2002-01-10City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: January 10, 2002 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Bruce Doig, Mark Casey, David Gardner, Kevin Hobin, Arthur Powell , Patti Adams, Lauren Young, Elizabeth Caputo, and Lisa McFadden Board members absent: Others present: Joan Fairbank, Recreation Director, Artie Sullivan, Asst Director and Tom Scully Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written. PARK DEPARTMENT: no report. Chairman asked about the possibility of Mike or Phil providing the Commission with a monthly statis report. Tom Scully was asked to speak to Mike. DIRECTOR’S REPORT · Working on Ahern Park equipment with Community Development, Mike & Phil, as well as surfacing for Dane St Beach. Conservation Commission approval is needed before they can proceed at Dane Street. · Artie reported: he has been working with Debbie Hurlburt on Dane Street since area is part of the flood zone. Question is whether or not expense should be incurred at this time if equipment will be replaced in the near future. Also has been working on surfacing for the small structure at Lynch Park (near Woodbury Beach), which is also a flood zone and needs approval by Conservation. Artie read the cover letter he wrote to Conservation seeking their approval for both sites. Prices for these projects will be reported at the next meeting. Motion was made, seconded and passed with all in favor to approve the letter. · th Field summit date was set for Thurs, Feb 28. Location TBA. Cove School was suggested. · Tom L’Italian will advertise new position LYNCH TRUSTEES · Arthur reported receiving a letter that the Mayor’s office will approach Tierney regarding some funds for the seawall at Lynch Park. TOPIC OF THE MONTH: OPEN SPACE · Presentation and demonstration was made by Roland Adams on the GIS ( geographic information systems) program the City has started. This is a system by which things can be mapped on a PC. System has been linked to the Assessor’s data base. Land use codes allow questions to be asked about particular parcels, such as all those owned by the City. At this time, access to the program is limited to City Hall. Eventually, other city offices including the Recreation Office and the Library will be wired to receive the program. · Dave Gardner talked about properties recently purchased by the City, including Greens Hill. They are working to identify parcels that are vulnerable to development. Discussed “Open Space and Recreation Action Plan 2002”. They will be asking for volunteers to start a plan for each ward, as well as City wide projects. Plans to include walking trails and bike paths. Discussed the need to work with the School Dept on renovations at the High School Bruce volunteered to work with the Conservation Commission in regards to the Henderson Rd. property. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Gail Carmody Recreation Department