2002-05-02City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: May 2, 2002 Place: Beverly Recreation Department Board members present: Bruce Doig, Elizabeth Caputo, Kevin Hobin, Arthur Powell , Patti Adams, Lauren Young Board members absent: David Gardner, Mark Casey Others present: Joan Fairbank, Recreation Director, Tom Scully, Arthur Sullivan Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written. Bruce reported that he had a call from James McNeil (Mayor’s appointee to Open Space & Rec Commission) and a th meeting has been set up for Wed, May 8 at the Rec Office regarding plans for the Vitale Site. Lauren asked what the Commission could do to move along Tom’s ordinance that has been in review for 5 years. Tom explained that all ordinances should be looked at on a regular basis but this has not happened. He will speak to Paul Guanci to see what can be done. Commission reviewed the list of parks to visit on Saturday’s park tour. Joan reported that she had a call from Dave Gardner who asked that the sign on the backstop at Balch be removed. Tom said he would look into it. Lauren asked that the at stop be made at the Common on Saturday. She also asked how we could find out if the College is following through with their agreement to annually provide funds to the City for upkeep of the Common. Discussion was held on the baseball/softball schedules at the neighborhood parks. Each league is required to provide the Rec Dept with a copy of their league schedule. Lynch Park Advisory Committee: Joan reported that Tom Clark has agreed to represent the Guild of Artists. Reps are also need from: Recreation Commission, Lynch Trustees, Planning Dept., Conservation Commission, Historical Society, Improvement Society, Mayor’s Office, City Council, School Dept and Ward 4. Would also be beneficial to have an engineer, a landscaper and an architect. Names were suggested. Some members would be non-voting consultants. Lauren suggested it would also be helpful to have someone from the Master Plan group. Liz Caputo th agreed to represent the Rec Commission. The group’s first meeting was set for June 13 at Lynch Park. Requests: · A resident is requesting a “no dogs allowed” sign for Sandy Point. Decision was tabled until the overall dog policy is decided. · Letter received from a resident who has a child with a peanut allergy asking for “no eating on the play stucture” signs be posted at all parks. Lisa offered to call her and discuss an article for the newspaper. Dogs Motion was made to request the City Council to change the ordinance to read “ no dogs allowed at Lynch Park, Memorial Day to Labor Day”, after some discussion the motion was amended to read “no dogs allowed at Lynch Park year round”. Motion was carried on a 5 to 2 vote. Annual Mom’s Softball Tourney: Currently scheduled for Oct 18-19. Bruce suggested that mid Oct was too cold and that perhaps it could be moved to late Sept or early Oct. Joan said she would write everyone and suggest a change. Next meeting will be held at the Beverly Golf & Tennis Club. Respectfully submitted, Gail Carmody Recreation Department