1973-09-20City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Board of Health
Date: September 20, 1973
Place: Health Dept. Office
Board members present: Dr. Jacob H. Fine, chair, A. Joseph Callahan, Jr., and Angelo R.
Board members absent:
Others present: Joseph W. Walsh, Jr., Director of Public Health, and Leo Pannnzio, Milk and Food
Recorder: Joseph W. Walsh, Jr.
Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. members present were Dr. Jacob H. Fine, chairman; Angelo R.
Massa and A. Joseph Callahan, Jr.
Also attending were Joseph W. Walsh Jr., Director; and Leo L. Panunzio, Milk and Food Inspector.
The minutes of the Aug. 9, 1973 Meeting were accepted as mailed. The monthly bill schedules were
signed previous to the Meeting and the monthly reports of the various staff members were read.
Old Business
Daily Reports
The Board of Health reviewed all the monthly reports submitted to them by the departmental staff
and noted that for the fourth consecutive month (May, June, July, August) Mr. Robert Russo had not
complied with the Board's request of filling out daily work reports. Also for the third consecutive
month (June, July, August) Mr. Richard Montoni failed to submit the required daily report as
required by regulation #2 of the departmental rules and regulatious.
Landmark School
The Board of Health reviewed a definite set of plans for the school's proposed cafeteria addition and
after discussing the plans with the Milk and Food Inspector approved said corrected plans. (See
minutes of June and August 1973).
Solid Waste Study
The Director read the following communication from Mayor Grimes to the Board of Aldermen to
the Board of Health:
August 23, 1973
To the Honorable Board of Aldermen
City of Beverly
I hereby recommend the appropriation of one thousand one hundred forty ($1140) dollars, as
provided under the provisions of Chapter 748, Section 44E of the General Laws to account "South
Essex Solid Waste Council", which is Beverly's share for participation cost in said proposed regional
district study group.
Said sum of money to be appropriated from available Federal Revenue Sharing Funds, now in the
hands of the City Treasurer, and expended under the direction of the Board of Health and the Mayor.
Very truly yours,
{Signed) Mayor Herbert F. Grimes
Mr. Walsh reported that he had attended all the regional meetings with the Mayor and approved of
the proposed solid waste study. He explained to the Board that the expenditure was for a study only
and did not commit the City or Board of Health to the proposed region.
The Board, acting on the Director's recommendation, signed the bill schedule authorizing as allowed
by Massachusetts General Laws the expenditure of $1,140.00 through the Board of Health budget.
Youth Center
The Director reported to the Board that the Youth Center was still closed and that the Commission
Chairman would call him for an inspection when the Center was ready for approval.
The Board accepted this report as informational.
The Director reported to the Board that 25 Grover Street and 90 Preston Place had been boarded as
per their vote of August 9, 1973 and that billing liens had been sent to the ownen and/or attorneys
for the properties.
The Board accepted this report as final.
Dental Clinic
Mr. Walsh reported that the Dental Clinic renovations were in their final stages. He told the Board
that thc appropriate letters of thanks had been sent to all parties contributing either equipment or in-
kind services and that a news story would bc forthcoming.
The Board accepted this report as informational.
New Business
Low and Moderate Income Town House - Brimbal Ave.
The Director presented to the Board a set of plans and application with attached submission and plan
concerning the petition of the Planning Office for Urban Affairs, Inc., for a comprehensive permit
under Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40-B, Section 20-23, to build 104 town house type
dwelling units for low and moderate income families between Brimbal Avenue and Sohier Road and
adjacent to St. Mary's Cemetery.
The Board discussed the proposed town house development and because of the Building Inspector's
failure to attend the Board's meeting, tabled any action until such time as a meeting between thc
Building Department and Board of Health can be scheduled.
Provisional Sanitarian
The Director submitted the following recommendation to the Board:
To: Beverly Board of Health
From: Joseph W. Walsh, Jr.
Director of Public Health
Regarding: Ernest Curelli, Sanitarian
Date: September 11, 1973
On September 3, 1973, Mr. Ernest Curelli will terminate his employment under the Federally funded
EEA program and will be, effective Oct. 1 1973, working for the Board of Health as a provisional
civil service employee.
I am recommending to you that Mr. Curelli be given credit for his two-year EEA employment and
be elevated immediately to the maximum pay scale of the position ($203.51 rather than $178.47).
Mr. Curelli has been an asset to the department. His manner and professional expertise is an added
"pins" to our organizational structure.
To further substantiate my requests, I referred to July 18 1973 edition of the Beverly Times referring
to thc Board of Aldermen's decision to credit the City Planner for time on the job and therefore
elevate him to the maximum salary of his job classification.
Our present ordinance structure requires an employee be on the job eighteen (18) months prior to
reaching his maximum salary, however, in our situation, Mr. Curelli has worked for us a few days
shy of twenty-four months.
Therefore, for the above stated reasons, I recommend to the Board that Mr. Ernest Curelli be given
credit for his EEA employment and be elevated to the maximum rate of $203.51 per week.
Signed - Joseph W. Walsh, Jr.
Director of Public Health
The Board of Health discussed the Director's recommendation, and on a motion made and seconded
unanimonsly voted to pay the Sanitarian the maximum for Grade 16 which is $203.51 per week.
Plumbing Inspector
The Plumbing Inspector submitted to the Board the following letter from the State Board of
Plumbing Examiners:
To: All Inspectors of Plumbing or Boards of Health
From: Board of State Examiners of Plumbing
Regarding: New Legislation, Chapter 193, Acts of 1973 "An Act Providing for the Use of a Uniform
Application for Permit to Perfoming Plumbing Work"
Date: August 30, 1973
Your hereby advised of the passage of legislation affecting the Board of State Examiners of
Plumbers and all cities and towns in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as follows:-
Chapter 193. Acts of 1973
And an act providing for the use of a uniform application for permits to perform plumbing work.
Section 13 of Chapter 142 of the General Laws, as most recently amended by Section 2 of Chapter
604 of the Acts of 1971, is hereby further amended by adding the following sentence:- The
examiners shall adopt a regulation requiring all cities and towns to use a unifou- application for a
permit to perform plumbing work.
Attached you will find the application which has been drafted and approved by the Board of State
Examiners of Plumbers for compliance with this section of our laws. You are advised the above
legislation was signed into law by Governor Francis W. Sargent on April 17, 1973 and that it is now
mandatory for all cities and towns to adopt the attached application as approved by this Board.
Should you have any questions pertaining to this matter, please feel free to call or write me.
Irving J. Risi, Executive Secretary
Board of State Examiners of Plumbers
The Board accepted this report as informational.
Health Offices Conference
The Director submitted the following request of the Board:
September 11 1973
Board Health
Beverly, MA 01915
I am requesting the Board of Health's permission to attend the Massachusetts Health Officer's
Annual Conference to be held October 10,11, and 12, 1973 in Eastover in Lenox, Massachusetts and
be reimbursed for expenses incurred.
Thank you in advance for your consideration, I remain,
Very truly yours,
Signed - Joseph W. Walsh,
Director of Public Health
The Board discussed the Director's request and on a motion made and seconded unanimously voted
to grant his request.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Respectively submitted,
Joseph W. Walsh, Jr.
Director of Public Health