the breakdown on repairs and estimated costs for Committee members' review, with a copy to the Building Commission. Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities Mr. Bjork presented minutes of meetings held March 25, and April 2, 1997. · Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, it was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded to approve the transfer requests of middle school principals to cover a shortfall in the middle schools clerks line (resulting from inability to immediately implement the cuts voted in June). Unanimously voted. · Upon the recommendation of the Administration, it was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded to approve budget transfers requested by principals for Ayers and Centerville Schools in a memo dated April 10, 1997. Unanimously voted. · Upon the recommendation of the Administration, it was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded to approve budget transfers requested by principals for Ayers, Cove, McKay, and Edwards Schools in a memo dated March 25, 1997. Unanimously voted. · Upon the recommendation of the Administration, it was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded to approve budget transfers requested by the Administration in a memo dated May 1, 1997. Unanimously voted. · Upon the recommendation of the Administration, it was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded to approve budget transfers requested by principals for Reguhu' Meeting May 5, 1997 continued from April 14, 1997 Page 5 Centerville and Beverly High School in a memo dated May 5, 1997. Unanimously voted. Mayor ScanIon has scheduled a public intormation session on the budget, to be held at the Beverly High School Auditorium on Tuesday, May 20, 997 at 7:00 PM. A meeting of the Finance Committee will be scheduled as soon as word is received from the Mayor regarding the School Department Budget. Standin~l Committee on Instruction Mrs. Krueger presented minutes of the meeting held March 26, 1997. She thanked the Technology Committee for the presentation of the Technology Plan at a Joint Meeting of the Beverly School Committee and the Beverly City Council held April 28, 1997 at the Public Library. · Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Instruction, it was moved by Mrs. Krueger and seconded to approve the guiding principles and curricular grade level priorities contained in the Technology Plan. Unanimously voted. ° It was moved by Mrs. Krueger and seconded to conceptually approve the Technology Plan for the Beverly Public Schools, as presented on April 28, 1997, by the Technology Committee. Unanimously voted. Standing Committee on Student Life and Activities Mrs. Frutiger announced the next meeting had been rescheduled once and will need to be rescheduled again, due to the Mayor's public meeting on the budget on Tuesday, May 20. Clarification was made that mechanisms are in place to get recommendations from Central Administration regarding interim placements of students during the phases of the building project. Newly elected Superintendent, Mr. Lupini, offered to prepare a report for presentation at the October meeting relative to administrative recommendations. Subcommittee on Negotiations Ms. Levin stated meetings are being held. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 29, 1997 at 7:00 PM in the School Committee Room. APPROVAL OF RECORDS ° It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to approve the records of the regular meeting held February 10, 1997, as presented. Unanimously voted. · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to approve the records of the special meeting held February 24, 1997, as presented. ° The records were amended to reflect that Ms. Levin was absent at the meeting. Regular Meeting May 5, 1997 continued fforn April 14, 1997 Page 6 The records of the special meeting held February 24, 1997, as amended, were unanimously approved. · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to approve the records of the special meetings for Superintendent interviews held February 25, February 27, March 3, and March 6, 1997, as presented. · The records were amended to reflect that Mr. Bjork was absent at the meeting held February 27, 1997. The records of the special meetings held February 25, February 27, March 3, and March 6, 1997, as amended, were unanimously approved. · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to approve the records of the special meeting held March 13, 1997, as presented. Unanimously voted. The records of the March 24, 1997 regular meeting will be considered at the June regular meeting. ° It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to approve the records of the public hearing on the budget held April 14, 1997, as presented. Unanimously voted. · It was moved by Mrs. Krueger and seconded to delete verbatim comments from citizens, as not being appropriate for a public record. So voted, with Mrs. Frutiger, Mr. McHugh and Mrs. Seamans voting in opposition to the amendment. Discussion was held on what should be included in public hearing records. It was suggested that persons wishing to speak at public hearings be informed they may submit comments in writing, to be included along with the records of the proceedings, but individual comments will not be incorporated into the records. The records should state names of persons who spoke and whether they wish to have their comments attached to the records. The motion to approve the records of the April 14, 1997 public hearing on the budget, as amended, were approved, with Mrs. Frutiger, Mr. McHugh and Mrs. Seamans voting in opposition to the motion. · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to approve the records of the Joint Meeting of the Beverly School Committee and the Beverly City Council held April 28, 1997, as presented. · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to amend the records to reflect that Mr. McHugh was absent, and that Representative John Tierney was in attendance. Unanimously voted. Regular Meeting May5, 1997 continued ~'om April 14, 1997 Page 7 The records of the Joint Meeting held April 28, 1997, as amended, were unanimously approved. · It was moved by Mrs. Frutiger and seconded to table Mrs. Gillespie's request to consider placing "Such Other Matters" on regular and subcommittee meeting agendas to a future date. So voted, with Mrs. Krueger voting in opposition to the motion. Mrs. Gillespie's request for discussion of a long-term action plan, including systemwide responsibilities, is being addressed and will be part of the new Superintendent's goal for strategic planning. Dr. Manville presented members with copies of the Audit Team Report (draft) for review. The report will be made public tomorrow. Responses to the audit must be made by June 16 for preparation of the final report. Dr. Manville stated the overall audit report on special education and food services was positive. · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to go into Executive Session to consider negotiations with union and non-union personnel, and to consider records of executive sessions, and not return to Open Session. A roll call vote was requested, which resulted in the following: YES: Mr. Bjork, Mrs. Frutiger, Mrs. Krueger, Ms. Levin, Mr. McHugh, Mrs. Seamans and Mrs. Goodenough. NO: None Unanimously voted. The Committee recessed at 9:35 PM. The Committee went into Executive Session at 9:38 PM. Stella Mae Seamans Secretary