1973-11-15City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board of Health
November 15, 1973
Board of Health Office
Board members present: ,
Dr. Jacob H. Fine, chairA. Joseph Callahan, Jr., and Angelo R. Massa
Board members absent:
Others present:
Joseph W. Walsh, Jr., Director of Public Health, and Leo Panunzio, Milk and Food
Joseph W. Walsh, Jr.
Board of Health - Monthly Meeting - November 15, 1973
Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. Members present were Dr. Jacob H. Fine, Chairman; Angelo
R. Massa, and A. Joseph Callahan, Jr..
Also attending were Joseph W. Walsh Jr., Director; and Leo L. Panunzio, Milk and Food Inspector.
The minutes of the October 18, 1973 meeting were accepted as mailed. The monthly bill schedules
were signed prior to the meeting and the monthly reports of the various staff members were read.
The agenda was suspended for the purpose of reading the one bid submitted for the 1974 contract
for the extermination of the municipal landfill - rodent control.
Bid #1. Submitted by: Astor Exterminating Co., 142 Cambridge Street, Charlestown, Mass.
1. Weekly Service$45.00 per week
2. Twice Monthly Service
3. Residential Service
Residential Service - Excess of Three Residences
4. Total for Beverly Dump Site - $1530.00
$180.00 per mo.
90.00 per mo.
8.00 per call
6.00 per call
Dea Director was instructed by the Board to draft the necessary municipal contracts for their approval
and signature.
Old Business
Daily Reports
The Board of Health reviewed all the monthly reports submitted to them by the departmental staff
and noted that for the sixth consecutive month (May, June, July, August, September, October) Mr.
Robert Russo has not complied with the Board’s request of filling out daily work reports has required
by Regulation #2 of the Departmental Rules and Regulations.
Solid Waste
The Director reported that the South Essex Solid Waste Council was in the process of correlating
refuse collection and disposal costs, weekly and annual tonnage, type of collection service of the
fourteen communities within the district.
Mr. Walsh told the Board that the following four (4) different types of refuse disposal are being
studied by the Council:
1. Composting
2. Pyrolysis
3. A combination of shredding, composting, and incineration
4. Incineration
Each of these methods of refuse disposal will be individually studied during the next two weeks with
each company appearing before the Council to explain their respective systems.
The Director reported approximately 10 meetings of Council are planned for the next four week
period (Nov. 16 - December 14).
The Board accepted this report as informational.
Music Theatre
The Director reported to the Board that the plans as submitted by the North Shore Music Theatre
for toilet facilities for the Terrace Restaurant are satisfactory to the Milk and Food Inspector if,
during construction Regulation 11 and 12 of Article 10 of the Massachusetts Sanitary Code are
strictly adhered to.
The Board on the recommendation of the staff inspectors on a motion made and seconded
unanimously voted to approve said construction plans. The Director instructed to notify the Music
Theatre of the Board’s decision.
Permit for Keeping a Horse (see minutes October 18, 1973)
The Director read the following letter to the Board of Health:
6 November, 1973
“In answer to your letter to me dated October 24, 1973, would you please consider this letter a
formal application to the Board of Health for a permit to stable two horses on my property.
Information regarding the question you had in your letter to me are as follows:
1. Land Area - Please refer to attached plot plan.
2. Stable Facilities - Stables will be slightly larger than plan shows. Two stalls minimum of 10 feet
square plus tack room for storage of feed and saddles, etc..
3. Septic System - attached plan shows location of home septic system. Plus approximate distances
from stable and paddock..
4. Paddock Area - Approximately 3,600 sq. ft. - see revised plan.
5. Disposal of Manure - (A.) Mr. Grotto of Centerville we use any or all manure as fertilizer on his
gardens. (B.) Drinkwater Construction has consented to use any or all manure as compost for loam
being stockpiled by the company.
6. Storage of Feed - Hay will be stored in a loft above the stables. Grain storage will be provided
for by the use of galvanized barrels or galvanized metal lined wood boxes.
Hopefully this letter is in answer to all the questions you asked in your correspondence. May I hear
from you as soon as possible regarding this permit.
Very truly yours,
(Signed) Don Bugden, petitioner
Mr. Walsh reported to the Board that letters resent to all the direct and indirect abutters appraising
them of Mr. Boden’s request and soliciting their opinion regarding the issuance of said permit. The
Director noted that this written notification was in addition to having the Sanitarian personally contact
all individuals who had signed a petition for Mr. Bugden stating that they were in favor of granting
said permit.
Two people answered our correspondence stating that they were in favor of granting the permit and
the remaining residents failed to answer our correspondence. However, they had voiced verbal
approval to the Department’s Sanitarian.
The Board requested the Director contact a veterinary doctor to determine whether or not 3,600
square feet of paddock is sufficient for two horses.
In addition, one member of the Board requested an onsite inspection of said property. The Board
tabled further action until after the onsite inspection.
Code Enforcement Progress Report
The Director told the Board that key is very pleased with the co-operation, attitude and performance
of Mr. Joseph Malloy and new Code Enforcement Inspector.
Mr. Walsh reported that he has begun formulating plans for a new housing program and will submit
said plans at the January 1974 meeting.
Health Regulations
The Director submitted to the Board corrected Health Regulations for the keeping of animals and
massage, sauna, and other baths for their approval.
The Board requested copies be sent to them for their perusal and comments prior to formally
adopting said Regulations.
New Business
Dental Clinic
The Director read the following letter to the Board:
October 25, 1973
“We respectfully request an appropriation of $500.00 be applied to the Dental Clinic, Maintenance
Through the generosity of a local dentist, dental equipment valued at several thousand dollars was
donated to this Department’s Dental Clinic.
Installation costs, plumbing, etc. necessitates this request for additional funds.”
Very truly yours,
Board of Health
(Signed) Joseph W. Walsh, Jr., Director”
Mr. Walsh explained to the Board that the cost of the installation of the donated dental suite
necessitated the requested appropriation.
The Board accepted this report as informational.
1974 - 75 Budget
Director told the Board that Mayor Grimes has requested all municipal budgets to be submitted to
the Mayor’s Office no later than December 14, 1973 and that according to State Law, all budget
requests for the Fiscal Year July 1, 1974 through July 30, 1974 must be in the Mayor’s Office no later
than December 31, 1973.
The Board set December 4, 1974 as the date for their Annual Budget Meeting.
Heating Fuel Crisis
The Director reported to the Board that through his efforts Regulations 6.2 of Article 11 of the
Sanitary Code which deals with minimum heating standards was amended by the Massachusetts
Public Health Council to read 68 F instead of 79 F from the hours of 7 a.m. through 11 p.m. and
this emergency amendment is valid until May 15, 1974.
Mr. Walsh suggested to the Board that an Emergency Energy Council, which could include the
Mayor, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Civil Defense Director, Red Cross, Health Director, Public Works
Commissioner, and Superintendent of Schools should be created for the specific purpose of
formulating plans to deal with the legitimate lack of heating fuel and where to house the people
affected should a crisis situation arise.
The Director suggested that the Board of Health invite all the above mentioned parties to a meeting
where this problem could be discussed and perhaps a Council could evolve from his initial meeting.
The Board of Health on the recommendation of Mr. Walsh on a motion made and seconded
unanimously voted to call a meeting of all public safety or public safety oriented disciples for the
purpose of discussing the establishment of a citywide Emergency Energy Council to formulate plans
should the heating fuel shortage reach crisis proportions and Beverly.
Mr. Gregory J. Ward and Mr. Douglas W. Hayward Jr., met with the Board of Health to discuss their
proposed produce store to be located at 261 Rantoul Street, Beverly, Mass. (formerly the Lido
Market) and to request several variances from the Retail Food Store Regulations.
The Board discussed their request with the Milk and Food Inspector and were informed that the
conditions were less than adequate and did not meet the code.
The Board discuss the adverse report of the Milk and Food Inspector with Mr. Ward and Mr.
Hayward and instructed them to work with the Departmental Inspectors, until all the requirements
of the Retail Market Code are met. The Board of Health deferred any further action regarding this
matter until a later date.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Joseph W. Walsh, Jr.
Director of Public Health