2002-07-11City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: July 11, 2002 Place: Beverly Recreation Dept Board members present: Bruce Doig, Mark Casey, Arthur Powell , Patti Adams, Lauren Young, Elizabeth Caputo Board members absent: David Gardner, Kevin Hobin, Lisa McFadden Others present: Joan Fairbank, Recreation Director, Tom Scully, Artie Sullivan Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written. DIRECTOR’S REPORT · Benches: Independence Park: only 3 still available, total of 16 Dane St: few more have been sold · Summer: great staff, good attendance, fabulous weather · New Purchase: recently purchased a golf utility cart for the park · Lynch Park Advisory Committee: discussed putting aside the money for the RFQ and how much that should be. It was felt that at least $25,000 was needed to have something professional to show to the people that will be asking to make donations. It was suggested that if fund raising was successful the money could be reimbursed. Lauren asked how we could guarantee that the building does not fall under someone else’s jurisdiction after we front this money and asked if something in writing could be drawn up. Tom suggested that the Commission go to the City Council with Mike Collins and tell them what has been agreed to. Then it will be on the record. Motion was made to set aside $25,000 for the plan as long as all parties agree to the future use of the building. Motion carried with all in favor. · Motion was made to proceed with the project at Holcroft as proposed by Artie. Motion carried with all in favor. · Sally Milligan: Management Plan was reviewed. Motion was made to accept the plan as presented. Motion carried with all in favor. TOPIC OF THE MONTH: Park Tour Discussion was tabled to September Respectfully submitted Gail Carmody Recreation Department