2002-09-30City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: Sept. 30, 2002 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Bruce Doig, Chair, Patricia Adams, Elizabeth Caputo, Mark Casey, David Gardner, Kevin Hobin, Lisa MacFadden, Arthur Powell, and Lauren Young Board members absent: Others present: Thomas Scully, Community Services Director Recorder: Thomas F. Scully MINUTES Special Meeting September 30, 2002 Chairman Bruce Doig called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. Bruce announced that he was leaving the meeting since he was considering applying for the position of Director of Recreation. Bruce turned the chair over to Vice Chairman Kevin Hobin, who presided at the meeting. The Commission then discussed the procedure for hiring a new Director of Recreation. Tom Scully, Community Services Director, explained that he had the legal authority to appoint a new Director of Recreation. However, he would follow the same procedure he had followed in hiring a new Council on Aging Director and a new Health Director. The Parks and Recreation Commission would interview candidates for the job and make a recommendation to him. The Commission decided to review the current job description, salary and duties for the Director. The Commission will be provided with salaries and job descriptions from comparative communities on the North Shore. The Commission agreed that Assistant Recreation Director Arthur Sullivan should be appointed Acting Recreation Director. rd The Commission then discussed adding several agenda items for the October 3 meeting of the Commission. Time would be added on the agenda to discuss the following items: selection of a design architect by the Lynch Park Advisory Committee, meeting with people from Montserrat College of Art relative to an Arts in the Park program, and meeting with representatives of BARC relative to the proposed ban of dogs from Lynch Park. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.