2000-10-17CITY OF BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: Planning Board SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: October 17, 2000 LOCATION: Beverly City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT:Chairman Rich Dinkin, Robert Rink, Joanne Dunn, Ellen Flannery, Barry Sullivan, John Thomson, Elizabeth McGlynn; Peter Thomas MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice Chairman William Delaney ALSO PRESENT: City Planner Tim Cassidy, City Engineer Frank Killilea RECORDER: Karen Bradley Dinkin calls the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Sullivan: motion to recess for public hearing seconded by Thomson. All members in favor, motion carries. Public Hearing: 311 Essex Street definitive plan application and request for waiver of frontage requirements in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 41, Section 81-R Cassidy reads legal notice and Dinkin asks the agent to speak on behalf of the applicant Michael Acciavatti introduces himself as the agent representing Kenneth and Elaine Nelson Acciavatti explains that Mr. Nelson has received a variance to subdivide a 1,495 square foot lot from his existing lot that Acciavatti plans to purchase. He explains that 5 feet of that property will be used to widen his exisiting driveway and 4 feet of that property will be landscaped to include a picket fence. He explains that there will be no additional building to the houses or the garages on either side. Dinkin asks if there are any questions from the members of the Board. Thomson asks if there is a house on the property or whether any buildable lots are being created with this plan. Acciavatti explains that there is a house on the property and that this process will only widen his existing driveway to make it easier to use. He states that there are no additional lots for any further construction. Cassidy reads comments received from Police and Fire Departments (see file). Cassidy explains that she spoke with tbe Board of Health earlier in tbe day. The Board of Health asked if both properties were on municipal sewerage, or if one of the properties was on a septic system. Acciavatti explains that his property is on a septic system. Cassidy explains that the Health Department would like to review the plan for the driveway expansion to make sure there is no problem with the driveway's proximity to the existing septic system. Acciavatti explains that the septic system is on the other side of the lot and that the proposed driveway should not interfere with it. Planning Board minutes October 17, 20O0 meeting Page two Dinkin asks if there are any additional clarifying questions from the Board. There are none. Dinkin asks if there are any clarifying questions from the public. There are none. He then asks if there are any comments in suppot of this plan from the public. John Murray, 14 Greenwood Avenue states that this is located within his Ward. He has spoken with neighbors and states that they are all in favor of this plan. Dinkin asks if there are any comments in opposition to this plan. There are none. Dinkin asks Mr. Acciavatti if he has any closing commems. He has none. 2. Subdivision Approval Not Required Plans (SANR's) / Trask Street Tom Alexander is present to represent RC Realty Trust. He explains that the previous owner of the property, Fonzo Realty Trust, received SANR approval in December 1999. The ownership of the property was later transferred to R C Realty Trust. He explains that when the new owners of the property prepared to build, it was brought to their attention that an abutter's driveway crossed one of the proposed lots. Alexander is seeking an easement for this driveway. As a result of that easement, the lot had to be resubdivided to provide sufficient lot size for the R45 zoning district. Thomson: motion to endorse the plan for Trask Street as one not requiring approval under the Subdivision Control Law, seconded by Thomas. All members in favor, 3. Discussion / decision: 311 Essex Street definitive plan application and request for waiver of frontage requirements in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 41, Section 81-R Thomson recommneds approal of teh plan as long as the Health Department foresees no problem with the proximity of teh proposed driveway relative to the existing septic system. Thomson: motion to grant the subdivision application and waiver of frontage for 311 Essex Street, seconded by Sullivan. All members in favor, motion carries. ?]~nir~ BOILrC] minutes October ! ?, 2000 me~ting Page three NJeole Avenue subdivision: expiration of construction completion date and Tri- Pnrtite Agreement posted as surety to guarantee project completion / Tom Caruevale ~ sa bond in thc afljount of $8,787.50 ~ h ~ ~ of a Tfi-P~e ~ ~o~ 31, 2~ h ~ ~ld ~ ~ ~ ~r ~ ~. S~ ~ ~i~ a ~ ~m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~in~ ~ e~n of ~ 17, 2~1. ~y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i~ a ~ of~ ~m m ~ 17, 2~1. ~ ~ion e~n ~ m ~1~ ~ ~ ~M p~ ~ ~n of a ~y ele~n ~ ~ ~e, ~ Dinkin asks if the~c are any questions from the members ofthe Board. Tbore am none. Thomson: motion to aecopt the extension of the TriPartite Agreement for the Nicole Avenue subdivision to October 17, 2001, and to e~tznd the condition completion date to September 30, 2001. Motion seconded by Flnnnery, all membe~ in favor. Motion carries. S. Approv~! of Minu~s Cassidy apologizes to th~ Board for not having th,~ Sq~temher 25a regular mzetln_~ mlnntea_ ready for approval She ntates ~ she does have the September 7~ spe~inl meetin~ m~,~ rcody ~or al~oovaL Dinkin azkz th~ ~ if there are any ~ge~ted ad0~itlons or amendme~ to the draft mimltes of Thomson: m~tion ~o ac~e~ th~ dr~ m;m~s of th~ Board's Septemb~ 7, 2000 meeting. Motion ~onded by Tborn~_% all mmnbe~ in f~vor. Motion cani~ 6. New and O~her Business a. City Couneil Order//328: Citizen's petition to amend sctlmek requirements in the"IG~ zoning district adjaoent to ro~--n~l disUio~ Sl~ explains thst a joint public hearing with the City Council bas been sohedu]ed ~or Novomher 6, 2000. Phnning Board ~inutes October 17, 2000 meet~n~ Page ~our b. Letter of Rebuttal / Para Kampernl Thomson: motion for Board to ~ the ie~ter subm~e~ by Para lOunpe~ seconded by Flannery. All members in favor, motion carries. Dinkin asks if the~ is any other business. There is none, soDinkin places tr~¢tln~ into recess until 8:00 p.m_ Dinkin reconvenes the meeting and cnltq the public he~rlng to order st 8:00 p.m Publk He, ring: Bom~ Rosd definitive subdivision plan (formerly known ss "New Sabra Ro~d~) / IS0 Sohier hd / CPI Industries Cassidy reads the IL'gal ~otice. Robert Tucbnmnn introduces bimqelf 8fid explail~ thSt h~ iS ~eprc~ CPI Industries. He ~phins thru the road lm been ~ to Bomsc Ro~ chan~in8 it from New Salem Road. He explain, the layout of tl~ phm and states that ~ Ls one vacant bu~iing that CPI will not utili~. CPI phns to soil that vuca~ bfiM~n~ ~o Product Resources Incorporated. Tzlc, hmnnn explains that there will be no additional construction as a result of thh ph~ only the creation of a roadway to ptovido ~ frontago for tho lot m be purchsod by Produ~ Resources John Dick of ~k Associates explains the layout of the site before Sohier Roll and Toz~r l~xmd existed. He explains the series of waivers that CPI is reque~in~: · Aeceptan~ and access easenm~t on exJstln~o driveway; · Waiver of engineerln~ requirements and acceptance of all exist;no conditions of the site; · Waiver ofpercolationtests; · Waiver ora pe~rnao~ guaomeee and street acceptmlce phns; and Dick asks the members of the Board ffth~e sr~ ny questions. Dinlrln ask~ for a description ofthe pavement got the enti~ hyout. Dick explains that they arc requesting a 26-foot roadway between the ends of the ~ parking spaces on the east sJdeofBomacRomL The~pntkingspaces~n, theyare. Heexphinsthtthe ~SS FoBd ~n~ thi.q Sit~ YSI~S in width stfl~ th~ fllo ClIFV~ arc 32-~'t wide which is -mple for truck acce~ He explains tlmt Bomnc Road is L-shaped. Planning Board minutes October 17, 2000 meetin$ P~e five Cassidy reads letters received from the Health, Police and Engineeri~ Departments (see file). She states that she have received verbal approval of the plan from the Fire Department. Dinkin asks the members of the Board ffthere are any additional questions. Thomas asks for clarification on the hi~ory of the power service road. He has concern for the right-of-way status for a mad that has been abandoned for 53 years. Dick explains that this has always been a right-of-way mad and that there is a SO-foot easement for all abutters throughou~ the layout of the Old Salem Waterworks Ro~: He states that the mad was origi,~ny designed for access to -*ila~es servin~ multiple entities. He explains that the mad still is and will be used for the sar~ purpose~. Dick explains that the subdivision status of the road is what is changing. It is no longer a through way to Route 128, it will be a dead end layout with regulatory status for required frontage for the lot that ~ p~--~ to sell. Dinkin asks tho Board if tile~ life any rnnt~ ¢]arifyin~a questions. Tbe~e are nom. Olnkin asks the public if there ate any clzrifyin~ question~ Joan Murphy, 36 Lonlpmadow Road _n~k.~ why they are requesting the waivers. Dinkin explains that in order for CPI to sell th~ proposed building lot, the plan creating for legal frontage has to be approved. Murphy risks if this plan will imp~t any of the poll~,t~ ~,Aies that are ~n~ntly *nkln_.o place. Ttwhmnnn states that CPI ami Pmdu~ Resources Incoi]xm~d ~e nifo eoncerned about the study. He states that they have an access agreesmnt with tl~ prior owner of the pmpezty, Vm'ian, that allows them to continue all studies and clean-up action that is currently takin~ place. This plum will have no effect on that study. Planl~ Board miqtlteS October 17, 2oo0 meeting Page six Dinkln asks if there ate a~y additional clari~ng questions from the public. There are none. Dinkin asks the members of the Board for any additional comments. Thomson states that he has ~oncem for future development beyond that of the existi~ buildin8 that will be sold. Dinkin asks [t'tbcte m'e aay ~/ber questions fzom the Board. There ate none. Thomson: motion to grant the definitive subdivision plan for Bor~q~ Road and the waivers requested by the appl~esr~ SUBJECT TO THE CONDITION that the propefl~ slmwn on this plan shall not be further subdivided by C1~ tin~ lOtS which utili7¢ fzom~ on Bov.~- Road for zoning purpose. Motion is seconded by Flannsry, all members in favor. Motion ~ Dinkin places t~ meeting into recess until 8:30 p.m. Dinkin reconvenes the mc~-tl/ng and calls the public beaFin8 to order at 8:30 p.m. am Public Heating (continued): Hawk Hill Estates definitive subdivision plan / S3anes Assoehtes, bibs, L 'Abbe Cassidy expln;n~ to the Board that Caml~ Dresser & McKee (CDIVO bas published a positive report onthe drainage design ofand ;m.nnct ~rom this project. CDM has suggested a number of consultant. At the last meeting a question was raised about CDM's comments on the outlet structures, and the applicant's engJneeF af~reed to review the drainage calculations with the sllsgested rev~ans in mind. Cassidy has received a letter from the applicant's engineer in Planning Board minutes October 17, 2000 meeting Page seven explains ~st other ~ues le~ -m~wered a~ the last ~ ~cl~ ~ ~~n ~mm~n's ~ion on this su~io~ S~ ~es ~ ~ ~~n ~~n ~ ~~ ~ of~~ ~r thi~ ~. ~~ ~ ~ o~ ~s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i~ on ~r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~e~ ~ o~p ~bilRy of ~ ~n ~ ~ a ~te on ~ of~ ~ ~ ~ ~m ~ ~'s ~v~n Dinkin asks Cassidy to ~ the eogineer's response letter regarding the suggested revisions to the pla~ Cassidy reads the ~ from Hayes Engineering (see file). She also reads a letter from the City Engineer Frank Killilea that states he is agreemeut with the proposed chan~es recommended by CDM (see file). D~nkin asks tl~ applicmG ~ they ooncur with the changes contained in the letter from Hayes Engineering. Jeff Rhuda of Symes Associates states that he is in %oreement with the changes. R]mda sts~es tha~ on Septemlx~ 20, 2000 he 88reed to install a new 12~ l~e, j~ovided theft ~ Bonrd srB]:ded a waiwF M alJow th~ in~rolls~on of sloped ~u~te cuFbJng hlstemi of sl3~d~- IC;llilea states that he did not accept any condition to the 12" water llne requirement, tie states that the ~ depamnm believes tl~ thi. Js a requirement in ora_er to tie thi.q Dinkin statcs tim Trn~c Sergea__ nt I)e~ni.~ Tar~ook is not present at the meeting. Dinkin states flint the issues to be discussed with Tarsook will take plnce at a later point. plnnnJ~ Board minutes October 17, 2000 meeting Page eight would be 23,000 square R~t which equals I ½ lots. He emphnsizes the environmentnl improvements such as more open space design nnd stntes that excess pavement creates exees~ street, the higher the speed". He mentions thnt speed hem~s nrc to be imm#ed on Lothrop SUect, which is too wide in his opinion. He states that wider streets create mote water run-of~ less green space nmi a less imiust~! friendly environment. He concludes hi.~ presentation by .rend~n.~ from an article lmbli.~hed in the Salem Eve~in~ News ~ wide streets; he distributes copies of th~ article to the Board. He asks the Board to view the Parsons Hill development in Wentmm. Dinkin asks the Bored if there me any questions. Killilea states thnt Orover Street is 22 feet wide. He states thnt there is a great deal of evidence in Beverly thnt "the narrower thc street, tl~ slou~r the speed" does not work. He mcnfiom tl~ Chase Stn~ct is 25 feet wide and a reeMe~ could not get out of her drlveway because th~ car on the other side ofthe street was too close. He exprmses great concern with the snow on the street Dinkin asks if there are any clerif~%a questions from the public. Yvonne Fuller, 31 F__~ex Street asks for clari~_~n on where tt~ sklcwnlk starts and where tl~ dead-end street with the Joan Murphy, 36 Longmmdow Road asks if Parsons Hill is a cluster development. Rhuda stntes that it is. She inks Jr' two cats cnn prom one nnoth~ in the wjn~er wlth the nntmwer mad wJdt~ Hope Benne,, 44 Hiilcrest Avem~ 8sks bow ninny catch basins there are ~or this whole project. Rich W'dlL~ from Pdyes ~ asks her ifsl~ mmM detention basin.% nd ehe says yin. WiUiams ~that there nre 5 detcntionereas and points out their iocation~ He exphln.~ thnt tl~y nrc not designed to overflow, ~ arc designed to hold the water in a storm. Benne n~ the size of these detention area~ Williams explaim that ~ vary in siz~ son~ being lnrger thnn and that there ere a total of 17 catch bns~n~ on the pla~ Troubetm~ asks where the safety statistics on the nnrrow roads come from. She also mis if parking will be allowed on both ,ia,es of the streets. M~e Aben of Aben Associates in Burli%2ton states thnt most accklcnts are the fault of the driver. He states that speed is relative in Phnning Board minutes October 17, 20OO meeting Pnge nine Dinkin asks what Aben's experience is in this area. Abcn states that he is a n~mber of the National ln-etitute of Trampo~_s~on and also a member of the Carlisle Plamd%a Board. Stero P~,e, 291 Essex Street asks if the Purchase and Sale Agreement has b~n modified due to the chan~e in the number of lots being developed. He also asks if there is commnn ground for childl'~n to play on in this development. Rhuda nnswers that the Purclme and Sale Agreement has not b,~--a modified. He states that open space for this development does exist and the acceptam~ of the narrower roadway and one sidewnlk would free up even more open space. Csndsee P&e, 291 Essex Street states that she read in the Beverly Citizen that the developer has to sweep tbe --h,~et once per week to keep the drains clean, who will pay for that. Sbe also asks if covers for the catch beslns to kcop ohildmn and animals safe. Lastly, she asks iftbe ca~t mad betwe~ lots 16and 17 will be used by connnercial tracks to get inand out oftbe Macmanzi municipal streets ~11 be legal on this cart med. Dinkin asks ~ to nmwer Pike's other qu~---'tiom. Rhuda explains tl~tt the Conserva/ion Commi.~,lon requi~ the stn~et ~ during the construction phase of this proje~ not for the life of the development. He exphim that tbe Planning Board has requested ~n on the trees within the dewlopmm~ W'dliams states that there ar~ no safety coves over the Para Kampersa~ 241 Dodge Street asks iftbe 17 catch basins will be cleaned intlz future development is co.,.-,lcte. She also states that 40% of thc drainage from this development toward the YMCA property. Sbe asks what bas been planned so that the YMCA will not be Willinms answe~ that tbe City of Beverly will clean the catch basins, gillilea states that once the plan is aplroved and co,?lete, the City will be responsible for the cleaning of thc catoh basins. W'dliams explains that the emount of nm-off to the YMCA is not increasing, that tl~ ar~ mnm~ng .ny additional run. offwith tbe stoimwa~ msmsgen~,,i areas. W'dlhnm states thai PlalLrli~g Board minutes October 17, 2000 mectin~ Page ten Killilea asks if ~ is infiltration to the groundwn~t~ for the live retention basins. Williams states that in e~h area there is infiltration to the groundwater. Murphy ~ks if tho Ipo~n space menfiomd with relpmt to ti~ mwrow roadways is different from tho Order of Comlitiom from the Con.~wation Commission ti~t ~ a 20-foot no out buffor zoncnmst becreated. Rhuda states that it is not ~lated. He exphins that the 20-foot no cut sto,,.,water manage~_~ areas to the stonnwater drainage system being ins~,ed. Thomson questions the owner~hlp of the detention arms. gHlilea states that ownership of detention areas is not indicated on the plan. Rer~c, bl~, 274 H__~Io Street ~z if the idea of ~ontributi~ a wing to om of tho City's elomo~ sohool~ is a comideratio~ Rhuda states tl~t it is not. thro~ut tho City. He state~ that in Bovorly F~ms there i~ tl~ lx~ibili~ of tl~ City having that r~pomib'dity for ~om~ lsrge detonfion bssins, howov~ it is still in the pl~mi~ Dinkin esks th~ applicant if he would be wll~ing to grant an c, xt~mion of time to the Board to omblo ,hi., matter to i~ ai~.ussed et tho Board's upeoml-2 special meeting on Nowm~r 6, 2000. ~ states that he f~els a continuation will only generate repeat questions and conoems. Rlmda agre~ to requ~t an extension oftimo for final action to November 7, 2000 provided that S~gmm Tatmok i~ ~ at the next ~--~-fing. TholllaOU: motion M accept the extension of time for final Boaid notion on this filing and to commie the public hearing to November 6, 2000, seconded by Flannery. All members in fnvor. Motion l~-~e~ ® Public Hearing: Site Plan Review application ~61..00: eonstruetion of three*story office buiMing I Cummings Properties he, and Beverly Commerce Park, Inc. Bruce Ovmon of O~mmin~s Properties Inc. introduces himsoff and ~ a footlzint of the proposed threo-story office building for the not~ end of the O,mming,q Center. Ov-eson explains that th~ Ixdlding will I~ located mar th~ Bal~h Street end of tho Om~ming~ Center properly. He states lbat the proposed tlwee-story building will be 147,900 sqmm feet in total, with each floor Planning Board mi-utc. October 17, 2000 n~z~-ting Page eleven lmvin_a 49,300 sqtmre feet of floor area. He steres thn, 485 perking spaces am required for a building of thi.~ size, but explains that 629 parking spw. es will be provided. There will be two curb cuts off of Balch Street to provide access to the proposed office building. Oveson explnins the drninage and utilities of the s~te and stntes that they tie into EHiott Street. Dinkin explains tht~ [~N~fd's P~-W pOW~l~ ~ $it~ plan fc'q/i~w ~ th~ public hearing process. He asks if there are any clarifying questions from members of the Board. Thomson asks fur clarification on tl~ number of proposed parking spaees. Oveson states that they will be adding 629 parking spaces to the site mi that these parking spaces are not included in the n.-~he~ of existing parking spaces on the property.. Design Review Bonnt, Polio, Fire and Engineering Dr, purtu~dts and thc Pnrking nnd Traffic Commi.qsion (see file). Dinkin asks the mmnbers of the Board ifthere are any additional questions. Sullivan asks f~r clarification on the proposed curb cuts and if the existing entrance on Belch Street will continue to be closed at certain ti,ne~ Oveson ~ that tl~re Ins been some discussion on thnt issue and they plan to continue to close that enlrance at cet~in tlmes. Dunn asks ffthe office space within the prolx)sed office building is 100% leased. Oveson states tlmt it is not. housi.8 and Bhine Av~muc. Dinkin saks ff there nr~ any nmre questiom from the m~nbers of the Bo~d. There m~ nom. D;nk;n ask~ if ~ ~ .ny clarifying questiom from the public. He t~-minds the public to stay on the topic. Planning Board minutes October 17, 2000 meeting Page twelve Tim Smith, Ward 3 Councilor states that he has conca-n with thc propog~l buikling heing within the 100-foot buffer zone of the pond Oveson explains that 8,500 square fnet of the proposed building is within the 100-foot buffer zone. He explains that they have received an Order of Conditions from the Conservation Commi~ioIL Joan Murphy, 36 Longmeadow Road states that Ctlfftmin~s Prolx~ig~ heavy equipment on the proposed office building site. She asks where they phm to store that equipment. Oveson states that they plan to move that equipmem closer to the maintenance shop and will not store them any of the parking szces. Murphy asks if there is any plan for protection from oils and nm-off from thl, equipment. Oveson states that there is, in accordance with the SineWs stormwater m~ement guidelines. para Kamper~i. 241 Dodge Street asks for clarif~ion of the utility lines and asks if the ir~limion of the utilities will disturb the cont~mim*ted land. Ovceon st~es that the area will not be disturhed md that the utilitios will he approxinmtely 40-$0 feet away from that at~a. She also asks for clarification on how much of the proposed buildin~ will he within the lO0-foot ~ land is in filed tidelaads. Oveson states that the arm is not filled tidelands ~nd that the file is available for review. any plato to construct another o~ ~. Oveson states that thm~ a~e no plans for another ~ at thl.q ~ Rosemary Maglio, 30 p__~,n~t Street asks if the pm~ing for each building can be se~ed. Dinkin states that that is not a requirement for parlc~2 for a buslness entity to he on the mune lot does not take away from any existing peri,rig_ for any other businesses that akeady exist. Maglio expresses concern for the resklential m near the Balch Strcet entrance and asks if access to ~hk Ix~ co~d he confined to Elliott Street. Oveson states th.t the buikling can be accessed from both Batch SUeet and Elliot Street but ~ that there has to he access from Belch SUcet for public safety rceson~ lviaglio asks ifthem will he a foumin similer to the one onthe Elliott Streetsklc. OvesonstatmthercisnoplanforafoantahL Maglio asks bow the surroundin8 he tls~d ~ ~t ~ of ~ by plnntln~ ~e~r~ll ~ ak~g tl~ roadway, l~lio agks if l~quired heJllg propoged, eoukl they gut bltgk on t]~ mimb~ of parking Spll~S? Green stat~ Tony Musanfi, 12 Willow Street refers back to the last Plmming Bored meeting and states that them was some concern for adequate parking for thi.. proposed office building. Musanti asks if Planning Board minutes October 17, 2000 m~in~ Page thirtem anything has bsppened since that time resulting in this change. Cassidy explains that she was merely cautioning th~ Board at the last me~ing that there was tl~ potential for the creation of an additional building lot that could create a zoning viol~io~ She states that the Buikli-2 l-.~tor ultimately makes ~ determination. Mn*anti asks iftl~ Planning Board will review th~ lin'king and o!~ ~mce th~ will I~ impacted by the lnrking ~¢. Oveson state~ fl~at Cummings Pmpe~i~ has filed a plan with DEP tl~ design,.ed 1/10~ of thi., location to publi~ access and tv. served pnrkin~o for public u~. ~ explains that they have met with the f~r the_ DEP to complete the necessary paperwork. He states that there is plenty of room to accommodate open apace and ~ has been ~omidered and worked into the plan. He stn~es that the public parking nre~ are filed on the plan that was submitted to the DEE Musanti asks if the buildi~ ~ould be moved out of t~m b,.~rer nme. Oveson states that it is not their imention to make that change. Carl Ben~ 44 Hili~est Avenu~ asks if a portion of tl~ 629 proposed parking spaces could be: minlmiyed so as not to take away from the pathway that go~s along th~ Shoe Pond. Oveson ~ that the ~rldn~ ~ do Bot tflko Rllythin~o away from the l~thway. Renee Mary, 274 Hale Street asks about the sma of eom~mln~ion. Oveson sta~ that based on the evaluation of that location, it is not ~omidemi a 21E si~ Mary asks if the storage of the wal bo locamM to stm~ this equ_i.inm~t that will b~ out of the way of any a~tivity. Mary asks where the public cnn a~ess DEP 21E, Chn~er 91 information. Oveson states that information is a matter of public r~ord and is on ~ in the plannin~o D~,p4h Joan Murphy, 36 Longmmiow Road asks iffl~or~ has ~ any ~omiderafion given to hk~lllin~o ap~d ~ or aom~ other method to ~w vohio~s in the a~hool zone. Ov, on stat~ that this has been a consideration and that crosswalks and si~nage will be installed. Maureen Tmubetaris, 28 Davis Road asks for olmi~cation on the proposed ~lkway to the h'id~e at the Mci~own ~hooL Oveson ~ that the ~ is connect thi.~ pathway to the Tmulmsds asks about tho buffer ~ ~ ~ ~ ~L Oveson states that the trees will protect the children from that area. He also sMt~s thnt they plnn on chnngin~ the grade along the side of those tree~ Paul C-uanci, Councilor-at-Large, 60 l~,,-*oul Sm~-,t asks wire their construction timeframe is for tl~i~ project. Oveson states that they phn M besin ~ in the spr/n~ and ho~ to have oco~mmy by th~ fall of 2001. Hop~ Bcnn~ 44 Hillcrest Avonue ~ that she is op~omi m the additional 144 l~rking sp~e thnt are n~t required and would like lo see tl~ pond ie~ in its existing condit~ Piann~ 8oard minutes October 17, 2000 m~tin£ P~e ~ourtccn Para Kampers~ 241 Do'.~.e Street stm_~ that Cassicly read a letter from the Conga Comml,s'mn and states thru she did not read the att~ to tlmt letter. She asks ffthe Board h~ ~ th~ attachment. ~kin stat~ that thc OrCl~ of gondition~ from th~ Conservation Comml-sion have regulmary force. Kamper~_! asks thc Board Jf t~ would invite t~ Col~'fv~ion Commission 1o voic~ their opJllion on such iss~s as Hawk Hill or Ozmmin~ Properties. Dipkin states 7Jnat the PisnnJng Board Ires certain responsibilities that are very separate and distinct fiox~ that of the Conscrv~ion Commi.~ion- Dinkin f~ls tlmt if any member of thc Comervafian Commi~ion felt strongly enough about an issue, they would go b6~jond th~ official co ...... ~mieatJon of a letter and com~ and tcstif~ as to th~ option. Thomson states thst lie hits ~ th~ ~sl'.hm~nt and ~ does not see anything in the Order of Conditions that is of concern He suggests that Kmnpenml be more specific on her Lssuz. DJnkin states thnt thi~ discussion is not on top~ and would like to continue the topic on lmnd. Tony M1 ~l~i~ 12 Willow ~ states that ~oz~mvmte~ r~r~iation is a ~m ~m ~r ~ ~~~~~ S~~r~~e~go~o~ ~~~~~~o~m~mi~np~. S~~ ~~a~ ~b~ a ~. building back ou~ offl~ ~ zono. Rosemary Maglio, 30 Pin.mt Street su~ eliminating the 144 extra parking spaces and leaving mom green space. Tim Smith; Ware[ 3 ~oulll:ii'Jor ~t._~8 that th~ projc~ct ]las ~ and ~l~is thnt thl, is positive ctevetopmem. Bob Shephe~ 60 Mattbies ~zeet states that there are no zoning violations with this pi.n_ He sta~ that although the pazking is zlot necessarily optimal, he is in favor of th~ ~.~ven~ents Planning Board minutes October 17, 2000 meeting Page fifteen Beverly resident, John Acciavatti states thnt he is excited about the pond and the improvements that will be nmde for the public use of that areo. John Dunn, 13 Exeter Road states that he is a coach'for youth IxLsketball and soccer teams that utili~ th~ YMCA f~'tlity and th~ soccer field adjacent to the Balch Street entrame. He opposition very nc~n-ately. Maureen Tmubetaris, 28 Davis Road stntes that th[q proposal is in ~ol~}iinn~ with th~ ~ ordimnce and sees a great deal of ~?rovement in tl~ City's industrinl/eommer~al spnce with Bob Shepherd, 60 Mattb~ Street is in agreement with Troubetaris and weleomes City growth. L'mdn~,21 Stone ~m~et states that th~ added tnx t~..venue is a plus forthe City. Shestates. Dinkin asks ar~ any additio~ comments. Thn~ are nom. l~t~ closes the public hearing. Din~n states that th~ next n~eting is sel~luled for November 21, 2000, and the Cummings site Dunn: n~tion to adjourn, seconded by Fhnmry. All members in favor, motion carries.