2002-11-19City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Commission and BARC Subcommittee Date: November 19, 2002 Members Present: Kevin Hobin, Gary Simpson, Patti Adams, Robert Jerin, Bill Collins, Donna Furse, June Van Knowe Members Absent: Bruce Doig, Deb Davis Others Present: Arthur Sullivan, Acting Recreation Director, Ron Costa, Councilor Meeting Called to order at 7:05pm by co-chair Kevin Hobin th Minutes The acceptance of the minutes for the November 6 meeting was postponed due to the absence of the secretary. Old Business Signage A draft of an informational sign for Lynch Park was submitted. There was discussion regarding the general nature of the sign, which is to address many issues and not meant to single out dogs or their owners. The telephone number provided is for a line in the Recreation Department and is connected to a separate answering machine. A call to the Recreation Department will allow for a response to the information left by a caller. There was discussion regarding rules for the park. The Parks and Recreation Commission is currently working to standardize the rules for all parks. A motion was made by Patti Adams, with a second by Gary Simpson to accept the sign as amended: GUESTS of LYNCH PARK Any Questions, Comments, Concerns Please Call 978 921-8318 Beverly Parks and Recreation Commission The vote was 7-0. The sign must be presented to the Parks and Recreation Commission for approval. Fees The topic of raising the dog license fee to $15 was discussed. The additional $5 would be used to hire a part-time ASO for May to September. Among other duties, the part-time ASO would be present in Lynch Park during the hours of 6:00 – 8:00 am. There was also discussion regarding raising fines for violations of the dog ordinances. Mr. Lindley will report on the process of raising these fines. Information still needed: 1. How to get the additional $5 fee earmarked for dog-related issues. 2. How will the additional $5 fee be overseen and allocated. 3. How are dog funds allocated in the general fund? New Business Dog Park There was discussion about an off leash dog area in Sally Milligan Park. An off leash area should be a separate area, not used by other patrons, e.g. scouts, sports. There was discussion regarding a joint venture with the City of Salem to create a dog park at McCabe Park. Members felt that the committee should confine its work to Beverly for the near future. An off leash area at Bessie Baker is seen as the easiest option at this time. A public hearing will be necessary to create a dog park at Bessie Baker Park. There was also discussion regarding an off leash area at the dump off Brimbal Ave. There is a flat area along the slope near rt. 128. Also, there is an area for parking. A fenced in off leash area would be separated from playing fields that might be located on the top area in the future. Public Education There was discussion that a public education campaign will be essential to the success of any program that is put in place. Suggestions include press releases, information mailed with dog license renewal notices and to include veterinarians in the publicity campaign. An inquiry was made to use different color dog tags for Beverly dogs. The discussion included that it would make it easier for the ASO to enforce the ordinances. Program A program was discussed for this summer (2003), and to be re-evaluated during the “off” season, and needs to be done before re-licensing. The discussion included establishing evaluation criteria to see if the program is a success or is in need of some adjustments. There was a discussion regarding changes to the current ordinances. If a change is necessary, then public hearings will be required. If the proposal the committee recommends is for a trial program, then an ordinance change is not required. After the program is evaluated, then an ordinance change to incorporate this proposal will be necessary. There was discussion of ordinances, 1973 Ch.4 under the Animal Control Chapter and 1991 Ch.16-3 under the Parks and Recreation Commission. The Parks and Recreation Commission is responsible for the operations of all public parks in the City. There was discussion regarding the timeframe to limit access to the park. There was also discussion regarding areas off limits all year to dogs, namely the Rose Garden, playground area and playing fields. There was also discussion regarding the program as a pilot program, to be in place this summer, and reevaluated after the season. Discussion included leaving the current 1991 ordinance in place, and using the pilot program to allow access to the park. Also, the dates to limit access were proposed stst to be May 1 to October 1, with a time frame from 6:00 to 7:45 am, with dogs on leash and cleaned up after. A motion was made by Robert Jerin, with a second by Bill Collins to accept these initial points of the Pilot Program: 1. Restricted access for dogs from May 1st to October 1st. 2. Dogs allowed from 6:00 am to 7:45 am 3. Dogs on a leash and picked up after 4. Areas off limits include: a. Gardens b. Playing Fields c. Playground Equipment 5. There would be an increase in the dog-licensing fee of $5 to pay for a part time ASO to help enforce this program in the parks. 6. This would apply to all parks for a one-year trial period. This program would be evaluated in one year to see if adjustments are necessary. The vote was 4-1-1. Next Meeting, Tuesday, December 3, 2002, 7:00pm at the Beverly Public Library. Meeting Adjourned at 9:05pm