1996-10-28 William Delaney James A. Manzi ~~ Joanne Dunn Vice Chairman Ellen K. Rannery Richard Dinkin Salvatore Modugno D. Stephen Papa Planning Director Barry Sullivan Tina P. Cassidy John Thomson Minutes Beverly Planning Board October 28, 1996 Meeting Members present: Chairman James Manzi, Vice-Chairman Richard Dinkin, Joanne Dunn, Bill Delaney, John Thomson, Barry Sullivan, Ellen Flannery; also present: Commissioner of Public Works George Zambouras, Planning Director Tina Cassidy and Susan Akerman, Secretary to the Board. Chairman Manzi calls the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m. 1. Worthinqton Green Subdivision Cassidyupdates the Board and reviews Worthington Green Tri-Partite Agreement, surety, bond amount, release of lots for building and sale purposes. Cassidy reads the following letters to the Members: - Letter from George Zambouras. (On File) - Letter from developer John Sanidas. (On File). Delaney: Motion to establish the bond amount of $53,463.00 as surety for Worthington Green, seconded by Thomson. All in favor, motion carries. Delaney: Motion to accept the submitted Tri-Partite Agreement as surety for Worthington Green, seconded by Thomson. All in favor, motion carries. Thomson: Motion to release all lots for sale and building purposes, seconded by Sullivan. All in favor, motion carries. City Hall 191 Cabot Street Beverly, Massachusetts 01915 (508) 921-6000 Fax (508) 922-0285 Planning Board Minutes October 28, 1996 Meeting Page Two 2. Friend Estate Subdivision Cassidy updates the Board and states she has a letter from Paul Quinn requesting that the remaining bond amount be released. Cassidy reads letter from George Zambouras dated 10/15/96. (On File) Delaney: Motion to release the current of $45,537.00 for the Friend Estate subdivision to zero, seconded by Sullivan. All in favor, motion carries. 3- Birch Woods Subdivision: Request for Minor Modificatio to approved plan. Cassidy updates the Board regarding Birch Woods subdivision; the developer is asking that the plan be changed to allow gravity sewer instead of a force main. Cassidy reads letter from Attorney Thomas Alexander. Thomas Alexander addresses the Board regarding design changes of the gravity flow service and states there will be no change in the configuration of the roadway or lots. Alexander adds this will be a better design. Cassidy states that there are two issues before the Board: (1) finding of minor modification and (2) approval of the change. Cassidy reads letter dated 10-28-96 from George Zambouras. Delaney questions if the redesign of the sewer system is effective. Zambouras explains that the previous developer was trying sewer pump stations to avoid ledge and states it doesn't affect the drainage. Zambouras states he sees this as an improvement. (Dinkin joins meeting at 7:50 p.m.) Thomson asks if there is a time table for construction of this project and if there is any approval. Cassidy states yes, and explains that a two year extension was granted on June 5, 1995 until June 30, 1997. Delaney: Motion to find proposed sewer design to be a minor modification, seconded by Dinkin. All in favor, motion carries. Delaney: Motion to approve the requested sewer line modification, seconded by Thomson. All in favor, motion carries. Planning Board Minutes October 28, 1996 Meeting Page Three · Discussion/decision: Watershed Protection Overlay District special permit application (#95-96) for construction of airplane hangar at airport / G.T.E. Corporation. Cassidy updates the Board on the Watershed Protection Overlay District and states plans must be revised to incorporate verbal comment on proposal. The public hearing on this application was closed previously. Rich Holworth states that the changes involve catch basins with hoods and with oil and silt separators be installed and that a detention basin be installed. These changes address the recommendations and suggestions of the Beverly/Salem Water Supply Board and Public Works Commissioner. Cassidy reads the following letters to the Members: - Letter from the Salem and Beverly Water Supply Board. (On file) - Letter dated 10/28/96 from George Zambouras. (On file) (Flannery joins the meeting at 8:00 p.m.) Delaney asks Cassidy if the proposal meets all of the City's zoning requirements. Cassidy responds that it does. Dinkin asks how the proposed pollution controls differ from what is on site. Holworth explains that the pollution controls presently on the site are not equipped with oil and silt separators and that there is no on-site detention basin. Dinkin asks if this proposal will be safer for the site in regards to pollutants. Holworth states it should be an improvement. Dinkin asks Zambouras if the proposal and plan will negatively affect the watershed. Zambouras answers no. Del~ley: Motion to grant special permit application for construction of a hangar at Beverly Airport within the Watershed Protection Overlay District, seconded by Dinkin. All in favor, motion carries 6-0. · Discussion/decision: Porter Terrace preliminary subdivision plan / Crosby and Davis. Thomas Alexander introduces himself to the Board and explains that the existing house has 41,500 square feet of land in an R-10 Zone. Alexander explains that they need 10,000 square feet for each lot Planning Board Minutes October 28, 1996 Meeting Page Four with 100 feet of frontage and states that this excludes the new zoning calculation for wetlands. Alexander explains that one year ago they applied for a variance for a lot with 50 feet of frontage and states it was denied by the Board of Appeals. Alexander explains that this will be a minor subdivision with less than 250 feet for a dead end and states that they are looking for a 40 foot layout. Alexander states that the grade is not a problem, that the finish grade will be 4% with a 2% grade running the rest of the way to Porter Terrace. Alexander states that Mr. Vernon LeBlanc, engineer for the project, is also present tonight. Thomson asks if Livingstone Avenue qualifies as a public way. Alexander explains that it is an unimproved street - a paper street. Dinkin asks how far would it be for the client to finish Livingstone Avenue. LeBlanc states approximately 80'. Cassidy reads the following letters to the Members: - Letter dated 10/28/96 from George Zambouras. (On file) - Letter dated 10/26/96 from the Beverly Board of Health. (On file) - Letter dated 10/25/96 from the Beverly Police Department. (On file). - Letter dated 10/25/96 from the City of Beverly Conservation Commission. (On file). - Letter dated 10/24/96 from the Beverly Fire Department. (On file) Sullivan asks how many lots would be created if the developer paved Livingstone Avenue. Alexander states 3-4 lots. Thomson asks what is on the other side. LeBlanc states other houses which face another street. Delaney questions the turning radii and asks why was it designed this way. LeBlanc explains that there is no radius for the layout but could install a 25' turning radius with the pavement. Delaney comments on the sufficiency of the hammerhead turn-around and states that the developer could create an easement over the P18nuing Board Minutes October 28, 1996 Meeting Page Five driveway. LeBlanc explains that the layout of the driveway is not finalized yet. Delaneyquestions drainage calculations and water issues. LeBlanc shows where the wetlands areas are on the map. Delaney asks how the site will be drained. LeBlanc explains that the road is pitched at 2% to two catch basins. Delaney asks if the letter from the Fire Department is typical. Cassidy states it is being seen more often. Dinkin asks why the developers are proposing fewer oddly shaped lots on a non-conforming site when they could do more lots on a conforming site. Alexander states because it would be more disrupting, that a longer road would have more impact. Cassidy adds that they would also need a major subdivision, which would mean stricter construction requirements. Thomson asks Zambouras what his thoughts are from an engineering point. Zambouras states that the extent of the roadway constructed would be greater and that a 40' wide roadway would still be considered a minor road. Zambouras states as far as any other improvements he was not sure. Alexander po].nts out that they do have the right to pave Livingstone Avenue and then suggests they could come back to the Board. Delaney explains that this is unusual at the preliminary stage but states he would like a site visit. Dinkin states he is concerned about the lack of a turning radius onto Porter Terrace and the lack of a cul-de-sac turn-around. Delaney: Motion to table matter to the November regularly scheduled meeting, seconded by Sullivan. All in favor, motion carries. New or Other Business · Receipt of Chapter 91 waterways amnesty license / Avalon Avenue Cassidy states that a Chapter 91 license for Avalon Avenue is on file with the Planning Board as required, and that it is available for members to review. Planning Board Minutes October 28, 1996 Meeting Page Six · Adjournment Dinkin: Motion to adjourn, seconded by Flannery. All in favor, motion carries. Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.