1973-04-12City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Board of Health
Date: April 12, 1973
Place: Health Dept. Office
Board members present: Dr. Jacob H. Fine, chair, A. Joseph Callahan, Jr., and Angelo R.
Board members absent:
Others present: Joseph W. Walsh, Jr., Director of Public Health, Thomas Bussone II, Assistant City
Solicitor, Ernest Curelli, Sanitarian, and Leo Panunzio, Milk and Food Inspector
Recorder: Joseph W. Walsh, Jr.
Meeting called to order at 6:40 p.m. Members present were Dr. Jacob H. Fine, Chairman; Angelo
R. Massa, and A. Joseph Callahan, Jr.
Also attanding were Joseph W. Walsh, Jr., Director; Thomas Bussone, II Assistant Solicitor; Leo L.
Panunzio, Milk and Food Inspector; and Ernest Curelli, Sanitarian.
The minutes of the March 1, 1973 meeting were accepted as mailed. The monthly bill schedules
were signed and the monthly reports of the various staff members were read.
Sanitarian's Exam
The Director read the following letter from Civil Service to the Board of Health:
"March 9, 1973
Mr. Joseph W. Walsh, Jr., Director
Board of Health
Beverly, Massachusetts
Dear Mr. Walsh:
In accordance with your request, the open competitive examination scheduled for April 14, 1973,
for the position of Sanitarian, Beverly Health Department, has been postponed. A new poster will
be issued and the examination scheduled for a later date.
Very truly yours,
(signed) (Mrs.) Mabel A. Campbell
Director of Civil Service"
The Director explained to the Board that Civil Service had indicated to him that the revised test
announcement will be sent to us in approximately six weeks and at that time the date for the
examination will be established.
The Board accepted this report as informational.
Mr. Walsh told the Board that the plan for the four clinics being offered by Department to the
community were progressing rapidly. He told the Board that the Visiting Nurses Association had
agreed to co-sponsor our Mumps and Rubella Clinic scheduled for May 3, 1973 and that the Kiwanis
Club was going to co-sponsor the Adult Hearing Clinic scheduled for the week of May 14-18. The
Director explained that the Lions Club was once again co-sponsoring the Lazy Eye (Amblyopia)
Clinic scheduled for April 23-26, 1973 with this agency and that the 10th Grade booster clinic
scheduled for May 2, 1973 was being co-sponsored with the school department.
The Board accepted this report as informational.
Combine Collection of Garbage and Rubbish
The Director reported to the Board that combination of garbage and rubbish program has been in
effect for approximately one month and the transition to the new collection method appears to be
very successful. During the period of time that the program became effective, this office has received only
five citizen complaints and five complaints from the public works department relating to the
collection service.
The Director read a letter from the Beverly Improvement Society to Mayor Grimes recording their
opposition to our new program.
"April 5, 1973
His Honor the Mayor
City Hall
Beverly, Massachusetts
Dear Mayor Grimes:
We wish to go on record as being opposed to the combined disposal of trash and garbage as presently
collected by the City of Beverly.
Sincerely yours,
Mrs. Philip Carlman, Pres.
Beverly Improvement Society
copies: Beverly Times
Salem Evening News"
Mr. Walsh told the Board that he would answer the letter and try to alleviate the society's
apprehension toward the new collection method.
The Board suggested that the Director offer to meet with the group to explain the new program.
Rodent Grant
Mr. Walsh told the Board that our application for another Rodent Grant was received by the
Massachusetts Department of Public Health. However, the Director explained that the State
Legislature had not appropriated any funds for the continuance of the program and therefore our
chances were slim of being funded for this year. The Director explained that he had sought
Representative Thomas Bussone's assistance on the State level to ascertain whether or not funds will
be made available this year.
The Board instructed the Director to investigate all areas of funding for Rodent Control and submit
a report at the May meeting.
Music Theatre (See minutes March 1, 1973 meeting)
Mr. C. Henry Glovsky representing the North Shore Community Arts Foundation d/b/a North Shore
Music Theatre met with the Board to request an additional one year extension of the Board of
Health's order of September 3, 1971 to wit "requiring the installation of toilet facilities at the Terrace
Restaurant before another food service permit can be issued".
Mr. Glovsky discussed with the Board the many options available to the foundation and that if they
were required at this time to install toilet facilities then their future plans would be jeopardized.
Therefore, he requested another one-year extension of the Board's order.
The Board of Health on a motion made and seconded unanimously voted to grant the request of the
North Shore Community Arts Foundation for another one-year extension of their order (June of
The Board of Health requested the minutes to show that it was the unanimous opinion that the
one-year extension granted would be final and that the North Shore Music Theatre shall submit plans
for the installation of the toilet facilities as soon as possible.
The Board instructed the Director to send a letter to the North Shore Community Arts Foundation
outlining their vote and requesting plans to be submitted to the Health Office.
Mr. John Gemma owner of 26 Beckford Street, Beverly, Massachusetts and his attorney, Mr. David
J. Flaxer met with the Boast of Health to discuss a housing violation notice sent by this office to him
on March 19, 1973.
Attorney Flaxer presented his client's case and explained to the Board all the violations listed by our
sanitarian had been corrected and requested that our inspector re-inspect the apartment in violation
to ascertain whether or not the corrections were made to the satisfaction of the Board of Health.
The Board of Health discussed the merits of the case and unanimously not to take any action at this
time pending the re-inspection of the apartment by our sanitarian.
EEA Employee Transfer
The Director read the following letter from Mayor Herbert F. Grimes to the Board:
"March 29, 1973
Board of Health
Att: Director Jay Walsh
City of Beverly
This is to inform you, that subject to conferences with all parties involved, as Mayor and
Administration Authority for the City of Beverly under the Emergency Employment Act of 1971,
Mr. Anthony Ventreaca will report, effective April 2, 1973 at 8:30 p.m., to and under the direction
of the Board of Assessors in the capacity designated by them from his current position under the
Direction of the Board of Health as Code Enforcement Trainee.
Very truly yours,
(signed) Herbert F. Grimes Mayor"
The Board discussed the transfer and approved with reservations the Mayor's request.
Funeral Directors' Licenses
The Board of Health approved and signed the Funeral Directors' licenses for: Mr. Charles E.
Campbell, Mr. Frank T. Campbell, Mr. John T. Curry, Mr. William L. Moody, and Mr. Richard W.
Russell. These licenses expire April 30, 1973.
Director's Authority to Suspend Employees
The Board of Health discussed with the Assistant City Solicitor the Civil Service Commission's
format for suspending employees for infractions of the departmental rules and regulations. The
Assistant City Solicitor explained to the Board that as they are now structured they are the only ones
who can suspend an employee. In addition, they are the forum that the suspended employee has to
appeal to, thus creating an awkward situation for the Board.
Therefore, the Board of Health acting under the authority of the Massachusetts General Laws,
Chapter 31, Section 43E on a motion made and seconded unanimously voted to delegate its authority
to make suspensions for just cause for a period of five (5) days or less in accordance with the
provisions of said section 43(e) to the Director of Public Health of the City of Beverly.
Monthly Reports
The Board of Health discussed daily reports to the Board by the staff members and summarized as
monthly reports as required by Regulation 2 of the Departmental Rules and Regulations adopted July
10, 1972 by the Beverly Board of Health.
The Board discussed the failure of the Plumbing Inspector to submit the required daily reports with
his monthly report.
Therefore, on a motion made and seconded the Board of Health unanimously voted to ask Mr.
Robert Russo, Plumbing and Sanitary Inspector, to appear before the Board to explain his failure to
submit the required reports.
The Board instructed the Director to work with the Assistant City Solicitor and draft the appropriate
notice to be sent to the Plumbing Inspector for by the Board of Health.
Motel Hearing
The Director read to the Board of Health the following letter from Attorney George H. Chansky:
"March 31, 1973
Beverly Board of Health
City Hall
Beverly, MA
This office represents Mr. Robert E. Warner of #12 Salt Wall Lane, Salem, Mass., and on behalf of
Mr. Warner, request is hereby made of you to hold a public hearing pursuant to granting a license
for a motel under the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 140, Sections 32A-32E;
based on the following:
LOCATION: 490 Rantoul St.
NUMBER OF UNITS: 11 plus a double office
SIZE OF LOT: 27,395 square feet of land
OWNER:Robert E. Warner, #12 Salt Wall Ln. Salem, MA
Very truly yours,
(signed) George H. Chansky"
The Director told the Board that he had as required by law advertised the public hearing notice in
the April 6, 1973 edition of the Beverly Times and that nobody had spoken in opposition to the
granting of the Board of Health permit.
The Beverly Board of Health opened the public hearing and recorded in these minutes that there was
not any opposition to the granting of the permit and one person, Mr. Robert Warner, owner of the
proposed motel being recorded in favor. Therefore, on a motion made and seconded, unanimously
voted to grant an 11 unit motel license to Mr. Robert Warner, d/b/a Hannahs Port Motel, 490 Rantoul
St., Beverly, MA.
Moeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Joseph W. Walsh, Jr.
Director of Public Health