1998-08-18Chairperson Ellen K. Flannery Richard Dinkin /~%'--- i: Salvatore Modugno Vice Chairman ~ ~'i Robert Rink William Delaney ~: ~/;/ Barry Sullivan Planning Director Peter M. Thomas Tina P. Cassidy John Thomson Minutes August 18, 1998 Meeting Members present: Chairperson Richard Dinkin, Vice-chairman Bill Delaney, John Thomson, Barry Sullivan, Joanne Dunn, Peter Thomas, Ellen Flannery, Rob Rink. Chairperson Dinkin calls the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Delaney: motion to recess regular meeting for public heating, seconded by Thomas. All members in favor, motion carries. 1. Public Hearing: Request for modification to approved site plan: proposed Walgreen's establishment at the corner of Rantoul and Elliott Streets / Suncor Development Dinkin declares the public heating open and Cassidy reads the legal notice. Attorney Bernard Shadrawy is present to represent the applicant and explains that the company has negotiated the purchase of an abutting property formerly owned by the Union Association, and the company intends to expand its development site to include this land at 401 Rantoul Street. He explains that additional landscaping will be installed on the site as a result of this acquisition, that the location of the southem-most driveway will be relocated southward to increase the distance between it and the Rantoul/Elliott Streets intersection, and that the original location of the dumpster will be changed. Instead of a dumpster along the Roundy Street property line as originally proposed, the company will use a compactor instead which will be located at the rear of the building and enclosed. He distributes a detail sheet of the compactor enclosure to the members. Shadrawy also informs members that the subject of demolition of the existing building at 401 Rantoul Street will be heard by the Historic District Commission on August 251h, and the company hopes to begin construction of the new facility in September. Dinkin explains the structure of the public heating, and Cassidy then reads letters from various City departments (see file). City Hall 191 Cabot Street Beverly, Massachusetts 01915 (978) 921-6000 Fax (978) 922-0285 Planning Board Minutes August 18, 1998 meeting page two Thomson asks what the noise level of the compactor will be at the property line. Shadrawy answers less than three decibels. Sullivan asks Shadrawy to explain any difference in the frequency of trash pick-up that might result from the decision not to use a dumpster, and how truck traffic will be routed onto and through the site as a result of the proposed site plan amendments. Shadrawy states that the compactor will need to be emptied only half as often as a dumpsteL and that the new location will be farther from the houses on Roundy Street than the original location would have been. The compactor also has three times the capacity of a dumpster. He notes that while the entrance driveway on Rantoul Street will be shifted southward, there will be no changes to any other driveways and no changes to the circulation patterns on site. He reminds members that deliveries to this store will be via a 28' long "pup" truck, which is much smaller than a typical tractor trailer. Delaney asks Shadrawy for the height of the compactor enclosure and the location of the doors to it. Shadrawy states that the compactor will be completely enclosed with a 6' high brick structure. The gates will be solid galvanized steel and approximately 4'10" high. Delaney asks Cassidy to explain the Design Review Board's recommendation regarding access, and she does. Flannery asks on what days deliveries will be made and at what time of day deliveries will take place. Shadrawy states that while the company cannot specify a certain day or time for deliveries because of the special truck that will be used, deliveries will take place between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m., as the existing store is now serviced. Dinkin asks if the curb cuts as currently designed would be sufficient to permit full-sized trucks to access the site. Shadrawy states that they are. Dinkin asks if under any circumstance full- sized trucks would be used. Shadrawy states that while the Walgreen's Corporation has committed to using a 28' truck, there will be other deliveries from vendors (i.e. soft drinks, prescription drugs) who may use larger equipment for deliveries. Rink questions the need for two accesses onto Chase Street, which has several residences on it. Dinkin asks if there are any other questions from the members at this point. Hearing none, he asks if there are members of the public who wish to speak. Rosemary Maglio, 30 Pleasant Street, asks Shadrawy how the company intends to screen the driveway from the residences as required by the zoning ordinance. Shadrawy introduces Ed Gless from Atlantic Design Engineers to answer the question. Gless explains that all parking lots lights will be equipped with hoods to reduce glare, but that there is no possible way to screen a driveway opening. He reviews the landscaping details for the site. Maglio points out that two curb cuts could be placed on Rantoul Street. Shadrawy responds that it would not be safe to have two driveways on Rantoul Street due to the close proximity of the RantouFElliott Street intersection and traffic lights. The queuing at the traffic light would create a conflict at a second driveway. Debbie Brown, 49 Chase Street, asks how often the compactor will be emptied. Shadrawy answers once per week. She asks if deliveries will be confined to the hours of operation of the establishment. Shadrawy states that the company has committed to that. Joan Johnson, 677 Hale Planning Board Minutes August 18, 1998 meeting page three Street, asks if the company would consider restricting the hours of compactor operation and service as well. Shadrawy states that the company would agree to confine all compactor servicing to regular store hours. Brown asks Dinkin if this could be imposed as a condition of site plan approval. Dinkin states that it can be. Mary Rodrick, 14 Peabody Avenue, asks if trucks entering Chase Street from the site will turn left or fight. Shadrawy states that trucks will be permitted to turn in either direction, unless the City changes the traffic patterns of the roadway. Brown asks if the Chase Street driveway closest to Roundy Street could be posted "Deliveries only - Do Not Enter". Shadrawy states that the company could not enforce such a posting, and would be reluctant to post such a message knowing that enforcement could not be accomplished. Dinkin recesses the public hearing for ten minutes. Dinkin calls the public hearing back into session, and asks members of the public to continue with any questions or comments. Maglio asks if the driveway from Rantoul Street will go straight through to Chase Street with the revised site plan. Shadrawy states that it will, and notes that the existing curb cut on Rantoul Street servicing the union hall will be eliminated. Delaney expresses concern about the Chase Street curb cut, and asks if there is any way to revise the proposed traffic circulation on the site to lessen the impact on the abutting neighborhood. Shadrawy states that the site plan has been reviewed from an engineering perspective several times to investigate alternative patterns, and that the plan before the Board now depicts the safest solution. Track clearance around the drive- through, pedestrian walkway areas, and avoidance of the need for three-point turns have been part of the discussion and design process. City Councilor Joyce McMahon states that if the use of Chase and Roundy Streets becomes problematic as a result of this development, the direction of traffic on Roundy Street could be reversed. She pledges her support and assistance to the neighbors in this effort if it is needed in the future. Dinkin asks if any members of the audience wish to be recorded as being in favor of this project. McMahon states that the development process for this project has been a very long and public one, and believes the site plan now before the Board is the best one that the City can get for this site. She expresses her hope that the project will be approved. City Councilor John Murray states that the subject of selling this site to Walgreen's was discussed by the City Council previously, and asks to be recorded as being in support of the plan. Dinkin asks if any members of the audience wish to be recorded as being in opposition to the revised site plan. Debbie Brown asks the Board to consider any mechanism available to reduce the number of curb cuts onto Chase Street, and to impose, as conditions of approval, limitations Planning Board Minutes August 18, 1998 meeting page four on hours of trash pick-up and deliveries, the posting of a "do not enter" sign on the Chase Street driveway, and a requirement that trucks on the site turn off their engines while deliveries are being made. Maglio states that the project will have a negative impact on the adjacent residential neighborhood. Rodrick states that she agrees with both previous speakers. Dinkin asks if there is any other member of the public wishing to comment. Hearing none, Dinkin closes the public hearing at 9:40 p.m. and calls the Board back into regular session. 2. Discussion/decision: Proposed modifications to approved site plan for Walgreen 's establishment at the corner of Rantoul and E!!iott Streets / Suncor Development Delaney states that the Planning Board has reviewed the site plan and property extensively, and that members had an obligation to investigate every angle and concern surrounding this proposal. He states that the public input the Board has received has been very useful. He is inclined to approve the modification with a series of conditions. Thomson states that he share's Delaney's views, and suggests that the Board consider setting limits on the decibel levels of the compactor. Dinkin asks if there are any additional comments. There are none. Delaney: motion to approve the modifications to the previously-approved site plan for the Walgreen's Corporation as proposed, subject to the following conditions: 1. That comments contained in a letter from the City Engineer dated August 18, 1998 be incorporated into the site plan; 2. That the hours of operation of this establishment shall be 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.; 3. That deliveries of goods to the store and the operation of the trash compactor be limited to the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; 4. That the engines of all delivery vehicles shall' be required to be turned off while deliveries are being made; r 5. That a sign shall be placed near the curb cut on Chase Street closest to Roundy Street stating "Do Not Enter"; 6. That the noise level of the operating trash compactor shall not exceed six (6) decibels as measured at the Walgreen's property line on Chase Street; and 7. That all other conditions previously imposed on this site plan remain in full force and effect. Motion is seconded by Thomas, all members in favor. Motion carries. Planning Board minutes August 18, 1998 meeting page five 3_ Subdivision Approval Not Required Plans (SANR's} a. 401 Rantoul Street / Walgreen's Corporation Cassidy explains that this ANR has been filed by the Walgreen's Corporation seeking to incorporate the property at 401 Rantoul Street into the development site. The plan meets the Board's requirements for endorsement as an ANR. Thomson: motion to endorse the plan of land submitted for 4.01 Rantoul Street as one not requiring approval under the Subdivision Control Law, seconded by Flannery. All members in favor, motion carries. b. 590 - 600 Hale Street / Sheila Kellogg, Trustee, Stores at Prides Crossing Attorney John Glovsky, representing Sheila Kellogg, explains the ANR to the Board. Once registered, this plan will eliminate the non-conforming nature of one of the parcels involved. Cassidy states that the plan meets the Board's requirements for endorsement as an ANR. Delaney: motion to endorse the plan of land submitted for 590400 Hale Street as one not requiring approval under the Subdivision Control Law, seconded by Thomas. All members in favor, motion carries. c. 48-50 Hillcrest Avenue / Wayne & Susan Reutter, Joan Gibson Cassidy explains that the owners of property at 50 Hillcrest Avenue have agreed to sell a sliver of their property to their neighbor at 48 Hillcrest Avenue. While the lot line amendments shown on the plan are acceptable, there are several plan deficiencies that must be corrected before the Board endorses the plan. She lists the plan deficiencies for the Board, which include lack of a locus plan at a scale of 1"=800', location of the nearest fire hydrant, and a notation stating that "endorsement of this plan as one not requiring approval under the Subdivision Control Law is not a determination as to conformance with zoning." Thomson: motion to endorse the plan of land submitted for 48-50 Hillcrest Avenue as one not requiring approval under the Subdivision Control Law subject to the addition of the deficiencies noted above to the plan prior to -'.ndorsement by the Planning Board chairperson. Motion seconded by Flannery, all members in favor. Motion carries. 4. Moore Circle Subdivision: request for extension of construction completion date / Paul & Sheila Moore Cassidy explains that the Moores are requesting an extension of the construction completion date Planning Board Minutes August 18, 1998 meeting page six established for this subdivision on the Danvers tom line. The completion date is set to expire on November 19, 1998, and the Moores are requesting an extension to November 19, 2000. The request is being made at this time because the Moores have found a buyer for the entire subdivision and the new developer will need at least two years to finish the project. Thomson: motion to extend the construction completion date for the Moore Circle subdivision from November 19, 1998 to November 19, 2000. Motion seconded by Flannery, all members in favor. Motion carries. 5. New or Other Business Dinkin asks if there is any old or new business to discuss. Cassidy reminds members that a special Board meeting has been scheduled for September 8, 1998 to further consider the Loeb Estate development. Thomas: motion to adjourn, seconded by Sullivan. All members in favor, motion carries.