1973-06-14City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Board of Health
Date: Sune 14, 1973
Plnee: Health Dept. Office
Board members present: Dr. Jacob H. Fine, chair, A. Joseph Callahan, Jr., and Angelo R.
Board members absent:
Others present: Joseph W. Walsh, Jr., Director of Public Health, Thomas Bussone II, Assistant City
Solicitor and Leo Panunzio, Milk and Food Inspector
Recorder: Joseph W. Walsh, Jr.
Board of Health - Monthly Meeting - Sune 14. 1973
Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m.. Members present were Dr. Jacob H. Fine, chairman; Angelo
R. Massa, and A. J. Callahan, Jr.
Also attending Joseph W. Walsh, Jr., Director; Thomas Bussone II, Assistant City Solicitor; and Leo
L. Panunzio, Milk and Food Inspector.
The minutes of the May 17, 1973 meeting were accepted as mailed. The monthly bill schedules were
signed prior to the meeting and the monthly reports of the various staff members were read.
Music Theatre
The Director reported to the Board that he contacted Mr. C. Henry Glovsky, a member of the North
Shore Community Arts Foundation's Board of Directors, regarding the availability of their plans for
the installation of toilet facilities at the Terrace Restaurant.
Mr. Walsh explained that Mr. Glovsky indicated that the plans would not be available until early fall
and that he would submit them to the Board as soon as they were ready.
The Board accepted the report as informational.
The Director explained to the Board that EEA (Equal Employment Act of 1971) funding for payment
of the Health Department Sanitarian's salary will terminate September 28, 1973 and that we should
petition Civil Service for permission to appoint provisionally, or wait for the establishment of a Civil
Service appointment list of the candidates who successfully passed the June 16, 1973 examination.
The Board instructed the Director to fill out the Civil Service forms necessary to continue the
employment of Mr. Ernest Curelli on a provisional basis pending the test results.
407-411 Cabot Street
The Director reported that the owner of the shopping plaza located 407 - 411 Cabot Street, Beverly
Massachusetts had complied with the Board's order of May 17, 1973 and no further action by the
Board of Health was needed at this time.
The Board excepted this report as one ofpwgress.
Monthly Reports
The Board of Health tabled discussion of this item of business until the July 12, 1973 meeting.
Connolly Brothers Sub-division
The Board of Health discussed the proposed five (5) lot industrial subdivision to be located on land
at the intersection of Sohier Road and Tozer Road with Mr. Daniel Bumagin, Planning Director, who
explained the access to the municipal sewer system and the availability of a public water supply to
the subdivision. Therefore, on a motion made and seconded the Board of Health unanimously voted
to approve the subdivision plan as required by the Subdivision Control Laws of the Commonwealth
Massachusetts, Chapter 41, Section 18 V.
Nursing Home Application
The Board of Health signed the license application of the Beverly Nursing Home, 40 Heather Street,
Beverly, Massachusetts giving approval for the facility for a one-year license.
Landmark School
Attending the Hearing representing the Landmark School were Mr. Charles Drake, Ed D.,
Headmaster; Donald Drew, Chef; Dr. Stephen Reynolds, Pediatrician; and Dr. David Chedekel,
Clinical Psychologist.
Dr. Fine opened the hearing by requesting the Milk and Food Inspector to summarize his inspection
activities during the School's brief existence and to discuss the violations of Article X of the
Massachusetts sanitary code that he noted during his inspection tours of the school.
Mr. Panunzio explained that the mushroom in school enrollment plus inadequate kitchen facilities
(see minutes of May 17, 1973) were creating an environment not conducive to the safe operation of
a kitchen facility capable of feeding approximately 200 people. The Milk and Food Inspector
explained his concern regarding the ability of the present converted kitchen facilities to handle
anymore increase in the school's enrollment and the lack of a definite plan of development for the
kitchen and cafeteria area of the school.
Mr. Charles Drake, Headmaster of the Landmark school, spoke and tried to explain that when the
school was being established that the number of children who attend the school was unknown and
that the financial resources available to them limited-determined then that the residential kitchen
could be converted into a school's kitchen and would be adequate. He further explained the proposed
aims and attempted goals of the school and the school's responsibility to the students enrolled in
the special curriculum and agreed that renovations of the kitchen facilities would begin immediately.
Dr. Drake showed the Board an artist conception of the proposed cafeteria addition to the school and
that a target completion date of September 1, 1973 of the cafeteria and kitchen expansion was
The Board instructed the Milk and Food Inspector to work with the school during the period of
remodeling and requested the Headmaster to submit, as soon as possible, a definite set of plans of
the physical layout of the kitchen area and definite date of completion.
The Board of Health tabled any further action at this time.
Meeting adjourned at 8 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Joseph Walsh Jr.,
Director of Public Health