1999-11-06City of Beverly, MassachuSetts Public Meeting Minutes BOARD: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: PLACE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Planning Board November 6, 1999 Meeting Place Circle subdivision (Meadow Rd.) Richard Dinkin, Bill Delaney, Joanne Dunn. Robert Rink, Ellen Flannery, John Thomson, Barry Sullivan, Peter Thomas City Planner Tina Cassidy, City Engineer Frank Killilea Tina Cassidy Chairman Dinkin calls the public hearing to order at 9:00 a~m., and explains that the Planning Board will be conducting a site visit to the Meeting Place Circle subdivision. Delaney: motion to waive the reading of the legal notice for the public hearing, seconded by Thomas. All members in favor, motion carries. Dinkin asks the applicant's representatives to lead the site visit. Cassidy indicates that the Board members are most likely interested in walking the centerline of the proposed roadway, viewing the areas determined to be wetlands adjacent to Willow Pond, understanding the drainage design (both proposed and the existing system installed as part of the Willow Pond subdivision) and the proposed lot #8. Thomson states that al~er the site itself is viewed, he would like to walk down Essex Street and see the existing pond on Appleton's property and the area that purports to provide legal frontage for lot #8. Members conduct the site visit, asking questions regarding the roadway layout, house locations, existing and proposed drainage systems, the approval granted by the Conservation Commission, and the pond area near Essex Street. Sullivan: motion to continue the public hearing on the Meeting Place Circle subdivision to the Board's November 16, 1999 meeting. Motion seconded by Delaney: Delaney, Sullivan, Flannery, Thomas, Thomson in favor, no one opposed. Motion carries. The meeting is adjoumed at 10:30 a.m.