1996-01-06 William Delaney James A, Manzi ~.~~ Joanne Dunn Vice Chairman Ellen K. Rannery Richard Dinkin Salvatore Modugno D. Stephen Papa Planning Director Barry Sullivan Tina P. Cassidy John Thomson Minutes Beverly Planning Board Special Meeting January 6, 1996 Members present: Chairman James Manzi, Viee-ChaLrman Richard Dinkin, Bill Delaney, John Thomson, Ellen Flannery and Steve Papa. Also present: Planning Director Tina Cassidy, Assistant Planning Director Debbie Hurlburt and Zoning Enforcement Officer Tim Brennan. Manzi calls the special meeting to order at 8:05 p.m. Cassidy updates the Board regarding the earlier Joint Public Hearing for City Council Order #467 for an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance for cellular and telecommumcation towers. Cassidy discusses the issues of height, set back and access restriction that would be imposed with this Order, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department. Tim Brennan states that he would like to see telecommunication towers restricted to non- residential zones. Cassidy states that the Board could exempt municipal slructures. Delaney asks if a non-commercial user could get relief by a special permit. Cassidy states that commercial and non-commercial enterprises would always be limited to 100' in height and would always have to get a variance from that height restfiction. Manzi asks if there are any other members who would like to speak on this issue. Delaney: Motion to recommend adoption of City Council Order ~467 subject to the following cnditions: (1) that other provisions of this Ordinance nor, vithstanding, television and communication antennae may be erected on governmentally-owned structure in any zoning district, and may be erected on any structure existing at the time of adoption of this Ordinance regardless of ownership in any non- residential zoning district, without a special permit; provided, however, that the antennae do not project more than twenty (20') feet above the top of the structures on which they are located: and (2) Special permits shall not be required for City Hall 191 Cabot Street Beverly, Massachusetts 01915 (508) 921-6000 Fax (508) 922-0285 Minutes of the Planning Board Special Meeting January 6, 1997 page two television and communication antennae erected by non-commercial users for non- commercial purposes; provided, however, that such antennae must meet the height and setback requirements applicable to the zoning district in which they are located, seconded by Thomson. All members in favor, motion carries. 1. New/Other business Cassidy mentions to the members that the January meeting is the third Tuesday of the month which is the day after a holiday; and because the City Council generally moves their meeting to the following Tuesday the Planning Board will have to consider changing the location of that meeting. Members discuss holding the meeting either at the Library or the Senior Center. Cassidy will check availability at both locations and will determine the best site contingent upon the meeting space availability. Cassidy adds that the regular February meeting of the Board also falls on the day after a holiday and the Board will have to consider moving that meeting as well. Cassidy states that the Planning Board can discuss this at the next meeting. Manzi asks if there is any other business to come before the Board. 2. Adjournment Dinkin: Motion to adjourn, seconded by Delaney. All members in favor. Motion carries.