1997-01-13 with Redistricting H BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS January 13, 1997 A School Committee Public Hearing on the proposed redistricting for the Beverly Public Schools was held on Monday, January 13, 1997 at 6:30 PM in the Briscoe Cafeteria, Briscoe Middle School, Beverly, MA. Members Present: Mr. Bjork, Mrs. Frutiger, Mrs. Gillespie, Mrs. Krueger, Ms. Levin, Mr. McHugh, Mrs. Seamans and Mrs. Goodenough. Members Absent: Mayor ScanIon. Also in Attendance: Keith Manville, Acting Superintendent, and Judy Mulligan, School Business Administrator. The hearing was called to order by President Linda Goodenough at 6:37 PM. Mrs. Goodenough thanked members of the Redistricting Committee for attending the hearing and being available for questions. She stated the purpose of the hearing is to receive comments and questions from citizens relative to the proposed Redistricting Plan, and that consideration of the proposal by the Beverly School Committee will take place at the regular meeting on February 10, 1997. The action to be considered reads as follows: "To accept the recommendations of the Redistricting Committee. The School Committee will review the district lines one year prior to implementation using the following general guidelines: · identified neighborhoods should be districted to attend the same school, · whenever possible, districts should be made up of contiguous neighborhoods, · the percentage of students receiving free and/or reduced price lunches shall not exceed 28%." Mrs. Goodenough presented a brief history of the work of the Redistricting Committee, including overhead projections depicting proposed neighborhood and school district lines. Public Heating on Redistricting January 13, 1997 Page 2 Mrs. Goodenough recognized eight citizens who requested to speak regarding the proposal from the Redistricting Committee, including City Council members Maureen Troubetaris and Virginia McGlynn. Considerable concerns were voiced from residents of the "Central Cemetery" neighborhood with respect to the proposed district lines. Committee members assured parents/citizens that students would not be moved to a different school more than once, and that the proposed plan would be reviewed in the future, closer to the time the plan would go into effect. It was noted by a member of the Redistricting Committee that the proposal is not a "perfect" plan for everyone, but that it serves as a starting point in the process of redistricting students to elementary schools as the building plan comes on line over the next few years. When no other persons present requested to be recognized for input or comments, Mrs. Goodenough declared the hearing adjourned. The proceedings closed at 7:00 PM. Stella Mac Seamans Secretary BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS January 13, 1997 A regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Monday, January 13, 1997 in the School Committee Room, Briscoe Middle School, Beverly, MA. Members Present: Mr. Bjork, Mrs. Frutiger, Mrs. Gillespie, Mrs. Krueger, Ms. Levin, Mr. McHugh, Mrs. Seamans and Mrs. Goodenough. Members Absent: Mayor ScanIon. Also in Attendance: Keith Manville, Acting Superintendent, and Judy Mulligan, School Business Administrator. Mrs. Goodenough called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Ms. Levin. SUPERINTENDENT AWARDS Mrs. Goodenough and Dr. Manville presented Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents Awards of Academic Excellence to Beverly High School students Kelly Lincicum, Julie Flowers, and Mari Goldenberg. The students and their parents were acknowledged and commended for their achievements. IPSWICH SAVINGS BANK PRESENTATION Dr. Manville introduced Jill Terry and Felix Amsler, representatives from the Ipswich Savings Bank, and thanked them for the bank's donation to the Beverly schools. Three Beverly High School students and John Santomassino, teacher from the Alternative Program, were present to speak about the program and express appreciation to the School Committee and the Ipswich Savings Bank for making it possible to purchase computer equipment for the classroom. RECORDS OF MEETINGS · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to approve the records of the regular meeting held December 9, 1996, as presented. School Committee Meeting January 13, 1997 Page 2 · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to amend the records, page 3, paragraph one, Superintendent's Report, to reflect that Grade 5 students at Briscoe were omitted in the reading assessment report presented by Dr. Manville; and to change the word "causing" to "as well as" in paragraph two, line three. Unanimously voted. The records of the December 9, 1996 meeting, as amended, were unanimously approved. · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to approve the records of the special meeting (executive session) held January 6, 1997, as presented. · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to amend the records, page one, last paragraph to read "...acquisition of a SChOol site...". Unanimously voted. The records of the special meeting held January 6, 1997, as amended, were unanimously approved. ° It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to approve the records of the special meeting held January 9, 1997, as presented. Unanimously approved. COVE SCHOOL SITE COUNCIL Betsy Frattaroli, Principal, and Cove School Site Council representatives Laura Bell, Doug Walker, and Carolyn Morse appeared before the Committee to present the Cove School Improvement Plan. ° It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to accept the Cove School Improvement Plan, as presented. Unanimously voted. COMMUNICATIONS Dr. Manville commented on communications in meeting materials, including the Special Progress Report of Beverly High School submitted by Principal William Foye to the New England Association of Schools & Colleges, Inc. on December 5, 1996. Other communications members noted included concerns on the Beverly High School roof, the GED, term of the School Committee President, receipt of minutes from the North Shore Regional Vocational District, and a request from the McKay Site Council requesting consideration of the existing McKay School as the temporary school in the proposed building plan. Mrs. Goodenough will respond, in writing, to the McKay Site Council. STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE'S REPORT John Burke stated that five students from the High School Council would take turns attending Committee meetings. Mrs. Goodenough requested that Dr. Manville consult with the High School Principal regarding the appointment of School Committee Meeting January 13, 1997 Page 3 the Student Representative to the Committee as it relates to the General Laws, and to encourage regular student participation at meetings. SCHOOL CALENDAR 1997-1998 · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to approve the School Calendar for 1997-1998, with teachers returning on September 2, 1997 and schools opening on September 3, 1997. Unanimously voted. Information gathered on the calendar survey will be forwarded to the Negotiations Subcommittee for consideration in future contract negotiations. SUPERINTENDENT'S SEARCH Mrs. Goodenough stated appointments to the Screening Committee were made and a workshop for the School Committee and the Screening Committee will be held Tuesday, January 28, 1997 at 7:30 PM in the School Committee Room with Florence Seldin, NESDEC consultant. Ms. Seldin requested feedback with respect to the Committee's desire to have her present at the interviews. · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to conduct the Superintendent semi- finalist interviews in executive session. Unanimously voted. ° It was moved by Mrs. Gillespie and seconded that no other School Committee members be allowed to attend the Superintendent semi-finalist interviews other than the two members serving on the Screening Committee. The vote was 5 for and 2 against the motion. So voted. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT Acting Superintendent Keith Manville presented information on Time and Learning, noting there are concerns regarding implementation of the requirement at the middle schools and the high school, and steps will need to be taken to "effectively engage students" in the required hours. The Policy on Sexual Harassment is being presented for a FirSt Reading and will be referred to the Standing Committee on Student Life and Activities for consideration relative to the existing policy which covers harassment of students as well as staff. Dr. Manville invited members to attend the Beverly National Bank, High School Branch, grand opening celebration on Monday, February 3, 1997. Information was presented on the repair of the High School roof. The Administration is consulting with the Department of Education on an ongoing basis to explore ways to finance the project, possibly as a "capital construction" after the feasibility study is completed. School Committee Meeting January 13, 1997 Page 4 Dr. Manville stated a meeting with reading teachers is scheduled this week to continue assessment of the reading program and how to best meet student needs. Additional information was presented in meeting materials. · It was moved by Mrs. Gillespie and seconded to request an in-depth analysis be conducted in the elementary schools regarding the teaching, presentation, and emphasis on reading. Following discussion, Mrs. Gillespie offered to amend the motion to remove the word "in-depth". The main motion was defeated, with Mrs. Gillespie and Mrs. Frutiger in favor of the motion. A request to offer Saturday School courses was received by Dr. Manville. Brochures will be prepared for distribution, by the sponsors of the program, for enrichment courses to be offered this spring. Dr. Manville announced the Nynex grant application for $50,000.00 was completed and submitted, noting special thanks to Mike Zapantis and Paul Krueger. SCHOOL COMMITTEE GOVERNANCE POLICIES At the request of the Committee, Marshall Handley, Beverly City Solicitor, was in attendance to answer questions and interpretations of the new City Charter as it relates to School Committee policies. Presently, the major concern is the length of the term of President. Mr. Handley reiterated the definition in the Charter reads the term of the President goes "with the term of office". Other officers will be decided by a vote of the School Committee. He acknowledged there were some oversights in establishing clearer definitions related to School Committee organization and terms of office for persons presently serving. His legal opinion, as well as that of Mr. Batcheider of the Charter Commission, is the term of the President of the School Committee is the same as the length of that person's term in office. · It was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded that the Beverly School Committee accept the opinion of the City Solicitor relative to the term of office for the School Committee President, Linda Goodenough, in a letter dated July 14, 1996. A roll call vote was requested, which resulted in the following: YES: Mrs. Krueger, Ms. Levin, Mr. McHugh, Mr. Bjork. NO: Mrs. Seamans, Mrs. Frutiger, Mrs. Gillespie. Mrs. Goodenough abstained from voting on the motion. Motion approved. School Committee Meeting January 13, 1997 Page 5 · It was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded that the terms for Vice President and Secretary of the School Committee extend to the end of their current term as a School Committee member, in the spirit of the City Charter. So voted, with Mrs. Gillespie abstaining from the vote. Mrs. Frutiger presented "A Modest Proposal" to the Committee, urging all members to stand for re-election in November. The Committee agreed to seek the City Solicitor's opinion. Further consideration of School Committee Governance Policies will be conducted at the February meeting. Members were requested to consider compositions of subcommittees, including citizen advisors. · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded that all standing committees review three policies each month, and the policy revisions be conveyed on agendas at all regular and Committee of the Whole meetings for first and second readings on a regular basis. Motion defeated. COMMITTEE REPORTS Transportation Advisory Committee Mrs. Seamans reported the next meeting will be held April 1, 1997. Major concems include the high cost of fuel, the desire of the Council on Aging to retain their van for senior citizen use, and the additional required bussing for the new school. Buildin_o Commission Mrs. Mulligan stated the award for the building plan contract has been made, · the Feasibility Study has begun, and the Briscoe roof repair is almost complete. Standin_or Committee on FinanCe and FaCilitieS Mr. Bjork announced meetings have been scheduled for January 22, February 4, and February 25, 1997. Minutes of the January 7, 1997 meeting are included in meeting materials. ° Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, it was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded to approve the budget transfers as requested by principals and presented by Mrs. Mulligan. Unanimously voted. ° Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, it was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded to approve the transfers of $2,477.53 and $2,651.00 from the SPED contingency line to fund increased hours for two (2) aides at Edwards and Cove Schools, as requested by the SPED Director. Unanimously voted. School Committee Meeting January 13, 1997 Page 6 · Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, it was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded to adopt the Policy on Authorized Use of School-Controlled Materials, as amended, a Second Reading. Unanimously voted. File: EDC "AUTHORIZED USE OF SCHOOL-CONTROLLED MATERIALS The School Committee wishes to be of assistance, whenever possible, to other City departments and community organizations. Therefore, permission to use school-controlled equipment may be granted by the superintendent upon request by responsible parties or organizations. School equipment may be used by staff members when the use is related to their school employment, and by students when the equipment is to be used in connection with their studies or extracurricular activities. Proper controls will be established by the superintendent to assure the user's responsibility for, and return of, a~ school equipment." Standing Committee On InStruCtiOn Mrs. Krueger announced the next meeting will be held Tuesday, January 21, 1997. Policies related to instruction will be reviewed at future meetings. Standinq Committee on Student Life and ACtivitie~ Mrs. Frutiger announced a meeting will be held Thursday, January 30, 1997. Policies related to student life will be reviewed at future meetings. ° Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Student Life and Activities, it was moved by Mrs. Frutiger and seconded to adopt the Policy on Approval of Handbooks and Diredives, a Second Reading. School Committee Meeting January 13, 1997 Page 7 FilO: GHCA "APPROVAL OF HANDBOOKS AND DIRECTIVES It is the policy of the School Committee that in each school building, the principal, in consultation with the school site council, shall prepare and distribute to each student a handbook setting forth the rules pertaining to conduct of students. The school council shall review the handbook each spring to consider changes in the disciplinary policy to take effect in September. It is essential that the contents of all handbooks conform with school committee policies. It is also important that all handbooks bearing the name of the school system or one of its schools be of a quality that reflects credit on the school department. Therefore, the committee expects all handbooks to be approved prior to publication by the committee and/or the superintendent. Committee approval will be necessary for any handbooks that pertain to required standards of conduct for employees or students so that their contents may be accorded the status of committee-approved policy or regulation. The superintendent will use his judgment as to whether other specific handbooks need committee approval; however, all handbooks published will be made available to the committee for informational purposes. Not withstanding any general or special law to the contrary all student handbooks shall contain the following provisions: (a) Any student who is found on school premises or at school-sponsored or school- related events, including athletic games, in possession of a dangerous weapon, or a controlled substance may be subject to expulsion from school by the principal. (b) Any student who assaults any employee of the school district may be subject to expulsion from school by the principal. (c) Any student who is charged with a violation of either (a) or (b) above shall be notified in writing of an opportunity for a hearing, provided, however that the student may have representation, along with the opportunity to present evidence and witnesses at said hearing before the principal. After said hearing the principal may decide to suspend rather than expel a student. (d) Any student who has been expelled shall have the right to appeal to the superintendent. (e) When a student is expelled under the provisions listed above and applies for admission to another school for acceptance, the superintendent of the sending school shall notify the superintendent of the receiving school of the reasons for the pupil's expulsion. LEGAL REFS.: M.G.L. 71:37H" School Committee Meeting January 13, 1997 Page 8 Subcommittee on NegOtiationS: No report. Hurd ,~tadium AdviSory Committee Mr. McHugh announced the Hurd Stadium Advisory Committee will meet at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, January 14, 1997 in the School Committee Room. · It was moved by Ms. Levin and seconded to adjourn. Unanimously voted. The meeting adjourned at 10:12 PM. Stella Mae Seamans Secretary