2002-08-01 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes BOARD: Planning Board SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: August 1, 2002 PLACE: Beverly City Hall BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Richard Dinkin, Ellen Flannery, Robert Rink, Patricia Grimes, Elizabeth McGlynn, Joanne Dunn ABSENT: Barry Sullivan, John Thomson OTHERS PRESENT: Debra Hurlburt (Planning Director) and Leah Zambernardi (Assistant Planning Director) RECORDER: Jeannine Dion (tape) Chairperson Dinkin calls the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Dinkin states the purpose of the meeting is to review the report of the subcommittee of the Master Plan Steering Committee and the Planning Board members appointed at the last Planning Board meeting and take the appropriate action on the Master Plan as a whole. Dinkin asks members of the subcommittee if they are in concurrence with the written report that the Planning Board has before it. Patricia Grimes, Robert Rink and Joanne Avallon respond that they are in concurrence. George Simon arrives and states he is also in concurrence. Dinkin asks members of the Master Plan Steering Committee, who were not members of the subcommittee, if they are in concurrence. They respond that they are in concurrence. Grimes: Motion that the Draft Master Plan as submitted by the Master Plan Steering Committee be amended as follows: Motion to amend 1 through 9 in the report of the subcommittee of the Planning Board and Master Plan Steering Committee and that it be amended according to that report, seconded by Flannery. All members in favor. Motion carries. Grimes: Motion that the Draft Master Plan presented by the Master Plan Steering Committee and amended by the Planning Board be adopted as the Master Plan of the City of Beverly provided, however, that the appendices that accompany such draft shall be considered informational only and shall not Planning Board Minutes August 1, 2002 Page 2 be considered part of the official Master Plan of the City of Beverly, seconded by McGlynn. All members in favor. Motion carries (6-0). Dinkin states that the Master Plan has been amended and adopted and on behalf of the Planning Board he thanks the members of the Master Plan Steering Committee. He states it was a monumental task. Adjournment Flannery: Motion to adjourn, seconded by Dunn. All members in favor. No one is opposed. Motion carries (6-0). The meeting is adjourned.