City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
BOARD: Planning Board
DATE: April 14, 2004
PLACE: Beverly City Hall
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Richard Dinkin; John Thomson;
William Betts; Joanne Dunn; Ellen Flannery; Daniel
Hamm; Donald Walter
OTHERS PRESENT: Leah Zambernardi, Assistant Planning Director
RECORDER: Jeannine Dion (by tape)
The regular meeting of the Beverly Planning Board is called to order.
Thomson moves to recess and reconvene for a scheduled public hearing, seconded by
Flannery. All members are in favor. Motion carries.
(Dunn recuses herself from this portion of the meeting.)
Public Hearing (continued): Chapman Corner Estates - Definitive Subdivision
Plan/2 Boyles Street – Manor Homes at Whitehall, LLC/David Carnevale
Zambernardi reads the legal notice into record.
Attorney Thomas Alexander requests a continuance to the next regularly scheduled
Planning Board meeting.
Dinkin asks if there is anyone present who came specifically to speak on this matter who
cannot come to a subsequent meeting. There is no response from the public.
Thomson asks what the reason is for the request for the continuance. Alexander responds
that there are some negotiations taking place.
Thomson moves to continue the hearing to the May 18, 2004 Planning Board meeting at
8:30 p.m. on the condition that the timeframe for action be extended voluntarily by the
applicant to June 30, 2004, seconded by Flannery. All members are in favor. Motion
The hearing is in recess until May 18, 2004 at 8:30 p.m.
(Dunn returns to the meeting.)
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April 14, 2004
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The regular meeting of the Beverly Planning Board is called to order.
Subdivision Approval Not Required Plans (SANR) – 4 Brookwood Road,
Manchester-By-The-Sea – Attorney Glovsky on behalf of W. Merritt Miller and
Linda D. Miller
Attorney Mark Glovsky represents the applicant, W. Merritt Miller. The petition involves
a 29-care parcel lying in both Manchester-By-The-Sea and Beverly. Mr. Miller is in the
process of trying to register title for this property. In the course of doing that, Judge
Lombardi of Land Court reviewed the plan and file and determined that the frontage to
this piece is on Brookwood Road. Judge Lombardi has requested that the applicant
submit the plan to the Planning Board as an ANR plan. There is no proposal for a division
of the property. The applicant is confirming the perimeter of the property and there is no
intention to divide the property and the action of the board does not change the status of
the property or the status of Brookwood Road with respect to future development.
Motion to endorse the plan for 4 Brookwood Road as one not requiring
approval under the Subdivision Control Law, with a statement on the plan
that endorsement does not constitute any indication of confirmation of the
status or dimensions, seconded by Hamm. All members in favor. Motion
Set Public Hearing - Pleasant Court Apartments (Pisani’s Market) 116-128 Rantoul
Street Special Permit Application #109-04 – Multi-family dwelling or apartment
home in which residential use comprises from 76% to 100% of the total floor area of
the building and Site Plan Review #80-04 – Raze existing non-conforming wood-
frame mixed-use building and construct one 5-story building – one story of
commercial & residential space and four stories of residential space with two levels
of parking under building – Roof Investors
The applicant is requesting a site plan approval to raze the existing nonconforming wood-
frame mixed-use building and construct a one, five-story masonry building having one
story of commercial and residential space and four stories of residential space with two
levels of parking under the building. The project triggers a special permit as the applicant
is requesting to construct a building in which the residential use comprises from 76 to
100% of the total floor area of the building.
Attorney Mark Glovsky states an application has also been filed which will be heard at the
next Zoning Board meeting on April 27, 2004.
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April 14, 2004
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Dinkin states if the Planning Board holds a public hearing and disposes of the matter
expeditiously and there is deal made with ZBA that changes the site plan in some way, the
Planning Board will have to unwillingly force the applicant into another filing fee.
Glovsky responds that he understands that. He states he also understands that if the
Zoning Board is not far enough along, the applicant might well be encouraged to continue
the public hearing.
Zambernardi states for the Special Permit filing, the Planning Board has to hold the public
hearing by May 19, 2004.
Hamm moves to set a public hearing for Site Plan Review #80-04 and Special Permit
#109-04 – Pleasant Court Apartments (Pisani’s market) for May 18, 2004 at 7:40 p.m.,
seconded by Flannery. All members are in favor. Motion carries.
North Shore Community Baptist Church – Proposed Addition – 9 Hart Street – Off
Street Parking Requirements – Request from Councilor Patricia Grimes for
Reconsideration of Recommendation to Building Inspector – Re: Section 29-24 of
Beverly Zoning Ordinance
At the last meeting, Ward 6 Councilor Pat Grimes submitted a letter into record
requesting that the Planning Board reconsider their vote not to make a parking
recommendation to the Building Inspector. The Board took a vote not to make a
recommendation. The City Solicitor has since been asked for a legal opinion on this
matter. Solicitor Gelineau has written an opinion, which states the Planning Board is
compelled to make a recommendation.
Zambernardi reads a legal opinion from City Solicitor Gelineau into record.
Thomson makes references to federal laws regarding religious uses and how it applies to
this project.
Dinkin states that, according to the City Solicitor, the Board is compelled to make a
decision on this matter.
Thomson moves that there be no additional parking required at North Shore Community
Baptist Church, seconded by Flannery. All members are in favor. Motion carries.
Folger Avenue Extension Preliminary Subdivision (9 Lots) – Tanzella
Property/Essex Realty Trust – John Thomson
Attorney Thomas Alexander appears on behalf of the applicant. He states this is a build
out to an existing subdivision on Folger Avenue that was created in 1932. There was a
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April 14, 2004
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meeting with the neighbors and City Councilwoman Maureen Troubetaris. David
Gardner, Chairman of the Open Space and Recreation Committee also met with the
parties and asked the applicant to pursue the possibility of a cluster development.
Alexander states there has been no decision with regard to Gardner’s recommendation.
Alexander introduces Dick Doherty from Hancock Associates. Doherty provides an
overview of the Preliminary Plan. He notes they will request waivers from the length of a
dead end and for the side slopes of the street.
Dinkin asks that the letters from citizens be held until the public hearing on the definitive
Zambernardi reads the following letters into record:
A letter from the Engineering Department dated April 14, 2004.
A letter from the Beverly Conservation Commission dated April 14, 2004.
A letter from the Fire Department dated April 14, 2004.
A letter from the Board of Health dated April 9, 2004.
A letter from Maureen Troubetaris, Ward 1 Councilor dated April 6, 2004.
A letter from the Open Space and Recreation Committee dated April 12, 2004.
Dinkin states he was trying to remember the last time the board waived street length, cul-
de-sac length, by as much as 55%. He states he feels pretty strongly about the 500-foot
limit on a dead end street and he is interested in seeing every tree of 6 inches in caliper that
is going to come down to accommodate the subdivision.
Alexander responds that he believes the board granted a waiver for cul de sac length near
the Willow Pond subdivision.
Thomson states he would be in favor of a Conservation Subdivision. There is a by-law
that is not yet on the books, which allows more creative uses of property to preserve open
space and natural resources.
Dinkin states he is interested in seeing an analysis of cubic area to be blasted for a
conventional subdivision plan versus a cluster plan.
There is discussion regarding Leach Street. Thomson asks about the status of Leach
Street. Attorney Alexander states that it is a paper street but is not public.
Hamm states that he is concerned over the feasibility of a cluster subdivision that comes
off Leach Street.
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April 14, 2004
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Thomson suggests that the Board take a no vote action on the plan. He suggests that the
applicant explore the potential for a cluster development on the site, utilizing the concepts
behind conservation subdivision design, including dedicating open space. In addition, the
applicant should work with the City Engineer to work out an acceptable design for the
grades and slopes of the roadway before filing a definitive plan. Board members concur.
Cabot Crossing/495 Cabot Street – Modification to Site Plan Application #67-01
(approved 3/02) – Cabot Crossing Realty Trust
(Dunn recuses herself from this portion of the meeting.)
Zambernardi reads the legal notice.
Site plan approval was granted for this property on March 21, 2002 to demolish the
existing structures and to construct a 4,950 s.f. commercial/retail building, a 19,800 s.f.
commercial/retail/residential building, a swimming pool and associated grading, parking
and utilities. Although the applicant received Planning Board approval, the Conservation
Commission denied the request for an Order of Conditions on February 12, 2002. The
applicants appealed this decision to the DEP, which in turn, issued a superceding Order of
Conditions. The abutters then proceeded to appeal. A settlement plan has been agreed
upon, which is reflected in the modified site plan.
In the Board’s 2002 approval, a condition was included that the applicant be required to
“…come back to the Planning Board for further review of the site plan once a use is
determined for the proposed one-story Commercial/Retail building, and that the use may
be a CN type use…”
Attorney Thomas Alexander appears on behalf of the applicant. He provides the following
There have been negotiations with neighbors and the building has been moved
completely out of the wetlands.
The swimming pool has been eliminated.
An easement and fence will be provided for a neighbor.
Six (6) residential units are being proposed.
7,200 s.f. commercial space has been decreased to 2,000 s.f. (1,000 s.f. on each
The Design Review Board has approved the proposal with some modifications.
The Parking and Traffic has reviewed and approved the plan.
The Fire and Police Departments has approved the plan.
Dinkin asks if there are clarifying questions from members of the Board.
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Thomson asks if everyone in the neighborhood is in agreement of the plan. Alexander
responds that the neighbors who were involved in the litigation have signed off on the
proposal. He cannot speak for all of the neighbors.
Dinkin asks if it is his view that acceptance of the plan will bring litigation to an end.
Alexander responds “yes.”
Thomson asks if it is necessary to go back to the Conservation Commission. Alexander
responds that the Conservation Commission has signed off on the Settlement.
Thomson asks if the parking has changed. Bob Griffin responds that there are minor
Flannery asks what the total number of parking spaces is. Griffin responds that there are
56 parking spaces.
Flannery asks how many tenants will be in the building. Griffin responds that there could
be approximately 3 to 4 tenants.
Dinkin asks if there are clarifying questions from members of the public.
Claudette Turner, of 5 Roosevelt Avenue, asks if the proposed project will affect
drainage. Griffin provides an overview of the drainage.
Dinkin asks if there are comments in support of the project.
Laura Lorelei Azarian, of 509 Cabot Street, states it was nice to work with the builder and
she is in support of the project.
Dinkin asks if there are comments in opposition of the project. There are none.
Zambernardi reads the following letters into record:
A letter from the Engineering Department dated.
A letter from the Conservation Commission.
A letter from the Fire Department.
A letter from the Parking & Traffic Commission.
A letter from the Police Department.
A letter from the Board of Health.
A letter from the Design Review Board.
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April 14, 2004
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Zambernardi reads the Planning Board Condition from the Site Plan Approval Letter
(2002) was read into record.
The hearing is closed.
Discussion/Decision - Cabot Crossing/495 Cabot Street – Modification to Site Plan
Application #67-01 (approved 3/02) – Cabot Crossing Realty Trust
Thomson moves to grant Site Plan Approval for Cabot Crossing/495 Cabot Street #67-01
for the configuration shown with the stipulation that the Planning Board retains
jurisdiction of the property, and that the applicant be required to come back to the
Planning Board for further review of the uses of Building 1 (commercial building).
Specifically, the Board requires that the applicant come back to the Board for any use of
the ground floor and for any use other than professional offices for the second and third
floors. The plan is also contingent upon the recommendations submitted by the City
Boards and Commissions and department heads, seconded by Flannery. All members are
in favor. Motion carries.
(Dunn returns to the meeting.)
Proposed Zoning Amendment #138 – 950 Cummings Center Change Zoning from
General Industrial (IG) Zoning District to Restricted Industrial/Research Office
District (IR) – Recommendation to City Council – Set Joint Public Hearing - Gerard
McSweeney, Beverly Commerce, Inc.
Thomson moves to recommend setting a Joint Public Hearing to City Council on Zoning
Amendment #138-950, which recommends a zoning change from IG to IR, seconded by
Dunn. All members are in favor. Motion carries.
Approval of Minutes
Moves to approve the minutes dated February 17, 2004 joint public hearing and special
meeting of the Planning Board and the February 19, 2004 regular meeting of the Planning
Board with one correction, seconded by Flannery. All members are in favor. Motion
New Business
Bushby Estates Minor Site Plan Modification (58-64 Dodge Street) – Assist staff in
determining whether a public hearing is necessary for minor change.
The applicants received site plan and special permit approval from the Board in February
2004. Mass Highway has since had opportunity to review the plans as Dodge Street is
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April 14, 2004
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part of the State Highway. During this review, Mass Highway recommended a slight
reconfiguration of the driveway. Staff has had the Parking & Traffic Commission, the
City Engineer and the Building Inspector review this change.
Zambernardi asks Board members to review the change.
Dinkin states he believes when Mr. Handly was City Solicitor was asked this question and
at the time Mr. Handly’s opinion was that a minor site plan modification would require a
The members request Zambernardi to ask the City Solicitor’s opinion on this matter.
Appoint Planning Board Designee for collecting Project Review Fees
Zambernardi states that Section 4.2 of the recently adopted Planning Board Regulations
Governing Fees and Fee Schedules includes a provision allowing the Planning Board to
collect peer review fees by a majority vote of the Board or by appointing a designee to
collect the fees. Zambernardi requests that the Planning Board consider whether it would
like to appoint a designee.
Dinkin recommends that there be a three-member board to make the determination,
consisting of the Planning Director, the Assistant Planning Director and the City Engineer.
Thomson moves to appoint a three-member board consisting of the Planning Director, the
Assistant Planning Director and the City Engineer as the Planning Board Designees for
collecting Project Review Fees, seconded by Walter. All members are in favor.
Discussion of Potential Proposed Zoning Amendments – Definitions of Lot,
Frontage, PRD’s and Signs
Zambernardi states that Planning staff, members of the Planning Board and ZBA have
drafted some revisions to the Zoning Ordinance for members to review and potentially
submit to the City Council.
Zambernardi states that here have recently been different interpretations regarding the
definition of “Lot” in the Zoning Bylaw. John Thomson and Tina Cassidy have reviewed
the definition and rewrote it to clarify the intent of the meaning of the language.
Zambernardi states she also has revisions for Frontage, PRD’s and Signs.
Frontage: The way in which you measure frontage is clarified and updated with
case law.
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April 14, 2004
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Sign: The Maximum size of a projecting right-angle sign is proposed to be
changed to 7 square feet.
PRD: There is a minimum lot area requirement for the R15 district. But in
another section of PRD, the use regulation section, R15 is not cited as a district in
which you can have a PRD. It was left out of the Ordinance by mistake.
There is discussion regarding signs. Thomson recommends that the Sign definition be
changed to “not internally illuminated” signs.
Thomson moves to recommend that City Council schedule a Joint Public Hearing
regarding the proposed zoning amendments, seconded by Flannery. All members are in
favor. Motion carries.
Flannery moves to adjourn, seconded by Dunn. All members are in favor. Motion carries.