1973-07-12City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Board of Health
Date: July 12, 1973
Place: Health Dept. Office
Board members present: Dr. Jacob H. Fine, chair, A. Joseph Callahan, Jr., and Angelo R.
Board members absent:
Others present: Joseph W. Walsh, Jr., Director of Public Health, Thomas Bussone Il, Assistant City
Solicitor, Robert Russo, Plumbing Inspector and Leo Panunzio, Milk and Food Inspector
Recorder: Joseph W. Walsh, Jr.
Meeting called to order at 6:45 p.m. Members present were Dr. Jacob H. Fine, chairman; Angelo
R. Massa and A. Joseph Callahan, Jr.
Also attending were Joseph W. Walsh Jr., Director; Thomas Bussone, Assistant City Solicitor;
Robert Russo, Plumbing Inspector; and Leo A. Pannnzio, Milk and Food Inspector.
The minutes of the June 14, 1973 Meeting were accepted as mailed. The monthly bill schedules
were signed prior to the Meeting and the monthly reports of the various staff members were read.
Old Business
Daily Reports
The Board of Health reviewed all the daily and monthly reports submitted to them by the
departmental staff and noted that for the second consecutive month (May and June), Mr. Robert
Russo, Plumbing Inspector had not complied with the Board's request of May 17, 1973 (see Board
of Health minutes of May 17, 1973) to file daily reports of his official activities with his monthly
work report, to the Board, as required by Regulation 2 of the departmental rules and regulations.
The director explained to the Board that he was working with the American Cancer Society to co-
sponsor with Beverly Hospital an oral cancer clinic. Mr. Walsh stated that he would have available
a definite proposal regarding the clinic for the Board's perusal at the August monthly meeting.
The Director reported that he had sent a letter to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen requesting an
appropriation of $2,250.00 for the purpose of providing a flu clinic for all Beverly residence 59 years
of age or older. He explained that his estimate included pwviding booster inoculations for residents
receiving flu vaccine for the first time.
The Board excepted both reports as informative.
New Business
Solid Waste
The Director read a letter from Congressman Michael Harrington requesting area health and
municipal officials to meet at Peabody City Hall on July 23, 1973 to discuss a regional approach to
the disposal of solid waste. Mr. Walsh told the Board that he planned to attend this meeting and
would keep them informed of any new ideas of refuse disposal or developments relating to the
reorganization of solid waste collection and disposal.
Sewer Break
Mr. Walsh reported to the Board that the sewer lines servicing the Ryal Side section of the city had
broken causing raw sewage to flow into the Bass River. The Director told the Board that he had
immediately posted the area and began sampling the Bass River to determine the extent of the
pollution. Several series of samples (eight samples to a series) were obtained and as to result of this
test the beaches at Obear and Gillis Parks were placarded and closed to bathers.
The sewer break was repaired within three days. However, the sampling of the River will continue
until water being tested for E. coliform bacteria is safe enough for the public to swim in. The Board
accepted this report as informational.
Substitute Plumbing Inspector
Mr. Robert Russo, Plumbing Inspector, explained to the Board that he was going on his annual
vacation and had arranged for Mr. Vernon Cormier to fill in during his absence. The Director told
the Board that the necessary Civil Service forms had been completed and sent to Civil Service for
approval. The Board excepted this report as informational.
Proposed Septic System at Municipal Dog Pound
Mr. Russo, Sanitary Inspector, reported to the Board that the city was building a dog pound adjacent
to the municipal landfill site and planned to install a septic system for the waste by products of the
cattle and toilet facilities. The Sanitary Inspector further reported that the Public Works Department
had not consulted him regarding the design, location, or any other phase of the installation of the
proposed septic system.
The Board of Health, after discussing the proposed septic system, on a motion made and seconded
unanimously voted to have the Director inform, in writing, the Mayor and Commissioner of Public
Works, that the city had to abide by all rules and regulations of Article XI of the Massachusetts
Sanitary Code and should make application to thc Board of Health for the Board's approval of the
septic system for the municipal dog pound.
Mr. Dominic Spina, proprietor of a proposed pizza shop to be located at 279 Cabot Street (formerly
the Butcher Shop) appeared before the Board of Health to request a variance of the Massachusetts
Plumbing Code requirement of providing separate toilet facilities for each sex. Mr. Spina told the
Board that he would be the only person working in the store and, therefore, felt that the installation
of another toilet was unnecessary.
The Plumbing Inspector told the Board that he was in favor of the Board's granting Mr. Spina's
The Board of Health, on a motion made and seconded, unanimously voted to grant, as recommended
by the Plumbing Inspector, a variance of the Massachusetts Plumbing Code requirement of providing
separate toilet facilities for each sex.
The Board instructed the Director to note the restriction on the food service permit.
Fore and Aft
Mr. Leo L. Panunzio, Milk and Food Inspector, told the Board of Health that he had sent the
following letter to the proprietor of the Fore and Aft Restaurant:
Fore and Aft
222 Cabot St.
Beverly, MA 01915
ATT: Mr. William Portelance
Dear Mr. Portelance:
To recap our discussion of July 12, 1973 in reference to renovations to the upstairs kitchen at your
establishment, the Fore and Aft, I am listing those items I consider of a priority nature.
1. Replace kitchen floor covering
2. Screen entire kitchen
3. Replace or move "ideal" refrigerator
4. Clean all steel shelves
5. Paint walls, ceilings-including hallway stairs
6. Relocate dumpster to rear of building
Other items so designated on the inspection sheet must also be attended to. In as much as this notice
is a follow-up of previous inspections, I am allowing thirty (30) days to correct all violations.
Failure to correct the violations as listed above will result in my recommending to the Board of
Health the revocation of your food service establishment license.
Very truly yours,
(Signed) Leo L. Panunzio
lVlilk and Food Inspector
cc: Board of Health
The Board of Health discussed the letter with the Milk and Food Inspector and tabled any action until
the thirty day limit set by Mr. Panunzio expired.
The Board of Health requested that the Milk and Food Inspector submit a progress report to them
at the August Board Meeting.
Health Resources
The Board of Health discussed with the Director the myriad of health resources available in the
community and the need of coordinating by a central agency the services into booklet form for
distribution to the general public.
The Board instructed the Director to begin surveying the health resources in the community and
submit a progress report to them at the August meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Joseph W. Walsh, Sr.