2003-10-02 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: October 2, 2003 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Mark Casey, Kevin Hobin, Arthur Powell, Gary Lambert, Jack O'Neil, Lauren Young, Bill Collins Board members absent- David Gardner, Patti Adams Others present Bruce Doig ,Tom Scully, Jake Petronzio and 3 members of the Veteran's Advisory Committee, Mayor Tom Crean Minutes of previous meetings (September 4 and 24th) were accepted as written. VETERAN'S MEMORIALS AT ODELL PARK: Discussion was held on the Veteran's Advisory Committee's request to place a bell tower at the park. The Veteran's Advisory Committee did not update the plans the Commission requested but the existing 1996 plan was reviewed. It was reported that the NS Technical High School is ready to build the bell tower. One concern expressed by the Commission was how this bell tower would fit in with final overall plan for the park. After lengthy discussion it was suggested that the plan be approved with the knowledge that the bell tower may be moved in the future. At this point, Mayor Crean arrived and participated in the discussion. A Motion was made to approve the installation of the bell and tower (with bricks, bars, platform and a pitched roof) not to exceed the height of 7 feet. In addition, the Commission expects that any further steps for the park will follow a newly created plan to be devised with the cooperation of the Mayor's Office and the Recreation Commission. Motion was seconded and carried on a vote of 6 in favor and 1 opposed. Bruce asked for clarification of what type of events are considered appropriate for Odell Park. It was agreed that a list of appropriate and inappropriate events should be devised. Discussion was held on further clarification on which group has responsibility for the park and the authority to approve changes. The Veterans still believe that the City Coundl gave the authority over to them at the same time that they approved the name change. The Veteran's Committee felt the City needed to dig deeper and it was suggested that the City Solicitor be asked to continue his research into this matter. DIRECTOR'S REPORT As an abutter, we have been notified by the Historic District Commission of a meeting to discuss some renovations the Montserrat College of Art is planning to the front of their building. Lauren was familiar with the plans and explained that only the Essex St. entrance area was involved and from what she saw the improvements looked great. · New Storm Water Management Plan prepared by the Engineering Department was discussed. The Recreation Department has been asked to educate dog owners about proper waste disposal and to install and maintain Pet Waste Clean Up signs at all parks. Annual Dinner Mleeting: Beverly Depot was selected for Thursday, December 4th Hlnutes 10/2/03 Page 2 4th Annual Mother's Softball Toumament will be held October 3-5. Fall Park Tour: October 18th beginning at 7 am. N.S. Technical High School is ready to begin the work on the Recreation Building. Estimate materials cost is $13,000-$14,000. Lynch Trustees have agreed to cover $10,000. Vitale Site: Plans have not changed too much. Still planning a parking lot, 3 fields, building with restrooms and concession stand. Bruce was assured that the Commission would have input before plans were final. Budget review: Transfer of $125,000 was made from Enterprise to General Fund to cover salaries, Mass Electric: Met with Doug Wagner about the issues at Bartlett and Lynch Park. It was explained to Mr. Lord that due to the cost to install a timer it was decided to have Mass Electric shut off one of the lights at Bartlett. At Lynch a number of the lights along the road and in the parking lot have not been working. Mass Electric will investigate and repair. Beverly Youth Collaboration: NSYMCA moving ahead with plans for new youth center and day care facility behind the Sterling Center. Bench Plans: Bruce and Lauren visited Obear, Independence, Gillis and Lynch to review the Iocations available, At Lynch 2 sites were selected at the top of the hill, It was suggested that the price be increased to better cover all the costs involved, Motion was made to increase the bench price to $1500. Motion was seconded and carried with all in favor. Update of Field Plan: Bruce would like to put together a Field Sub-Committee to study and update the Field Plan. Rose Garden: Recent brickwork will be redone. No Smoking: Bruce related an ernail he received asking for no smoking signs near the play structures at Lynch Park. Issue was discussed. It was decided that no additional signs should be posted In the park. Beverly Golf & Tennis Pool; The Recreation Departrnent made $2991 at the BG&T Camp but lost $4,479 operating the pool this summer for a total loss of $1488. A decision needs to be made soon on whether or not we will run the pool again next year. Bruce attended a meelJng with the ~ Commission in September to discuss the cost of the repairs needed at the pool (minimum of $15,000-$20,000). Some of the broken or malfunctioning equipment are code violations and it is likely that the Health Department will not allow the pool to open next summer until these violations are corrected. The BG&T Commission told Bruce they did not have any money in their budget for these repairs. The Commission questioned why Johnson Management was not responsible for the repairs since they are required by contract to have the pool operational, They even suggested that the pool could be turned over to the Recreation Commission. There was discussion about the desire to continue running the pool and whether or not the pool could be made public and be successful. If the City budget could cover the operating costs of approximately $18,000, it would be worth managing the pool and making it more public. It was requested that Bruce talk with Salem and. Hamilton about their public pools to see how they manage them. Bruce would also talk more with Johnson Golf and the BG&T Commission to discuss plans for next summer. Bruce recommended that we could supply lifeguards to Johnson at cost and they would assume the operating costs. This would allow us to continue running the pool and camp without assuming the losses of operating a faulty pool. Respectfully submitted Gall Carmody Recreation Department