2000-11-28CITY OF BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: LOCATION: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: ALSO PRESENT: RECORDER: PUmn November 28, 2000 Beverly City Hall Chairman Richard Dinkin, John Thomson, Barry Sullivan, Robert Rink, Elizabeth McGlynn, Jonnne Dunn, Ellen Vice Cheirman William Delamy, Peter Thomn-~ City Planner Tim Cassidy, City Engineer Frank KiHilea Karen Bradley Dinkin calis the special meetln~ to order at 7:35 p.nt me Deelslon: Hawk Hill Eslates definitive subdivision plan I J. Bruee and Dina Dallas and Aileen L'Abbe / Symes Amoelates, Ine. Dinkln asks the Planning Director to update the BonrcL Cassidy amies that at last week's n~,~ing the Planning Board bna requested from the developer a draft homeowner's association document for the City to review prior to final action on the plan. She states that Symes Associates has submitted both a draR homeowner's association agreement and a conveyance 0f easement and utility fo, u,. She explnins that the latter doolme41t will give tile City tho 1'~ to ~ alld do im?rov~ents on th~ detention pond structures but not the respons~illty for nmlmnini~ these structures. These documents have been submitted and will he reviewed by the City Solicitor. Dinkin asks Jeff Rhnda of Symes Associates if he has any additional comments to make at this time. Rhoda states that he does not. Dinkin asks the Board iftbere are any questions or eomment~ There are none. Flannery: motion that the Board vote on the list of waivers from the Board's Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land requested by the developer, seconded by Sullivav_ All members in favor, Thomson and Mc~lynn abstain. Motion carries $-0-2. Flannety reads the waiver request from Section lll.C.2.d: Due to the generally wooded nature of the site, the applicant is requesting a waiver from the requirement that trees 6 inches in cnl'.mer or greater be shown on the plan_ Flannery: motion to grant the requested waive~, seconded by Sullivan. All members in favor, Thomson and McGlynn abstain_ Motion carries 5-0-2. Planning Board minutes Noveml~r 28, 2000 meeting Page two Cassidy reads the next waiver request from Section Ill.C.2.p: A waiver from the requirement that the highest known water mark and the contour line 4 feet above said high water mark he shown on thc plan. Flnnuery: motion to grant the requested waiver, seconded by Sullivan. AH members in favor, Thomson and McGlynn abstain. Motion carries 5-0-2. Cassidy re_~as the next waiver request from Section IlI.C.2.u: A waiver from the requirement to show proposed street lights, underground electric and fire ahum system on the plan. The design will he furni.~hed prior to endorsement of the definitive l?lllnoery': motion to grant the requested waiver, seconded by Sullivan. All members in favor, Thomson nnd McGlynn abstni*x Motion c~t~s 5-0=2. Cassidy re_*d~ the next waiver request from Section IV.A.2.b: A waiver from the requirement of a minimum centerline radius of 300 feet, nnd proposin~ a minimum ccnterline raditis of 240 feet ;n~ee~az Flannery: motion to grant thc requested waiver, seconded by Sullive~ All members in favor, Thom-~on ~ McGlynn abs/nln_ Motion carries 5-0-2. Cassidy rend, the next waiver req~_~-_~t from Section IV.A.2.c: A waiver from the requirement to provide a tangent of nt least 150 feet between reverse curves in order to provide for a more desirable curvilinear roadway nli?ment. Flnnnery: motion to grant the requested waiver, seconded by Sullivan. AH members in favor, Thomson and McOlynn abstain. Motion carries 5-0=2. Cassidy reads the next wniver request from Section IV.A.3: A waiver from the requirement that 32 feet of roadway pavement he provided. Alternately, thc applicant is proposing to pave a 26-foot width on all roadways. Flannery: motion to deny the requested weiver, seconded by Sulliva~ AH n~,,,bers in favor, Thomson and McOlynn abstain. Motion carries 5-0=2. Planning Board minutes November 28, 2000 Page three Cassidy ~4s the next waiver r~quest from Section IV.E: A waiver from the requirement that vertical granite curb be provided, and, in place thereof, the applicant is proposing sloped granite curb. Fhnnery: motion to deny the requested wniver, seconded by SuHivnn. All n~mbers in fitvor, Thomson and McGlynn abstain. Motion carries 5-0-2. Cassidy reads the next waiver request fix)m Section V.B.4: A waiver from the requirement thnt the mnximum roadway emhnnkment slope be 3-feet horizontal to l-foot vertical. The applicant is proposing that the maximum grade of 2-feet horizontal to 1-~oot vertical in order to reduce the impacts ofroadv~y grading on the site. Flnnnery: motion to grnnt the requested waive~ on the condition that the slopes are stnbilized with either rip rap or stone, seconded by Sulliwn- All members in fitvor, Thomson and McGlynn abstain. Motion carries 5-0-2. Cassidy rena~ the next waiver request from Section V.D.2: A waiver from the requirement that sidewalks be pi~-ed on both sides of the streets. The applicnnt is proposing sidewalks on one (1) side only. Flannery: n~tion to deny the requested waiver, seconded by Sulliva~ AH members in favor, Thon~on and McGlynn abstain. Motion carries 5-0-2. Cassidy r~,'~ds the next waiver request from Typical Cross Sectio~ A waiver from the requirement that aH drain pipes be provided with a three O) foot cover. Alt~uttely, the applicant is propo~nE a two and one half (2 ½) foot mini~m,m cover on drainage with the use of Ctnss V rclnforced concrete pipe where cover is less thnn three (3) feet. Flannery: motion to grant the requ_,~t_ ed waiver on the condition that Class V reinforced con~rete pipe is used with a screened gravel l~ch bedding, seconded by Sullivan. All members in favor, Thotnson and lVlcGlynn abstain. Motion carries 5-0-2. Planning Board minutes November 28, 2000 meeting Page four Cassidy states that is the lnst of the requested wnivers. Dinkin requests thnt the Board move on to vote on the subdivision plan itsel£ Flannery: motion to approve the Hnwk Hill definitive subdivision plan, subject to the following conditions: That the developer must install a 12" ductile iron, cement lined water main in Essex Street from the 16~ transmission line in Cole Street to the development; That the documems submitted by the applicant creating a hon~owner's association with the responsibility for rrmintnining the detention areas in this development and easement documents granting the City of Beverly the right to ac~ss the detention areas must be approved by the City Solicitor. A notation regarding th~ homeowner's association and its maintenance responsibilities shall notation to this effect must be added to tbe plan; The conditions contained in City Engineer Frank Killilea's July 10, 2000 letter to the Board must be incorpon~xl into the plnn to the extent they are not already The recommendations contained in the September 18, 2000 letter fi~m Can-q~ Dr'-~er and McKee to plnnning Director Tim Cassidy must be incol~orated into the plan to the extent they sre not already show~ Motion seconded by Sullivan. All members in favor, Thomson and McGlynn abstain. Motion carries 5-0-2. Dinkin asks Cassidy if there is any other business to be included in this meeting. Cn.~idy states there is not. Dinkin makes the comment that thi.~ has been a long and arduous pmee~ and would like to thank the Board for its hard work. He also thanks the citizens who expressed their concerns and helped the Board to shape the final plan that has just been approved. He also thanks the developer for contn'outing to a very educational process. Flannery: motion to adjourn, seconded by Sullivnn All members in favor, mntion c~r~s. The meeting is adjourned at 7:45 p.m.