2002-04-04City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: April 4, 2002 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Bruce Doig, Mark Casey, David Gardner, Kevin Hobin, Arthur Powell , Patti Adams, Lisa McFadden, Elizabeth Caputo Board members absent: Lauren Young Others present: Joan Fairbank, Recreation Director, Tom Scully, Artie Sullivan Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written Letter from Phil supporting “no dogs at Lynch Park” Mike Collins is getting a price for the carriage house roof DPW working at Lyons to prepare site for new surfacing Discussed forming an advisory committee to make a plan for the carriage house (or possibly the whole of Lynch Park). Ideal group would be made up of representatives from many different professions, city departments and groups in the city. Everyone was asked to make up a list of specific people to ask to serve on the committee. Discussed the change to the ordinance regarding dogs at the parks. Tom suggested: ask the City Council to repeal this ordinance (16-2, 16-3), then have the Commission write the new regulations banning dogs at Lynch Park. Future changes to the regulations will not have to involve the City Council. Tom presented the draft of his revised ordinance which he prepared five years ago and that has been in ordinance review since then. Motion was made by Arthur Powell to approve with amendment to read “consisting of 9 members at least 1 of which will be a member of the Lynch Trustees”. Motion was seconded and carried with all in favor. LYNCH PARK · Arthur reviewed the proposal that the Trustees have received for repairs to the seawall. It looks like the Trustees will have sufficient funds to cover the project. Plans include a walkway which would be handicap accessible. · Discussed the continuation of the garden renovations for this spring. FIELD POLICIES · Commission voted to require that all leagues being issued a field permit be required to provide a copy of their insurance which names the City of Beverly as additionally insured or be required to sign a liability waiver. · Commission passed a residency requirement which states that all teams must consist of 75% Beverly residents. A resident was defined as a person who lives or works in Beverly. Existing teams who do not meet this requirement will be grandfathered but will be required to work towards the 75% requirement as players are replaced. · It was proposed that groups (other than leagues) who are using City fields to run private clinics or camps for profit be charged a higher field use fee. Decision was tabled until Chris Bradley could be consulted. Also, the Commission restated their policy that these groups must meet all the Health Department regulations. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Gail Carmody Recreation Department