1997-04-14 with Budget HearingBEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS April 14, 1997 A School Committee Public Hearing on the proposed FY98 School Department budget was held on Monday, April 14, 1997 in the Briscoe Cafeteria, Briscoe Middle School, Beverly, MA. Members Present: Mr. Bjork, Mrs. Frutiger, Mrs. Gillespie, Mrs. Krueger, Ms. Levin, Mr. McHugh, Mayor ScanIon, Mrs. Seamans and Mrs. Goodenough. Members Absent: None Also in Attendance: Keith Manville, Acting Superintendent, and Judy Mulligan, School Business Administrator. The hearing was called to order by President Linda Goodenough at 7:10 PM. Mrs. Goodenough turned the proceedings over to Mr. Bjork, Chair of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities. Mr. Bjork stated the reason for the public hearing, citing M.G.L. Chapter 61, Section 38 N, and the Beverly Municipal Charter, Article 6, Section 6.2. A legal notice of the hearing was published in a local newspaper with a summary of the proposed FY98 additions. Copies of the proposed budget have been made available to the public, and the proceedings are being held tonight to afford citizens the opportunity to be heard regarding the budget proposal. Mr. Bjork thanked the many members in the audience for attending and participating in the hearing. He introduced members of the School Committee and thanked the Administration and members of the Finance Committee, including citizen advisors, for many hours of work to prepare the budget. Mr. Bjork presented brief background information on the proposed budget, using overhead projections with charts and graphs. Persons requesting to speak included: Mary Grant, Steve Bissel, Kathy May, Annemarie Cesa, Thomas Murdock, Pamela Turner, Mike Zapantis, Don Argyrople, Doug Walker, Barbara Maver, Joseph Tedesco, Eileen Lang, Jack Shirley, Greg Johnston, Dean Rubin, Debra Feldeman, Tom Durham and Kate Davis. When no other persons requested to be recognized for input, the hearing was declared closed. The hearing closed at 8:37 PM. Stella Mae Seamans Secretary BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS April 14, 1997 A regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Monday, April 14, 1997 in the Briscoe Cafeteria, Briscoe Middle School, Beverly, MA. Members Present: Mr. Bjork, Mrs. Frutiger, Mrs. Gillespie, Mrs. Krueger, Ms. Levin, Mr. McHugh, Mayor ScanIon, Mrs. Seamans and Mrs. Goodenough. Members Absent: None Also in Attendance: Keith Manville, Acting Superintendent, and Judy Muiligan, School Business Administrator. There was no Student Representative present at the meeting. Mrs. Goodenough called the meeting to order at 8:52 PM. following a public hearing on the proposed FY98 School Department Budget. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. McHugh. Mrs. Goodenough changed the agenda order to receive a report from Mr. Bjork, Chairman of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, and consider the proposed FY98 School Department budget. She thanked people in the audience for attending the hearing and for participating in the process regarding the proposed budget. · Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, it was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded that the Beverly School Committee approve a FY98 School Department budget request in the amount of $28,711,376 for level program and program improvements, as proposed. Considerable discussion was held, including comments encouraging continued public involvement and representation, and a desire and need to work together with the City Council and the community to construct creative solutions for funding the budget. A roll call vote was requested, which resulted in the following: YES: Mrs. Frutiger, Mrs. Gillespie, Mrs. Krueger, Ms. Levin, Mr. McHugh, Mrs. Seamans, Mr. Bjork and Mrs. Goodneough. NO: Mayor Scanion The vote was 8 for and 1 against the motion. Motion approved. Regular Meeting April 14, 1997 Page 2 · Upon the recommendation of the Administration, it was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded that the Beverly School Committee approve the use of $414,000 of local revenues and school choice monies to reduce the requested appropriation of $28,297,376 from the City. A roll call vote was requested, which resulted in the following: YES: Mrs. Krueger, Ms. Levin, Mr. McHugh, Mrs. Seamans, Mr. Bjork, Mrs. Frutiger and Mrs. Goodenough. NO: Mrs. Gillespie and Mayor ScanIon. The vote was 7 for and 2 against the motion. Motion approved. · Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, it was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded that the Beverly School Committee request $3,349,000 in capital projects as proposed, including High School improvement projects previously promised by the Mayor. A roll call vote was requested, which resulted in the following: YES: Mrs. Krueger, Ms. Levin, Mr. McHugh, Mrs. Seamans, Mr. Bjork, Mrs. Frutiger and Mrs. Goodenough. NO: Mrs. Gillespie and Mayor Scanion. The vote was 7 for and 2 against the motion. Motion approved. The Committee recessed at 9:52 PM. The Committee reconvened at 9:58 PM. MEMORIAL MIDDLE SCHOOL SITE COUNCIL PLAN Mr. Kenneth Stowe, Principal, and members of the Memorial Middle School Site Council presented the proposed School Improvement Plan for 1997-1998. Mr. Stowe introduced members of the Council and expressed pride in their accomplishments. With regard to the required student hours, Mr. Stowe recommended consideration of keeping the middle schools at 900 hours a year, with manageable changes to conform to Time and Learning requirements. He noted that changing to 990 hours would be a hardship, fiscally and programatically. The Council presented a request for consideration, that School Site Councils be allowed to present their budget package to the School Committee as the budget is formulated, part of the state mandated duties of Councils. Regular Meeting April 14, 1997 Page 3 Members thanked Mr. Stowe and the Site Council for the excellent written proposal, and for waiting a lengthy time this evening to present the plan. · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to accept the Memorial Middle School Improvement Plan for 1997-1998, as presented. Unanimously voted. Standing Committee on Instruction Mrs. Krueger, Chair, requested that action be taken on items presented and approved at the last subcommittee meeting for consideration by the Full Committee, to be published in the High School Program of Studies. ° It was moved by Mrs. Krueger and seconded to adopt the new graduation requirements as recommended by the High School Principal and Acting Superintendent. Unanimously voted. ° It was moved by Mrs. Krueger and seconded to adopt the procedures of final authority regarding course selection and changes, as recommended by the Acting Superintendent. Unanimously voted. · It was moved by Mrs. Krueger and seconded to approve offering the new course, IMP(Integrated Math Progarm), beginning in September, 1997. Unanimously voted. Due to the lateness of the hour, members consensually agreed to recess the meeting to Monday, May 5, 1997 at 7:30 PM in the School Committee Room, and consider the remaining agenda items at that time. · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to go into Executive Session to consider negotiations with non-union personnel and take whatever action necessary, recess the meeting, and return to Open Session on Monday, May 5, 1997 at 7:30 PM. A roll call vote was requested, which resulted in the following: YES: Ms. Levin, Mr. McHugh, Mayor ScanIon, Mrs. Searoans, Mr. Bjork, Mrs. Frutiger, Mrs. Krueger and Mrs. Goodenough. NO: Mrs. Gillespie The vote was 8 for and 1 against the motion. Motion approved. The Committee recessed at 10:38 PM. The Committee went into Executive Session at 10:40 PM. Stella Mae Seamans Secretary