2004-01-08 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: January 8, 2004 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Hark Casey, Bill Collins, Jack O'Neil, Lauren Young, Patti Adams, Dave Gardner, Gary Lambert Board members absent: Arthur Powell Others present: Director Bruce Doig and Tom Scully Minutes of previous minutes were accepted as written. DIRECTOR'S REPORT North Pole Calling: about 130 children were called...was a great success Lynch Park Advisory Committee: Made a successful presentation was to the City Council, which was seen by many people on cable. Feedback was very positive. Lynch Park Barn Roof: Money has not been approved yet, City Council holding it over for Mayor Scanlon's input. Veterans Memorial At Odell Park: No news since last meeting. Subcommittee should meet soon to discuss appropriate uses for park. Meeting set for 1/16/04 at noon at Lynch. Renovations: Work continues on our building. Window estimate has doubled from $4500 to $9000 due to the fact that the original estimate did not include the 10 bathroom windows and other windows were miscounted. There are 21 regular windows instead of 18. Question is to go ahead or stay with the windows we have. Decision was made to go ahead with the new windows since the Commission had previously approved up to $10,000 from the Enterprise Fund for this project. The current estimates bring our expenses to about $8500. Also decided to replace all storm doors, the rear and side door but not to replace the door near the payphone until a decision is made on handicap accessibility. Beverly Golf & Tennis: No word recently about the pool. Will try to reach them soon for an update on whether Golf & Tennis Commission wishes to spend the money ($30,000) to bring the pool up to code and whether Johnson Golf wants us to manage the pool again this summer. Field Committee: Discussed upcoming meeting (1/12/04) with field users about updated fees and regulations. Field Committee will work to update Field Plan and improve facilities. Gloucester Crossing Initiative: Bruce attended a meeting in December sponsored by Beverly Affordable Housing Coalition regarding more programming for the Gloucester Crossing area, especially at Holcroft Park. YMCA, Endicott College, Police and Essex County DA's Office were all represented. Good, informative meeting that produced many great ideas. Greatest challenge will be funding. There was discussion about a grant from Community Development. No commitment on our part has been made as yet. LONG RANGE PLANNING Topics for future meetings were discussed along with updates to the Long Range Plan for the Commission, Topics were assigned specific categories: Parks and Open Space Develop opportunities for memorials beyond benches Coastal Recreation Program Dane Street Beach Greens Hill Vitale Property Norwood's Pond Dog Park Veterans IVlemorial at Odell Park ADA Compliance Policies, procedures and rules PR Commission Meeting 3anuary minutes Page 2 Recreation Programs Visibility and PR Policies, procedures and rules Playgrounds ADA Compliance Equipment Policies, procedures and rules Maintenance and repair Fields Policies, procedures and rules School Dept property Maintenance and repair ADA Compliance Facilities ADA Compliance Vandalism Security Policies, procedures and rules Maintenance and repair Budget and Finance Enterprise Fund Protection of Enterprise funds Revenue generators Aquatic Programs BG&T Pool Beaches Policies, procedures and rules Maintenance and repair ADA Compliance Staffing Communications Website Updates PR Signage Communication with other city groups (Council, Commissions, Schools, etc,) Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Gail Carmody Recreation Department